Reverse Dependencies of jax
The following projects have a declared dependency on jax:
- jaxdifferentialgeometry — Differential geometry using jax
- jaxDiversity — jax implementation for metalearning neuronal diversity
- jaxdsp — Fast, differentiable audio processors on the CPU or GPU, with a browser client for real-time control
- jaxert — no summary
- jaxex — A tool for creating science experiments in jax, torch, brax, etc
- JaxFin — JaxFin is a powerful and versatile Python library designed for pricing exotic options using a range of advanced financial techniques.
- jaxfit — Uses JAX for GPU/TPU accelerated nonlinear least-squares curve fitting
- jaxfm — JAX-based implementation of Flow Matching
- jaxformers — 'Attention is all you need' in JAX (Flax)
- jaxfss — JAX/Flax implementation of finite-size scaling
- jaxgl — An simple JAX graphics library
- jaxGW — Gravitatioanl wave data analysis tool in Jax
- jaxid — A code base for system identification with Jax.
- jaxili — This package provides tools to execute and implement Implicit Likelihood Inference tools in JAX.
- jaximal — A JAX-based PyTree manipulation library
- jaxio — Input pipelines for JAX, in JAX
- jaxite — A Homomorphic Encryption implementation (CGGI) written in JAX
- jaxkan — A JAX-based implementation of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks
- JaxKern — Kernels in Jax.
- jaxkern-nightly — Kernels in Jax.
- jaxknife — no summary
- jaxkuramoto — JAX implementation of Kuramoto model.
- jaxlayerlumos — A JAX-based efficient transfer-matrix method framework for optical simulations
- jaxlem — LEM slope stability analysis using JAX
- jaxley — Differentiable neuron simulations.
- jaxley-mech — A Jaxley-based library of ion channels and syanpses for biophysical neuron models.
- jaxlie — Matrix Lie groups in JAX
- jaxlinop-nightly — A JaxLinOp library.
- jaxls — JAX Language Server APIs.
- jaxmarl — Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with JAX
- jaxnet — Neural Nets for JAX
- JaxNRSur — Numerical relativity surrogate model for gravitational waveforms in Jax
- jaxns — Nested Sampling in JAX
- jaxonfunctions — Functions for JAX
- jaxonloader — A dataloader, but for JAX/Numpy
- jaxonmodels — JAX models for deep learning
- jaxonnxruntime — Jaxonnxruntime: JAX based ONNX Runtime.
- jaxoplanet — Probabilistic models for exoplanet inference in JAX
- jaxopt — Hardware accelerated, batchable and differentiable optimizers in JAX.
- jaxparrow — Computes the inversion of the cyclogeostrophic balance based on a variational formulation approach, using JAX
- JaxPM — A simple Particle-Mesh implementation in JAX
- jaxpole — A differentiable implementation of an all-pole filter in JAX
- jaxprvis — A visualizer for JaxPrs
- jaxqualin — A package for extracting quasinormal modes from time domain data
- jaxrenderer — Jax implementation of rasterizer renderer.
- jaxrie — Riemannian JAX
- jaxsim — A differentiable physics engine and multibody dynamics library for control and robot learning.
- jaxsnn — jaxsnn is an event-based approach to machine-learning-inspired training and simulation of SNNs, including support for neuromorphic backends (BrainScaleS-2).
- jaxson — A generative art libary based on Jax
- jaxspec — jaxspec is a bayesian spectral fitting library for X-ray astronomy.
- JaxSSO — A framework for structural shape optimization based on automatic differentiation (AD) and the adjoint method, enabled by JAX
- jaxtorch — A jax based nn library
- jaxtpu — A helper package to install the latest JAX on TPUs, along with all necessary dependencies (e.g. libtpu-nightly)
- jaxtra — JAXTRA
- JaxUtils — Utility functions for JaxGaussianProcesses
- jaxutils-nightly — Utility functions for JaxGaussianProcesses
- JaxVidFlow — Video processing library using JAX.
- jaxwell — Jaxwell is JAX + Maxwell: an iterative solver for solving the finite-difference frequency-domain Maxwell equations on NVIDIA GPUs
- jaxwt — Differentiable and gpu enabled fast wavelet transforms in JAX
- jeig — Various eigendecomposition implementations wrapped for jax.
- jeometric — Graph Neural Networks in JAX
- jf1uids — conservative, differentiable, radial 1d fluid solver with astrophysical modules
- jimGW — Gravitatioanl wave data analysis tool in Jax
- jimm — JAX Image Models
- jimmy-vision — Implementations of popular vision models in Jax (Flax NNX)
- jinns — Physics Informed Neural Network with JAX
- jit-env — A Jax interface for Reinforcement Learning environments.
- jkepler — jax tools for modeling Keplerian orbits
- jmp — JMP is a Mixed Precision library for JAX.
- jnkepler — JAX code for modeling nearly-Keplerian orbits
- jnormcorre — Jax-accelerated implementation of normcorre
- jnotype — Jnotype: probabilistic modeling of high-dimensional binary data.
- jo3mnist — no summary
- jouissance — jouissance
- jpu — JAX + Units
- jpviz — Jaxpr Visualisation Tool
- jraph — Jraph: A library for Graph Neural Networks in Jax
- jrenderer — no summary
- jshbtf0302 — State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for TensorFlow 2.0 and PyTorch
- jsrm — Kinematic and dynamic models of continuum and articulated soft robots.
- jTWA — Truncated Wigner on GPUs based on JAX.
- jumanji — A diverse suite of scalable reinforcement learning environments in JAX
- juxai-s2 — JUX is a jax-accelerated engine for Lux-2022.
- juxai2022 — JUX is a jax-accelerated engine for Lux-2022.
- juxtapose — no summary
- jVMC — jVMC: Versatile and performant variational Monte Carlo
- jvt — Vision transformers with JAX & Flax
- kagglefold — Making protein folding accessible in kaggle platform
- kajihs_utils — Fully typed, plausibly practical, and remarkably random utilities for me—and maybe for you too.
- kaljax — Kalman filter implemented in JAX for GPU and CPU usage
- kalmax — Kalman based neural decoding in Jax
- kasearch — KA-Search: Rapid and exhaustive sequence identity search of known antibodies
- kauldron — Kauldron is a ML research library optimized for quick iteration and modularity.
- kernax — Regularized Stein thinning using JAX
- kernelbiome — A kernel-based nonparametric regression and classification framework for compositional data.
- kernex — Stencil computations in JAX.
- kfac-jax — A Jax package for approximate curvature estimation and optimization using KFAC.
- kheperax — A-maze-ing environment in jax
- kima — A data analysis framework for exoplanet detection
- kinjax — This module calculates FK and Jacobian, accelerated by Jax to utilize JIT and GPU parallelization