Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-gallery
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-gallery:
- pallas2016 — Data and formalisms from Pallas et al. (2016)
- patch-denoise — Denoising method for sequence of images or volumes. Primarly targeting fMRI data.
- pennylane-sphinx-theme — Sphinx theme for PennyLane open-source Python packages
- pentapy — pentapy: A toolbox for pentadiagonal matrizes.
- pertpy — Perturbation Analysis in the scverse ecosystem.
- pescador — Multiplex generators for incremental learning
- pfsspy — "Potential field source surface modelling"
- PhasorPy — Analysis of fluorescence lifetime and hyperspectral images using the phasor approach
- physio — Simple python toolbox to analyse physio signals (respi and ECG)
- picachooser — Lightweight GUI for sorting, classifying, and matching MELODIC ICA components.
- piel — Photonic Integrated Electronics: microservices to codesign photonics, electronics, communications, quantum, and more.
- plasmapy-sphinx — Sphinx extensions for the PlasmaPy Project
- plinder — PLINDER: The Protein-Ligand INteraction Dataset and Evaluation Resource
- poliastro — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics
- polire — A collection of interpolation methods.
- poni2006 — Data and formalisms from Poni et al. (2006)
- powspec — Auto and Cross Spectral Density Estimator
- pptx-replace — python package for replaceing elemnets in pptx files
- prieto2010 — Data and formalisms from Prieto et al. 2010 paper
- proairtable — Utility to play with airtable data using python scripts
- probeinterface — Python package to handle probe layout, geometry and wiring to device.
- probeye — A general framework for setting up parameter estimation problems.
- psiaudio — Audio tools supporting psiexperiment
- psignifit — Toolbox for Bayesian psychometric function estimation
- psipy — Tools for working with PSI MHD models.
- psopt — A particle swarm optimizer for general use
- psynlig — A package for creating plots with matplotlib.
- pvanalytics — PVAnalytics is a python library for the analysis of photovoltaic system-level data.
- pvdeg — Pvdeg is a python library that supports the calculation of degradation related parameters for photovoltaic (PV) modules.
- pvpltools — Useful tools for photovoltaics and beyond.
- pyaedt — High-level Python API for Ansys Electronics Desktop Framework
- pyAFQ — pyAFQ: Automated Fiber Quantification ... in Python
- pyampute — Transformer for generating multivariate missingness in complete datasets
- pyansys-tools-variableinterop — Optional variable specifications for interoperability between languages and capabilities.
- pyapprox — High-dimensional function approximation and estimation
- pyBADA — pyBADA
- pybamm — Python Battery Mathematical Modelling
- pybamm-cookie — A template for creating battery modeling projects based on PyBaMM
- pybaselines — A library of algorithms for the baseline correction of experimental data.
- pybids-reports — pybids-reports: report generator for BIDS datasets
- pyconverter-xml2py — PyConverter-XML2Py converter.
- pycrostates — A simple open source Python package for EEG microstate segmentation.
- pycsep — Python tools from the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- pyddapi — DataDriver API package
- pydeco — Python Class Methods Decorator
- pydicom — A pure Python package for reading and writing DICOM data
- pydita-ast — PyDita AST converter.
- pydl8.5 — A package to build an optimal binary decision tree classifier.
- pyebsdindex — Python based tool for Radon based EBSD indexing
- pyedb — Higher-Level Pythonic Ansys Electronics Data Base
- pyehm — Python Efficient Hypothesis Management (PyEHM)
- pyet — pyet - Estimation of Potential Evaporation
- pyfftlog — Logarithmic Fast Fourier Transform
- PyFiberModes — A package for light propagation in fiber optics.
- PyFinitDiff — A package for generating finite-difference matrices, particularly suited for physics and engineering applications.
- pyflagser — Python bindings for the flagser C++ library.
- pyflct — A Python wrapper for Fourier Local Correlation Tracking.
- PyFstat — a python package for gravitational wave analysis with the F-statistic
- pygfx — Powerful and versatile visualization for Python
- pyglimer — Pythonic Lithospheric Imaging using Earthquake Records
- pyhdtoolkit — An all-in-one toolkit package to ease my Python work in my PhD.
- pyimof — Python package for optical flow estimation
- pyKG2Vec — A Python library for Knowledge Graph Embedding
- PyKrige — Kriging Toolkit for Python.
- pyldpc — Simulation of Low Density Parity Check Codes ldpc
- pylegs — Legacy Survey Data Retriever
- pylena — Image processing library
- pylossless — Python port of EEG-IP-L pipeline for preprocessing EEG.
- PyMARE — PyMARE: Python Meta-Analysis & Regression Engine
- pymfe — Meta-feature Extractor
- PyMieSim — A package for light scattering computation.
- pymsis — A Python wrapper around the NRLMSIS model.
- pyopenrivercam — pyorc: free and open-source image-based surface velocity and discharge.
- PyOptik — A package for refractive index values.
- pyorb — Keplerian orbit functions in Python
- pyparrm — A Python port of the PARRM algorithm
- pyprocar — A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.
- pypsg — A Python package for accessing the Planetary System Generator.
- pyquickbench — A pure Pyton tool to perform time and accuracy benchmarks
- pyquickhelper — Various functionalities: folder synchronization, simple logging function, helpers to generate documentation with sphinx, sphinx extension, to run a command line, to run a notebook...
- pyrfu — Python Space Physics (RymdFysik) Utilities
- pyriemann — Machine learning for multivariate data with Riemannian geometry
- pyriemann-qiskit — Qiskit wrapper for pyRiemann
- pyrolite — Tools for geochemical data analysis.
- pyrolite-meltsutil — pyrolite extension for working with alphaMELTS and its outputs.
- pysap-fmri — Python Sparse data Analysis Package external fMRI plugin.
- pysarpro — SAR processing in Python
- pyscores2 — Python API to ship strip theory code Scores2
- pysecs — Spherical Elementary Current System (SECS) Calculations.
- pySPFM — A python package for Paradigm Free Mapping (3dPFM and 3dMEPFM).
- pyspline — P-splines smoothing
- pyts — A python package for time series classification
- PyUoI — The Union of Intersections framework in Python.
- pyxem — multi-dimensional diffraction microscopy
- pyxu — Modular and scalable computational imaging in Python with support for GPU/out-of-core computing.
- QM-How-to-Opensource-AMA — A Quantmetry tutorial on how to publish an opensource python package.
- QM-How-to-Opensource-by-VTA — A Quantmetry tutorial on how to publish an opensource python package.
- QM-How-to-Opensource-CHP — A Quantmetry tutorial on how to publish an opensource python package.
- QM-How-to-Opensource-Louis — A Quantmetry tutorial on how to publish an opensource python package.
- qolmat — Tools to impute