Reverse Dependencies of bs4
The following projects have a declared dependency on bs4:
- scrapingsubsystem — scraping subsystem library for airflow
- scrapkit — WebScrapping in 3 lines of code
- scrapping — Simple multitoolable web scrapper
- scraptrawler — Tools for scraping Magic: the Gathering tournaments and decklists.
- scrapwithgpt — no summary
- scrapy-helper — scrapy helper
- scrapy-jingdong — 用于爬取JD和github的代码,数据存储于mongodb。.
- scrapy-puppeteer-client — A library to use Puppeteer-managed browser in Scrapy spiders
- scrapy-taobao — scrapy模拟淘宝登陆,未加代理ip的处理。希望有好的代理处理方法分享出来。.
- scrapy-zhihu-github — 用于爬取zhihu和github的代码,数据存储于mongodb。.
- ScrapyJD — a web crawler based on scrapy that crawl the product items of a certain category and comments to the product。
- scrapzon — Amazon product details scraper
- scratchattach — A Scratch API Wrapper
- screpe — High-level Python web scraping.
- SCRIdb — A platform to handle sequencing data submission and initiation of projects, and to interact with the lab's database - insert meta data, and interactively pull reports and views.
- scriptslib — Collection of commonly used scripts into a packaged format.
- ScsLabs — Tools to make it easier for Python beginners
- SCUECAuth — The authentication module of SCUEC.
- scutls — Single-cell data processing utility tools
- scuttlebot — LoL Discord Bot
- scuwl — SCuWl, Simple custom wordlist generator.
- sdufeQuant — RQAlpha 从数据获取、算法交易、回测引擎,实盘模拟,实盘交易到数据分析,为程序化交易者提供了全套解决方案。
- seabed — NGDC seabed descriptions
- search-me — Search in Google, Bing, Brave, Mojeek, Moose, Yahoo, Searx
- search-torrent — Search for torrents using command line
- Search-trains — A Python package to search trains between stations in India.
- Searchor — ⚡️ Quick and easy search engine queries.
- searchx — SearchX is a powerful library for convenient searching.
- sec-edgar-downloader-extended — Extended version of by Jad Chaar.Download SEC filings from the EDGAR database using Python. All credits go to him for this work, I justmade a few minor amendments needed for a personal project
- sec_yf — A package for downloading accounting and market data from SEC regulated companies.
- secbulkdownload — A modified version of sectoolkit
- SECEdgar-Python — A simple to work with library to interact and get information from the SEC edgar Data
- sechat — A BETTER Stack Exchange chat library.
- secretscraper — SecretScraper is a web scraper tool that can scrape the content through target websites and extract secret information via regular expression.
- sectoolkit — Tools for working with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) indices, SGML header files, filing archives and individual filing documents.
- securetea — SecureTea
- sejong-univ-auth — Sejong University Member Account Authentication.
- sekte2pdf — Sekte2Pdf
- sel4-deps — Metapackage for downloading build dependencies for the seL4 microkernel
- selenium-form-killer — no summary
- selenium-simplified — A free, open-source web automation library for the Chrome browser using Selenium Python
- seleniumUser — Selenium wrapper to streamline usage.
- seletivo-lattes — A simple script to get LATTES CV from a list of candidates in the CNPq Database
- selic — Fetch SELIC data
- semic — Satellite, environmental and meteorologic information collect
- senator-fec-data — Python package to obtain the FEC data of current US senators.
- senti-key-summ — Multilingual Summarization
- sentimentanalyzer — Does Sentiment Analysis on a text Takes a sting input and output a json
- SentralTimetable — A tool to get your timetable from Sentral.
- SEO-Analise-UFPI — Pacote para analisar o SEO de uma URL
- SEO-Analise-UPFI — Pacote para analisar o SEO de uma URL
- seppy — SEPpy
- service--file-to-text — Service - File to Text
- seunggabi-core-python — A collection of core Python modules
- seurl — Retrieve domain URLs from Search Engines
- sf2cf — Improve RSS/Atom feeds
- sgaimdbpull — Extract IMDB data
- shadowProxy-pro — 幽灵模式下动态评估代理质量,并进行优化选择
- ShadowPT — Modulo que, dado um determinado texto, anónimiza a sua informação.
- sharelatex-versioning — Tool to backup ShareLaTeX files locally.
- sharepp — Library for getting ETF and cryptocurrency prices.
- sharepyle — no summary
- sharp-spider — Distributed crawler based on async tornado redis
- shasha4 — For Scraping Naver Finance
- shecan — 'The Shecan CLI is used to configure your DNS configuration based on Shecan website from the command line.'
- shellrecharge — Python 3 package to retrieve public and private EV charger data from Shell Recharge
- sherpa-streamlit — Kairntech Sherpa building blocks for Streamlit apps
- Shikhandi — A backup tool for renren. You can backup any of your friends' timeline and photos to local with it.
- ShindenPy — Python API for
- shipane-sdk — 实盘易(ShiPanE)Python SDK,通达信自动化交易 API。
- Shop-Filtering-Tool-Inect-1 — A tool to filter contents of shop using simple language of filter creation
- Shop-Filtering-Tool-Inect-2 — A tool to filter contents of shop using simple language of filter creation
- ShopFilteringToolInect — A tool to filter contents of shop using simple language of filter creation
- short-cli — Shorten and track URLs from the command line
- show-weather-data — A python package to get weather reports
- shs-tools — An assortment of little helper functions
- shyster — Add soft hyphens to HTML documents
- siambomber — A Powerful Spamming Tool Made By Siam Rahman
- siambotnet — A Powerful Botnet Made By Siam Rahman
- siamlookup — A Powerful Lookup Tool Made By Siam Rahman
- siamphisher — A Advance Phishing Tool Made By Siam Rahman
- siamtik — ''
- siamtiktok — ''
- signingsavvy — SigningSavvy API wrapper
- sigurd — Code for presentation at Graz, 6th November 2019
- siiau-consultas-api — Consulta información del SIIAU de la UDG
- silbacre — SMS backup file API
- — Profile using Performance logs.
- — Analyze the usage of each hardware resource on SOPHON products.
- silverware — Additional functionality for BeautifulSoup
- simc-autobahn — A SimC microservice build with Autobahn
- simdak — Importer-exporter data Simdak Kemdikbud
- simLIBS — SimulatedLIBS provides simple Python class to simulate LIBS spectra with NIST LIBS Database interface
- simpletwitter — Python package for making twitter bot with less code
- simply-pypi-search — A simply tool to search for packages on
- simre — Requirements Similarity tool for Software Product Lines
- SimulatedLIBS — SimulatedLIBS provides simple Python class to simulate LIBS spectra with NIST LIBS Database interface
- sinalv2 — 该软件需要自行购买新浪的level2标准版.
- sinaspider — Scraping Weibos
- sinatra-notion — Unofficial Python API client for