Reverse Dependencies of bs4
The following projects have a declared dependency on bs4:
- pylantern — Analytics library
- pyleaflet — A package to use the leaflet modules directly on python
- PyLectorManga — pylectormanga es una biblioteca que te permite buscar manga disponible a través de Y podrás acceder a su información.
- pyleetcode — no summary
- pylifttk — Python utility toolkit for Princeton CS's LIFT.
- pylink-utils — no summary
- pyliseberg — no summary
- pyliverecorder — Monitor the start of live and download media stream automatically.
- pylotl — pylotl is a web crawler and a search engine built on Flask! Requires Firefox!
- pymace — A package for evaluating and analysing modell Aircraft
- pymanagebac — A python module for interacting with Managebac using selenium.
- pymatchers — Create the Best Universal Resolution Artifact
- pymatviz — A toolkit for visualizations in materials informatics
- pymemapi — Memrise API
- pymetasec — Web scraper to download and extract file metadata
- PyMoe — This is Pymoe. The only python library you'll need if you need information on Anime, Manga, Light Novels, or Visual Novels.
- PyMovieI — PyMovieI is Python Library to fetch movie information and Movie Poster using Webscraping
- PyMultiDictionary — PyMultiDictionary is a Dictionary Module for Python 2 to get meanings, translations, synonyms and antonyms of words in 20 different languages
- pynecraft — A library for creating minecraft datapacks.
- pyneid — NEID archive access client
- pyner — This program is SDK of NER service API to handle one sentence or simple text file.
- pyobigram — Python 3 library for telegram bots
- pyobimail — Python 3 library for mail and mail bots
- pypartpicker2 — A package that scrapes and returns the results as objects.
- pypatent — Search and retrieve USPTO patent data
- pypi-command-line — A beautiful command line interface for the Python Package Index
- pypisd — CLI tool to fetch source distribution url links from for a given python package and its version.
- pyplatform-common — Pyplatform-common package provides utility, file management and authentication functions for interacting with APIs and compute services.
- PyPoli — 机器人|robot
- pyPreservicaGov — Python Library For Harvesting Modern.Gov Records into Preservica for Long Term Preservation
- pyprofiles — Get social media profiles of anyone
- pyproteinsExt — 'Extending pyproteins for bioinformatics tools&services'
- pyqupa — PYthon mountain PAss data processor.
- pyreiseamt — Package to crawl country information of German Foreign Office
- pyrent — This Module is used to get the Top seeded torrents at any given time and get the entire movie details and ratings . Its also useful to search for any movie using different parameters and obtain their magnet link or torrent file of any prefered quality.
- pyresid — Python tools for mining Protein Residuals from Fulltext articles using PMC number, ePMC and PDB
- pyrewind — PyRewind es una poderosa librería de Python diseñada para facilitar la obtención y descarga de videos que han sido eliminados anteriormente en YouTube.
- pyrhd — Scraping Library for Personal Use
- Pyriod — Basic period detection and fitting routines for astronomical time series.
- pyriskmgmt — The pyriskmgmt package is designed to offer a straightforward but comprehensive platform for risk assessment, targeting the calculation of Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) across various financial instruments. While providing a solid foundation, the package also allows for more specialized development to meet users' specific investment strategies and risk requirements.
- pyrtlib — pyrtlib - Radiative Transfer library
- pys3landsat — Download Landsat 8 images from Amazon S3
- pyscraping — PyScraping is a universal web-scraping util for Python, built with simplicity in mind.
- PySerLog — Module for beautiful log
- pysimepar — A python package to retrieve forecast data from SIMEPAR
- pyslit — AI(ChatGPT), AI image creator, Text to speech, Speech recognizer, Music player, Play video on youtube, Google and Wikipedia search, Control the system, News, Datetime,Run cmd commands, All in one perfect module for data types
- pysoundings — no summary
- pysportsref — Utilities for working with Sports Reference
- pyssem — A source sink model to support the study of the long-term sustainability of Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
- pysubtypes — Provides subclasses for common python types with additional functionality and convenience methods.
- pyterabox — Python 3 library for kivyweb
- pyTextMiner — A text mining tool for Korean and English
- python-caspass — CASPass - Login through Central Authentification Systems
- python-chamelboots — An example package. Generated with cookiecutter-pylibrary.
- python-common-lib — no summary
- python-core — there is no description available
- python-course-by-ty — A package for testing student answers to project questions.
- python-cuisineaz — api to scrape cuisineaz with python.
- python-cuisinejournaldesfemmes — api to scrape cuisinejournaldesfemmes with python.
- python-dataservice — Lightweight async data gathering for Python
- python-espncricinfo — ESPNCricInfo API client
- python-file-downloader — python ag test
- python_filmaffinity — Python wrapper for FilmAffinity
- python-filmaffinity-fork — Simple python scraping for the FilmAffinity.
- python-framework-utils — Python常用工具类整合框架
- python-framework-utils-kingon — Python常用工具类整合框架
- python-hal — H.A.L Is a voice activated virtual assistant
- python-HalProject — H.A.L Is a voice activated virtual assistant
- Python-JiYanPingtu — jiyan拼图验证码,采用mitmdump脚本获取中间图片,用两张乱码图片合成一张新的图片,在用selenium+chrome滑动滑块
- python-jsondoc — no summary
- python-multiprocess-crawler — Python BaseClass for easier multiprocess web-crawling
- python-rj-app — Radio Javan Python Binding
- python-septcentcinquanteg — api to scrape 750g with python.
- python-snippet — Python and Data Science Snippets on the command line
- Python-stock — ”龙头量化交易策略.py”是基于龙头周期开发的量化交易策略,运行在聚宽平台上面
- python-telegram-bot-pro — This project is dedicated to sharing and teaching the fundamentals and techniques of web reverse engineering. Web reverse engineering involves analyzing how websites and web applications work, and cracking or modifying existing code to achieve specific objectives. This project includes a series of tutorials, practical tools, and case studies aimed at helping developers, security researchers, and enthusiasts understand how to effectively reverse engineer web technologies.
- python-testing-crawler — Python Test Crawler
- python-twitter-pro — A simple Python wrapper for Twitter API v2 :sparkles: :cake: :sparkles:
- python-ultimate-guitar — Search and download the results from the command line.
- pythoncf — `pythoncf` is your command-line companion for all things Codeforces.
- pythoncrest — Automated Accessibility Testing Tool
- PythonImageSearch — Simple image search
- pytorch-supporter — Pytorch supporter
- pytorrentz — Python interface to -- based on
- pytubemax — Python 3 library for kivyweb
- pytwgasprices — A simple package to fetch the latest Taiwan gas prices
- pytwitterscraper — Twitter Scraper using Python
- pyudm — Unified Dependency Manager
- pyunit-weather — 天气预报
- pyUntis — Python parser for Untis substitution tables
- pyuque — A Python client/toolkit for yuque.
- pyuscf — USCF Member Service Area (MSA) for Python
- PyValuation — Demo library
- PyVatBook — Python Wrapper for Vatbook
- pyvethirtyeight — A Python wrapper for the 2016 FiveThirtyEight Presidential Election Forecast
- pyvisflow — ...
- pyvoa — Python virus open analysis. See more on
- pyWAPOR — no summary
- pywebcrawler — A fast web crawler to satisfy all your needs
- PyWebRequests — PyWebRequests simplifies web scraping and requests in Python. It provides easy-to-use functions for fetching HTML, finding web elements using XPath, managing proxies, and generating random user agents.