Reverse Dependencies of bs4
The following projects have a declared dependency on bs4:
- sinatranotion — Unofficial Python API client for
- singgalang — Python script dengan tempo yang sesingkat-singkatnya.
- singletrader — a package for backtesting and factor analysis
- sinhala-sub — This Python library is designed to make downloading Sinhala subtitles for TV series and movies easy. To use it, simply install the library using pip and import it into your Python script.
- sinhala-subtitle — This Python library is designed to make downloading Sinhala subtitles for TV series and movies easy. To use it, simply install the library using pip and import it into your Python script.
- sinhala-subtitles — This Python library is designed to make downloading Sinhala subtitles for TV series and movies easy. To use it, simply install the library using pip and import it into your Python script.
- sitecrawl — Simple Python3 module to crawl a website and extract URLs
- sitemapgen — A package to generate Sitemaps from a URL. Also provides a CLI for non programmatical use.
- sitesniffer — This is a Python script that can extract various information about a website, including its IP address, SSL certificate information, domain information, page load time, and other useful insights.
- Skills-ML — Algorithms for Jobs/skills taxonomy creation
- skipchunk — Instant Knowledge Graphs from text documents.
- skoleintra — Benyt ItsLearnings skoleintra kun ved brug af Python
- skomerchecker — A package to gather information on sailings to Skomer island
- slack-emopack — no summary
- slh-sh — no summary
- slitherlib — A web-proxy IP and user agent anonymizing framework for web scrapers, penetration testers, and ethical hackers
- sloom — Webscraper
- smac — SMAC3, a Python implementation of 'Sequential Model-based Algorithm Configuration'.
- smartbetsAPI — Simple football prediction API
- SmartProxyPool — 高质量, 高灵活的开放代理池服务 可能是`全球第一个`带有`智能动态代理`的代理池服务..
- smartschool — Unofficial API interface to the smartschool system.
- smartscraper — A Smart, Automatic, Fast and Lightweight Web Scraper for Python
- smaxpy — Just a small wrapper to website scraping utilities.
- smog-usage-stats — no summary
- smores — Allows you to create a schema for templates with a tag syntax easy enough for end users.
- smrt — The Snow Microwave Radiative Transfer (SMRT) model is a highly modular model to compute the thermal emission and backscattering coefficient of snowpacks and other cryospheric bodies in the microwave domain.
- smseventlog — SMS Event Log
- SMSGateway — Forwards messages via SMS from and to instant messengers
- smxsso — Command Line Environment for Smartronix SSO solution.
- snag-dom — An HTML utility package
- snapchat-driver-info — A basic profile search bot for snapchat
- snipinator — Python code snippets for markdown files, e.g READMEs, from actual (testable) code.
- snitch2 — Search a domain for target links.
- Snowballing — Provides tools for literature snowballing
- snxvpn-fix — Command-line utility to connect to a Checkpoint SSL VPN
- soca — A python package that given an organization/user name, it will create a software catalog for browsing all repositories or just a single repository in a minimalist card.
- sociallinkfinder — input: company's website url , output: company's facebook, linkedin, twitter, instagram links in a dictionary
- SocialScraper — Social Scraper is a python tool meant for Detection of Child Predators/Cyber Harassers on Social Media
- socmed-reporter — Social media tool
- sogaQuant — 沪深A股量化.
- SolaScriptura — A cross-platform interactive Bible reader for the terminal
- sololearnlib — Retrieve public data from ''.
- solvency2-data — Package for reading the Solvency 2 Risk-Free Interest Rate Term Structures from the zip-files on the EIOPA website and deriving the term structures for alternative extrapolations
- somef — SOftware Metadata Extraction Framework: A tool for automatically extracting relevant software information from readme files
- SongNameSplit — Seperate the song and artist name from a song title
- songsdownload — Download Sinhala Songs and Lyrics Easily
- soopat — soopat pdf downloader
- sort-css-declarations — Tool for sorting CSS file declarations.
- soscipy — A python library to help do reproducible research in social sciences
- sosse — Selenium Open Source Search Engine
- sotag — provide a wrapper to access Stack Overflow tag data.
- soupspoon — Additional functionality for BeautifulSoup
- sp-lh3-constant-contact — This script will assess a transcript to check if the operator has taken more than 5 min to reply to any message from the patron
- SpaceXRM — Special package
- spacy-richtext-utils — Spacy tokenizer and pipeline steps to exploit the semantics of a Rich Text, like HTML or RTF.
- spankbang-api — A Python API for the Porn Site
- sparclet — A python library to generate and interact with flatmaps in a jupyter notebook using the ipyleaflet library.
- sparclet-test — Leaflet Interactions with Flatmaps from SPARC
- sparkmonitor-s — Spark Monitor Extension for Jupyter Notebook
- sparql-llm — Reusable components and complete chat system to improve Large Language Models (LLMs) capabilities when generating SPARQL queries for a given set of endpoints, using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and SPARQL query validation from the endpoint schema.
- speccy-parser — A simple library for parsing a Speccy snapshot
- specwizard — .
- sphinx-md — Sphinx extension to use with Recommonmark or MystParser to fix links to rst from md, links to md from rst, and links to embedded files and dirs.
- sphinx-opensearch — Python program to index Sphinx-based documentations into Elasticsearch or Opensearch
- sphinx-quant — This project is sphinx-quant web technologies.
- sphinx-tabs — Tabbed views for Sphinx
- sphinx-tags — Sphinx extension to create tags for documentation pages.
- sphinx-weasyprint-builder — A Sphinx PDF builder using WeasyPrint
- spider-js — 本项目主要是js逆向相关,详细破解流程.
- spider-py3 — no summary
- spider2local — no summary
- SpiderWebCrawler — Automatically Scrape Websites
- spiralflow — A framework for creating chat spirals for Large Language Models finetuned for conversations. Currently work-in-progress.
- splicekit — splicekit: comprehensive toolkit for splicing analysis from short-read RNA-seq
- Splittic — The Most Advanced AI Ever
- spoofbot — Web bot for spoofing browser behaviour when using python requests
- sport-scraper — Simple web scraper package for gathering sports data from
- — A simple Python package to gather live sports scores
- SportsCardTool — A python tool for grabbing and tracking checklists for sports cards.
- sportsrefapi — Python package for parsing stats from sports reference.
- SportStatIQ-DataCollectors — Collects data from various sports websites
- sportswrangler — Python package for wranglin' sports and sports odds data
- spotichart — Collector Module for Spotify National Trending Analysis
- springbok-retrospective — A project to look at the greatest hits of news about a specific topic and add that to a blog
- spry — social media scanner
- spyder-ml — A tool made to facilitate the analysis of html code.
- spys — Python API for proxies
- sqlalchemy-mutablesoup — Mutable BeautifulSoup database type
- sqlifuzzer — Python script to fuzz for SQL injection vulnerabilities in URL and input parameters.
- squidtools — A collection of python tools and libraries for computational social science research
- sravniotzyvy-com — sravniotzyvy_com
- srblib — A python library by srb
- srclient — A small client for short-report.
- sriram-twitter-scraper — Tool for scraping Tweets
- ssc-codegen — generate web scrapers structures by dsl-like language based on python
- sshcracker — ssh弱密码破解。支持自定义目标ip和弱口令。每个ip都使用一个单独的线程破解。
- sspdata — Aquisição de dados abertos de segurança pública do estado de São Paulo.
- ssu-timetable — SSU subject parser
- ssxtd — semi structured xml to dict
- sta-awscli — MFA for AWS CLI using SafeNet Trusted Access (STA)