Reverse Dependencies of bs4
The following projects have a declared dependency on bs4:
- PyWebScraper — A web scraper that combines both Beautiful Soup (bs4) and Selenium.
- pywebscrapr — An open-source Python library for web scraping tasks. Includes support for both image scraping and text scraping.
- pywikihow — unofficial wikihow python api
- pywikisource — Wikisource Dedicated Python API library
- pywnews — Getting Important World News
- pyxatu — A Python interface for the Xatu API
- pyYify — This Module is used to get the Top seeded torrents at any given time and get the entire movie details and ratings . Its also useful to search for any movie using different parameters and obtain their magnet link or torrent file of any prefered quality.
- pyzill — Zillow scraper in Python
- pyzipei — A utility library for retrieving electrical rates from
- pyzoopla — A Python package to access information about properties from Zoopla
- pyzooqle — Python interface to
- qai-scraper — QAI Web Scraper
- qdownloader — qdownloader cli
- qfunction — Library for researcher with statistics and mechanics equation non-extensive 📈📊📚
- qichang — A Python library for interacting with various language model APIs
- ql — generator and driver
- qpdb — Pandas API reference
- qsnctf — 青少年CTF训练平台提供的Python软件包
- qstrader-pro — We are pleased to announce that the QuantStart software development team are currently in the process of a complete redevelopment of QSTrader.
- QtMkEditor — Markdown Editor.
- qualysdk — SDK for interacting with Qualys APIs, across most modules the platform offers.
- quant1x — Quant1X量化交易框架
- quantaxis — QUANTAXIS:Quantitative Financial Strategy Framework
- QuantStudio — Quant Studio
- quantumtw — It's my toy project
- Qube2 — Qube
- querent — The Asynchronous Data Dynamo and Graph Neural Network Catalyst
- querysource — QuerySource is a Library for Querying Databases. QuerySource Query parser and generator.
- quest-eras — Sandia National Laboratories application suite for energy storage analysis and evaluation tools.
- questlib — Sandia National Laboratories application suite for energy storage analysis and evaluation tools.
- questpy-test — Sandia National Laboratories application suite for energy storage analysis and evaluation tools.
- quick-crawler — A toolkit for quickly performing crawler functions
- quicktranslate — translate with youdao,baidu and google
- quisby — Quisby is a tool to provide first view into the results from various benchmarks such as linpack, streams, fio etc.
- quool — Quantitative Toolkit - a helper in quant developping
- quora-profile-search — A basic profile search bot for Quora
- quora-scraper — Python based code to scrap and download data from quora website: questions related to certain topics, answers given on certain questions and users profile data
- quoras — A Python package collect data from Quora.
- QuotaEngine — A quota editor
- quotefancy — Get Quotes from
- quotescli — A Python CLI tool for displaying Quotes
- quran-search-in-text — package for find verses in text
- r2api — A small package to translate an Italian recipe and its units into English and imperial units using Google Translate
- rabotaotzyvy-ru — rabotaotzyvy_ru scrubber
- RaceDatam — Britain all Race data
- radiocc — Radio occultations
- rag_webquery — A command line utility to query websites using a local LLM
- ragasas — A package that can be used to create RAGs with a single line of code.
- raggy — scraping stuff
- raider — OWASP Raider: a novel framework for manipulating the HTTP processes of persistent sessions.
- RailIN — Unofficial API for Indian Railways.
- raincloudy — A Python library to communicate with Melnor RainCloud Smart Garden Watering Irrigation Timer (
- ramby — Ramby is a simple way to setup a webscraper
- RandAlgo-py — A python package to fetche random algorithm questions
- randeli — Augment EPUB & PDFs to aid reading by those who are neurodivergent (ADD/ADHD).
- random-header-generator — Generator of random, realistic http headers.
- randomit — A Python package to generate random things.
- RandomPi — no summary
- randomplushmiku — My first Python library,it downloads random images of plush mikus to a local directory.
- randprob — Gives random problems from Division 2 in codeforces.
- ranimegen — A python lib to generate random anime and its information
- rapy-genius — a python api to collect data from using their API
- raspaJud — Package to convert scrap judicial decisions.
- raspaSPIUnet — Raspador para SPIUnet.
- ratom — Rage Against The Outdated Machine
- rayserverdl — Python 3 library for short text
- rchatgpt-on-wecom — 基于ChatGPT的企业微信聊天应用,通过 [OpenAI]( 接口生成对话内容,使用 [wechatpy]( 实现企业微信应用号消息的接收和回复.
- rdddy — Reactive DDD framework with DSPy
- react-python — cLient-side react for python
- readee — Library for export webpage to reader mode html.
- ReadROOT — Easy GUI made to read ROOT files created by the CoMPASS software distribued by CAEN.
- readword — 快速读取docx文档内容
- real-trader — 本地化的tick实盘交易解决方案 [历史行情数据 + 实时tick数据 + 实盘下单] 后续增加历史tick接口 目前支持的券商 中泰证券支持聚宽策略代码直接使用.
- realstate-scrap — extract all the data like: price, address, features from
- reasonchain — A modular AI reasoning library for building intelligent agents.
- Recherche-Babac2 — A Python3 module to search the Cycle Babac catalogue and return description, price and availability.
- rechtspraak-extractor — Library for extracting rechtspraak data
- recipe-decrapinator — A simple package to scrape recipe information.
- recipe-searchers — A webscraping package to search for recipes URL's
- redash-x — Prior to **_re:dash_**, we tried to use traditional BI suites and discovered a set of bloated, technically challenged and slow tools/flows. What we were looking for was a more hacker'ish way to look at data, so we built one..
- redbacktechpy — Python Module to support Home Assistant integration with Redback Technologies Smart Hybrid Inverter
- reddit-2-album — Return photo list and caption (markdown format) from reddit.
- reddit-photo-aggregator — A library to scrape subreddits for images
- reddit-profile-search — A basic profile search bot for Reddit
- reddit-tts-bot — A module that facilitates the creation of short form content from Reddit posts.
- reddit-usernames — Library for finding free usernames on reddit
- redfin-houses — Python library to retrieve house information from Redfin
- redfin-scraper — A Python library used to scrape data from using the unofficial Stringray API.
- refiner — Refiner is a python package that allows you to store text as vectors in Pinecone and then search for similar text. It uses OpenAI to generate embeddings and then uses Pinecone to store and search for similar text.
- refitt — The Recommender Engine for Intelligent Transient Tracking.
- RegScale-CLI — Command Line Interface (CLI) for bulk processing/loading data into RegScale
- releases-manager — Manage python published release for packages that you owns on PyPI.
- relecov-tools — Tools for managing and resolution of buisciii services.
- relic-engine — Engine for generating dictionaries of relics and prime sets.
- RemotePyLib — A package to import libraries remotely.
- renku-aqs — Renku AQS plugin
- renku-aqs-annotation — Renku AQS annotation plugin
- renku-graph-vis — Renku Graph Vis plugin
- replitapi — Tools for interacting with the replit site and database that do not depend on an ancient version of Flask.