Reverse Dependencies of bs4
The following projects have a declared dependency on bs4:
- replitapi-JustFinnbarM — Tools for interacting with the replit site and database that do not depend on an ancient version of Flask.
- request-manager-attenuare — Class used to manage a specific request to a endpoint, and try again if specific errors appear
- requests-html — HTML Parsing for Humans.
- RequestSoup — A wrapper created to make using requests and BeautifulSoup in conjunction easier
- restalker — Text analyzer package
- resume-cli — no summary
- revealjs — Reveal.js Presentation Builder Inspired By revealjs
- reverse-life — This project is dedicated to sharing and teaching the fundamentals and techniques of web reverse engineering. Web reverse engineering involves analyzing how websites and web applications work, and cracking or modifying existing code to achieve specific objectives. This project includes a series of tutorials, practical tools, and case studies aimed at helping developers, security researchers, and enthusiasts understand how to effectively reverse engineer web technologies.
- revs — Python 3 library for telegram bots
- revwhox — Find domain names owned by an individual or company using this tool.
- richkit — Domain enrichment kit
- rideology2gpx — A simple command line program to transform log files obtained with the Kawasaki Rideology App into GPX files.
- RJUtils — RJUtils
- RLMS-PK — Multimodal Summarization using RLMS approach
- rmm-awesome — A mod manager for RimWorld. Forked from rmm-spoons
- rmotr-b6-c1-g2-jobs-detector — Group Project | Jobs Detector
- rmotr-b9-c1-g5-jobs-detector — Group Project | Jobs Detector
- rnc — API for Russian National Corpus
- robotsparser — Parse robots.txt files and find indexed urls
- robust-crawl — A library for robust crawler based on proxy pool and token bucket, support browser and requests
- rocketlc — Library for getting schedule launch rocket
- rocketserializer — Easily convert your OpenRocket files into RocketPy simulations.
- RolexReserver — RolexReserver Package
- RootsWeatherProject — A package holding microservices to create video from compiled weather image data
- roscenes — RoScenes dataset devkit
- rotten-tomatoes-scraper — How to scrape Rotten Tomatoes website using an easy interface.
- RPackUtils — R Package Manager
- rqalpha-minsec-trade-realtime — 基于开源rqalpha4.0版本,支持分钟和tick级别的回测.
- rrytapi — no summary
- rs2wapy — Rising Storm 2: Vietnam WebAdmin Python Interface
- rsgz — 在芒果公司期间开发的个人工具库,里面有常见的数据处理,字符串,列表,字典,图片,DNS,IP,文件处理,虾皮电商运费计算!等等
- RSNEWS-PYTHON — News Fetching Module
- RSSPod-dl — Python CLI tool for downloading and managing podcast from RSS feeds.
- rstdepassuredtchnq — A Demo Dummy package to check for pypi upload
- RStockvn — Report Finance of Companies in Vietnamese and macro data - Lấy báo cáo tài chính của các công ty ở Việt Nam và số liệu vĩ mô
- rstojnic-tfds-nightly — tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow.
- rsynccheck — Check the completeness of an rsync operation.
- rteplayer-dl — Helpful python project to download videos from RTE Player.
- russe-pack — no summary
- ruten-crawler — A crawler for product information of sellers on Ruten.
- ryserverdl — Python 3 library for short text
- RyuzakiLib — RyuzakiLib Python Wrapper For API etc
- rzhunemogu — Jokes, stories etc.
- rzhupy — Jokes, stories etc.
- s-and-p-500-grabber — A free S&P 500 list getter.
- sa-package — no summary
- sabbath-school-lessons — Python module for processing sabbath school bible study guides
- sadif — Secure Asses Data Insight Framework - SADIF
- sadra-tse — A Python Module to Access Tehran Stock Exchange Historical and Real-Time Data
- SafeDriver — 自动检测并更新driver文件,提高selenium代码的稳定性
- sakepedia — sakepedia: Sakepedia API
- sakuraParisAPI — for accessing the Sakura Paris dictionary API
- salesdredge — This is the API for the Salesdredge.
- saltenv — Salt binary installation and management tool
- samgenericservices — Classes and functions to use for development of intregration software
- samlaws — Configuracion aws cli en conexiones basadas en SAML
- samlwebcookie — no summary
- samparka — Extracting contact-info from the website homepage
- sangfroid — Parses Synfig files
- sangmyung-univ-auth — Sangmyung University Students Account Authentication.
- sapcx — CLI Utility for SAP CX (Hybris) developers
- satisfy-calc — Command line crafting tree visualizer for Satisfactory Game by CoffeeStain Studios
- satnogs-webscraper — Scrape SATNOGS data into a pandas dataframe
- SauceNAO — Small module to work with SauceNAO locally
- sawo — Sawo Project
- sbpars — no summary
- scantechstackvulns — no summary
- scFLash — One stop solution for Single Cell analysis
- School-Api — School SDK for Python
- school-sdk — zf School SDK for Python
- SCHU-Auth — Soonchunhyang University Authentication.
- scibite-toolkit — scibite-toolkit - python library for calling SciBite applications: TERMite, TExpress, SciBite Search, CENtree and Workbench. The library also enables processing of the JSON results from such requests
- scimma-aws-utils — Tools for interacting with AWS as a SCIMMA developer
- SciPhi — SciPhi: A Framework for LLM Powered Data.
- scipp — Multi-dimensional data arrays with labeled dimensions
- sciunit — A test-driven framework for formally validating scientific models against data.
- scm-wrap — Source Code Management module wrapper. This module aims to wrap access to Git, Subversion and other SCMs repositories
- scpscraper — A Python library designed for scraping data from the SCP wiki.
- Scrap-realstate — extract all the data like: price, address, features from
- scrap-yahoo — A basic yahoo finance scraping package
- scrape-deets — Populate data of an user by scrapping the data from various platforms like GitHub, Twitter, Instagram, etc
- scrape-do-nlp — This package will just take twitter keys and topic you want to scrape and give summarya dn sentiment as output
- scrape-easy — Automate scraping data with single functions call
- scrape-fast — Common web scraping functions
- scrape-google — A package used to scrape top links from google
- scrape-it — Systemitized tool for scraping
- scrape-task — Web scrapping for
- scrape-up — A web-scraping-based python package that enables you to scrape data from various platforms.
- scrape-youtube — A python package for scrapping videos, audios, tanscripts, and descriptions from youtube
- scrapealong — Library for scraping data from web sites with async flavour
- scrapeDataQuotes — HMTV live news scraping
- scrapelo — Package for scraping data from
- scraper-project-rami — no summary
- scraper1830 — The goal of this repository is to build a package to scrape game data for 1830 games from the api.
- Scrapera — A universal package of scraper scripts for humans
- ScraperFC — Package for scraping soccer data from a variety of sources.
- scrapers_for_journalists — Scrapers that helps journalists at Kristeligt Dagblad
- scrapethat — Tools for faster scraping
- scraping-common-bot — Add a short description here!
- scraping-orbit — Tools for web-scraping and automation projects.