Reverse Dependencies of bs4
The following projects have a declared dependency on bs4:
- weatherchecker — A small weather crawling package
- web-2-album — Return photo list and caption (markdown format) from web.
- web-helper — 又一个爬虫新轮子~
- web-raider — Web Raider
- web-scraping-bot-template — Tools that are useful for building web-scraping automated bots.
- Web-Scraping-Utility — Web Scraping Utility
- webb-scraping — Web scraping for JWST
- webchecks — WebChecks is a BSD-licensed web search and research tool in Python traversing a given set of domains.
- webcode-tk — no summary
- webCrawl-pro — This project is dedicated to sharing and teaching the fundamentals and techniques of web reverse engineering. Web reverse engineering involves analyzing how websites and web applications work, and cracking or modifying existing code to achieve specific objectives. This project includes a series of tutorials, practical tools, and case studies aimed at helping developers, security researchers, and enthusiasts understand how to effectively reverse engineer web technologies.
- WebCrawleEslite — bookstore WebCrawle Eslite
- webdriver-installer — Download and install different web drivers
- WebEdge — Bringing Edge to your Web Performance
- webfs — A filesystem for the web
- webgram — Telegram Web Util
- webgraze — WebScraping library that scrapes & gathers data from multiple sources on the internet
- webhawk — Web Recon Framework
- webhist — Saved webpage index and search
- webinstaller — A Python library designed for hassle-free file downloads from Google Drive. It lets you specify the destination folder for downloads and supports .zip and .rar file formats.
- webloader — Python project fetching a webpage
- webpagebp — no summary
- webrequests — A simple wrapper of requests, simple but useful!
- webscrape-cd — FOSS Contact detail extractor
- WebSearching — WebSearcher 0.1.7
- webSpider-Douban — Crawl Douban movie site and extract top ten latest films information
- websub — WebSub Client for python, based off of gohubbub
- webtoons — A small package for getting Webtoon comics for Python3.
- webtranspose — Reliable APIs for the website data
- Webtrench — A powerful and easy-to-use web scrapper for collecting data from the web. Supports scraping of images, text, videos, meta data, and more. Ideal for machine learning and deep learning engineers. Download and extract data with just one line of code
- webull-options — no summary
- wechat-admin — 本地测试直接执行`python`就够了,如果想用其他的web server,可自行考虑部署方案.
- wechatsogou — Api for wechat mp with sogou
- wecolib — Quantitative trading tools for our economic liberty
- weibo-2-album — Return photo list and caption (markdown format) from weibo.
- weibo-scrapy — WEIBO\_SCRAPY是一个PYTHON实现的,使用多线程抓取WEIBO信息的框架。WEIBO\_SCRAPY框架给用户提供WEIBO的模拟登录和多线程抓取微博信息的接口,让用户只需关心抓取的业务逻辑,而不用处理棘手的WEIBO模拟登录和多线程编程.
- weml-validator — Validator for the WEML document format by EGW Writings
- werag — python rag for wechat application
- westac-statistics — Python statistics package for WeStAc, and the Swedish parliamentary proceedings
- whapi — An unofficial WikiHow API wrapper
- Whit3-H4t-Sc4nn3r-Fir5t — Automation tool for scanning and analyzing vulnerabilities
- whoisrecon — WHOIS Reconnaissance Tool
- whosYourAgent — Self updating package for generating random user agent strings.
- whuapi — 新版武汉大学教务系统API
- wiki-fetch — Parser for
- wiki-random — get random article from wikipedia
- wiki-scraper — no summary
- wiki-scrapper — no summary
- WikiCli — A simple CLI for Wikipedia
- wikidictparser — Wikidict parser package
- wikiglot — Yet another wiktionary parser
- wikihowapi-pk — API to extract more data from wikiHow
- wikihowunofficialapi — API to extract data from wikiHow
- wikimore — A simple frontend for Wikimedia wikis
- wikipedia-ql — Query Language for Wikipedia
- wikisource — A python package to search in books available on
- wikiweb — Ever wonder if there's a better way to play the link game? Well here you go! Your personal Wikipedia crawler.
- Wikkid — VCS-backed wiki
- wipo-gbd-pypers — Pypers package
- wis — gives satellite positions at requested times. It manages kernel downloads. It requires astropy and spicepy.
- wisecon — A quant Python package.
- wkt-scraper — Parse word information from Wiktionary
- wmylxmj — bilibili spider
- word-information — A fully functional dictionary module for Python to get the meanings, synonyms, antonyms and part-of-speech of a given word
- WordSmash — "Your WordPress site's best friend"
- worldnews — News Extractor
- — Get real time Earth statistics related to population.
- wrfhydropy — API for the WRF-Hydro model
- wsuks — A Tool for automating the MITM attack on the WSUS connection
- wtm — Downloads songs from the internet.
- x-lolo — A Python library for direct interaction with Twitter's unofficial API
- x-mroy-1045 — a anayzer package
- xagent — xagent
- XBRLi-converter — Convert XBRLi documents into simple XBRL
- xcube — Extreme Multi-Label Text Classification
- xdcc_dl — An XDCC File Downloader based on the irclib framework
- xdow — Adult video downloader
- Xf-scrap — no summary
- xflsvg — A tool for working with XFL/XflSvg data.
- xhs-2-album — Return photo list and caption (markdown format) from xhs.
- xiaobaisaf — simple_automation_framework(简称:SAF)使用最简单的模式就可以实现需要功能和测试效果,也是xiaobaiauto2的简化版SAF继承了selenium、requests/httpx、appium、loguru、xiaobaiauto2、飞书机器人、钉钉机器人、企业微信机器人(暂时不支持)、禅道提单API
- XieChengLogin — 模拟携程的登录.
- xkcd-bot — A kudubot for XKCD comics
- xleapp-ios — iOS Artifacts for xLEAPP (free)
- xnxx-api — A Python API for the Porn Site
- XOGoogle — XOGoogle is a google bot that scraps google for keywords and returns all links
- xpanther — Find Unique Xpath of any HTML/XML element
- xsget — Console tools to download online novel and convert to text file.
- xspf-fixup — A simple command line program to fix playlist (.xspf files) with broken links.
- xssecure — A library to sanitize HTML code
- xstavka-parse-package — this unstable package
- XtQuant-pro — 迅投QMT接口相关介绍和常用功能封装.
- XueQiuSuperSpider — 雪球超级爬虫的所有组件互相没有任何依赖,包括参数。整体架构由Collector、Mapper以及Consumer三个接口支撑。功能分别为数据搜集、数据相关信息(分支信息)的组装、以及最终的数据分析,三个接口定义了整个数据抓取生命周期的三个阶段。Mapper组件可以进行多次嵌套,就像流水线一样,不同的Mapper负责自己对应的组装任务,经过N个Mapper,完成一个对象的N种属性组装,当然,如果你不需要某些属性,你完全可以跳过某些mapper,这样可以节省许多抓取时间。在参数传递方面,模块在处理参数之前会对参数进行深度复制,确保不会出现多线程同步问题,模块内部参数严格定义为只读。变量只局限在方法范围内,完全避免了线程间数据共享。.
- xvideos-api — A Python API for the Porn Site
- xzitaao — Crawler for xzit aao
- ya2ro — Tool to which you pass basic information of a project or a research article (such as the datasets, software, people who have been involved, bibliography...) and generates two files with structured information with the intention of easing the readability for machines and people. One file is a webpage with all the relevant information and the other one is a Research Object.
- yahoo-fin-cheese — Forked from yahoo_fin to update some outdated functions.
- yahoostats — Yahoo statistics webscraper
- yangsutil — Utilities
- yaoys-checkin — yaoys_checkin
- yarn-dev-tools — no summary