Reverse Dependencies of jax
The following projects have a declared dependency on jax:
- hotaru — High performance Optimizer to extract spike Timing And cell location from calcium imaging data via lineaR impUlse
- hssm — Bayesian inference for hierarchical sequential sampling models.
- hubblax — Simulating Transient in the sky and how to observe them
- hugging-gan-test — Testing pip
- hxrate — HX Rate Fitting
- hybridq — Hybrid Simulator for Quantum Circuits
- hydrax — A zero-copy multiprocess dataloader for JAX.
- hyper-jax — Hyperdimensional computing with Jax
- hyper-nn — Easy hypernetworks in Pytorch and Flax
- hypercoil — Differentiable programming for neuroimaging analysis
- hyperfine — no summary
- hypervecs — no summary
- icomo — This toolbox aims to simplify the construction of compartmental models and the inference of their parameters
- igenerator — Generating random numbers faster than numpy
- ikpls — Improved Kernel PLS and Fast Cross-Validation.
- image-classification-jax — Run image classification experiments in JAX with ViT, resnet, cifar10, cifar100, imagenette, and imagenet.
- imax — Image augmentation library for Jax
- iminuit — Jupyter-friendly Python frontend for MINUIT2 in C++
- IMNN — Using neural networks to extract sufficient statistics from data by maximising the Fisher information
- impt — Auto-diff Estimator of Lensing Perturbations
- imt-tree_utils — Utilities for working with Pytrees
- infnum — Infinite and infinitesimal numbers for JAX
- inox — Stainless neural networks in JAX
- interpax — Interpolation and function approximation with JAX
- invrs-gym — A collection of inverse design challenges
- invrs-opt — Algorithms for inverse design
- iqa-jax — IQA library for Jax
- jackofalltrades — Tired of complex machine learning libraries? Introducing jackofalltrades, a streamlined Python package designed to make machine learning accessible for everyone.
- jaims — Library for jax based affine-invariant MCMC sampling
- jammer — Library for jax based affine-invariant MCMC sampling
- jamp — JAMP is a Mixed Precision library for JAX. Forked from DeepMind's JMP.
- janus-sim — A JAX Neural Simulator
- jars — Next-generation objects for omics data
- javiche — A JAX wrapper around ceviche to make interoperability easier. In the future it might make sense to update ceviche itself to use JAX internally.
- jax-ai-stack — no summary
- jax-am — GPU-accelerated simulation toolbox for additive manufacturing based on JAX.
- jax-autovmap — Automatically broadcast inputs by dynamically applying jax.vmap
- jax-cfd — no summary
- jax-cgd — A package for competitive gradient descent and its adaptive version using JAX
- jax-chacha-prng — A pseudo-random number generator for JAX based on the 20 round ChaCha cipher.
- jax_chmc — An implementation of a family of MCMC methods on implicitly defined manifolds
- jax-codex — COders and DEcoders for jaX.
- jax-control-algorithms — Algorithms for state estimation, control, and system identification in JAX
- jax-data — Native data handling for JAX
- jax-dataclasses — Dataclasses + JAX
- jax-dataloader — Dataloader for jax
- jax-ddp — no summary
- jax-dimenet — DimeNet++ in Jax.
- jax-dips — Differentiable 3D interfacial PDE solvers written in JAX using the Neural Bootstrapping Method.
- jax-enums — JAX-compatible Enumerations.
- jax-f16 — Jax F16 dynamics
- jax-fcpe — JAX Implementation FCPE
- jax-fdm — Auto-differentiable and hardware-accelerated force density method
- jax-fid — FID computation in Jax/Flax.
- jax-finufft — JAX bindings for the Flatiron Institute Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform library
- jax-fixedpoint — Implicit and competitive differentiation in JAX.
- jax-fixedpoint-test-manueldelverme — Implicit and competitive differentiation in JAX.
- jax-flash-attn2 — Flash Attention Implementation with Multiple Backend Support and Sharding This module provides a flexible implementation of Flash Attention with support for different backends (GPU, TPU, CPU) and platforms (Triton, Pallas, JAX).
- jax-flows — Normalizing Flows for JAX
- jax-healpy — Healpix JAX implementation.
- jax-ifnt — Execute runtime assertions, indexing checks, and more if `jax` code is not traced.
- jax-jumpy — Common backend for Jax or Numpy.
- jax-jynx — A neural network library using jax
- jax-lorax — A JAX transform which applies LoRA to arbitrary JAX functions/models
- jax-md — Differentiable, Hardware Accelerated, Molecular Dynamics
- jax-metrics — no summary
- jax-ml-stack — no summary
- jax-nca — Neural Cellular Automata ( -- Mordvintsev, et al., "Growing Neural Cellular Automata", Distill, 2020) implemented in JAX
- jax-nerf — Jax implementation of neural radiance fields
- jax-optix — Zero-overhead functional lensing for JAX PyTrees
- jax-quant-finance — High Performance Quantative Finance Library on JAX
- jax-quantity — Quantities in JAX
- jax-random-projections — sklearn's random projection with JAX to run on a GPU
- jax-relax — JAX-based Recourse Explanation Library
- jax-resnet — Framework-agnostic library for checking array shapes at runtime.
- jax-russell — Financial options valuations and auto-diffed risk measures ("greeks" in Jax.
- jax-scalify — JAX Scalify: end-to-end scaled arithmetic.
- jax-scipy-spatial — Scipy spatial API for JAX
- jax-sgmc — Stochastic Gradient Monte Carlo in Jax
- jax-smi — JAX Synergistic Memory Inspector
- jax-spcs-kinematics — Implements the Selective Piecewise Constant Strain (SPCS) approach to model the kinematics of continuum soft robots.
- jax-sph — JAX-SPH: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics in JAX
- jax-sysid — A Python package for linear and nonlinear system identification and nonlinear regression using Jax.
- jax-toolkit — A collection of jax functions to help with common machine/deep learning related functionality.
- jax-tqdm — Tqdm progress bar for JAX scans and loops
- jax-transformer — Jax Transformer - Jax
- jax-triton — JAX + OpenAI Triton integration
- jax-verify — A library for neural network verification.
- jax-xc — no summary
- jax2d — A JAX 2D Rigid-Body Physics Engine
- jax2torch — Jax 2 Torch
- jaxadi — **JaxADi** is a powerful Python library designed to bridge the gap between `casadi.Function` and JAX-compatible functions.
- jaxagents — JAX implementation of Reinforcement Learning agents
- jaxampler — A JAX-based statistical sampling toolkit
- jaxbind — Bind any function written in another language to JAX with support for JVP/VJP/batching/jit compilation
- jaxbook — Iterative algorithms for numerical linear algebra with JAX
- jaxcam — no summary
- jaxdecomp — JAX bindings for the cuDecomp library
- jaxdf — A JAX-based research framework for writing differentiable numerical simulators with arbitrary discretizations
- jaxdifferentialgeometry — Differential geometry using jax