Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-gallery
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-gallery:
- cpvlib — CPV Systems modeling
- cpymadtools — Lightweigth pythonic wrapper around cpymad, extracted from pyhdtoolkit
- credoai-connect — Credo AI Connect: Integration point for Credo AI Governance Platform
- credoai-lens — Lens: comprehensive assessment framework for AI systems
- ctapipe — Event reconstruction framework for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes developed for CTAO.
- cubids — Curation of BIDS (CuBIDS): A sanity-preserving software package for processing BIDS datasets.
- curvelets — Open source implementation of the uniform discrete curvelet transform in Python.
- CurviRiver — Generate curvilinear mesh from river outline polygons
- curvlinops-for-pytorch — scipy Linear operators for curvature matrices in PyTorch
- cyclehunter — Framework for Discrete Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
- daa-adaptive-binning — Some general purpose binning functionalities
- dageo — Data Assimilation in Geosciences
- dask-ml — A library for distributed and parallel machine learning
- datacard — Generate a report card for your data.
- datastock — A python library for generic class and data handling
- DataVisual — A package multidimensional data visualisation.
- dbgen — Database for genomics.
- deapi — API for DE Server
- deep-logic — Deep logic: Interpretable neural networks in Python.
- deepcola — COLA - Competitive layers for deep learning.
- deepdow — Portfolio optimization with deep learning
- deephyper — Scalable asynchronous neural architecture and hyperparameter search for deep neural networks
- deepinv — Pytorch library for solving inverse problems with deep learning
- deeptime — Python library for analysis of time series data including dimensionality reduction, clustering, and Markov model estimation.
- deeptl — Deep Topological Learning: a deep learning library for complex topological tasks.
- demcmc — Differential Emission Measure calculations using Monte Carlo methods.
- dff-sphinx-theme — Dialog Flow Framework Sphinx Theme is a sphinx theme for building DFF distributed website
- dicodile — Distributed Convolutional Dictionary Learning
- DiffeRT2d — 2D Toolbox for Differentiable Ray Tracing
- diffsims — Diffraction Simulations in Python
- dirty_cat — Machine learning with dirty categories.
- discretize — Discretization tools for finite volume and inverse problems
- dkist — DKIST User Tools
- docplex-extensions — Custom data structures and user-friendly functions for modeling with DOcplex
- dorado-scheduling — Dorado observation planning and scheduling simulations
- dotnetinteropt — A high-level .NET interop library for Python
- download — A quick module to help downloading files using python.
- DPA — The Density Peak Advanced packages.
- drillcore-transformations — Transform structural drillcore measurements.
- drms — Access HMI, AIA and MDI data from the Standford JSOC DRMS
- duffie2013 — Implementation of formalisms from Duffie 2013 on solar engineering
- dynamicgem — A Python library for Dynamic Graph Embedding Methods
- dynamo-release — Mapping Vector Field of Single Cells
- earth2studio — Open-source deep-learning framework for exploring, building and deploying AI weather/climate workflows.
- easyidp — A handy tool for dealing with region of interest (ROI) on the image reconstruction (Metashape & Pix4D) outputs, mainly in agriculture applications
- easyscience — Generic logic for easyScience libraries
- easyScienceCore — Generic logic for easyScience libraries
- ebtelplusplus — Zero-dimensional hydrodynamics of coronal loops
- EduNLP — no summary
- eeg-positions — Compute and plot standard EEG electrode positions.
- egg-smol — e-graphs in Python built around the the egg-smol rust library
- egglog — e-graphs in Python built around the the egglog rust library
- ehrapy — Electronic Health Record Analysis with Python.
- elpigraph-python — no summary
- emd — Empirical Mode Decomposition
- empymod — Open-source full 3D electromagnetic modeller for 1D VTI media
- energy-analysis-toolbox — A set of tools to manipulate and transform power, and energy timeseries data.
- energyplus_wrapper — Wrapper able to run energy-plus in parallel, directly from python.
- erasplit — Invariant Gradient Boosted Decision Tree Package - Era Splitting.
- escalona2003 — Data and formalisms from Escalona et al. (2003)
- espm — Electron SPectro-Microscopy Python Library
- evers2010 — Formalism of leaf gas exchange from Evers 2010
- evofs — Multi-objective evolutionary feature selection.
- expipe-plugin-cinpla — Expipe plugins for the CINPLA lab.
- exspy — EELS and EDS analysis with the HyperSpy framework
- ezaero — Aerodynamics in Python.
- fao56 — Data and formalisms from FAO56 related to crop evapotranspiration
- fastcan — A fast canonical-correlation-based feature selection method
- fastplotlib — A fast plotting library built using the pygfx render engine
- FAT-Forensics — A Python Toolbox for Algorithmic Fairness, Accountability and Transparency
- FDApy — A Python package to analyze functional data.
- fedgraph — Federated Graph Learning
- felupe — Finite Element Analysis
- fiasco — A Python interface to the CHIANTI atomic database
- FiberFusing — A package fiber fusing configuration simulating the transverse fusion of fiber optics.
- floatcsep — CSEP Floating Experiment application
- FlowCyPy — A package for flow-cytometry simulations.
- FlowCytometry — A package for flow-cytometry simulations.
- flurs — A library for streaming recommendation algorithms
- folktexts — Use LLMs to get classification risk scores on tabular tasks.
- forest-gis — A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining
- fours — Data post-processing for high-contrast imaging with the 4S Algorithm.
- fplore — FPLO run evaluation
- FPTE — The FPTE package is a collection of tools for finite pressure temperature elastic constants calculation. Features include, but are not limited to stress-strain method for getting second order elastic tensors using DFT package VASP as well as, ab initio molecular dynamic method for temperaturedependent elastic constants.
- fracridge — Fractional Ridge Regression
- freq-tag — A Python package facilitating the analysis of frequency-tagging data
- frequency — Python wrapper for frequency analysis codes applied to particle accelerator data
- frites — Framework of Information Theory for Electrophysiological data and Statistics
- fsqc — Quality control scripts for FastSurfer and FreeSurfer structural MRI data
- ft-scikit-optimize — Sequential model-based optimization toolbox.
- fugw — A collection of gpu-compatible solvers for fused unbalanced gromov-wasserstein optimization problems
- funsor — A tensor-like library for functions and distributions
- fusilli — Comparing multi-modal data fusion methods. Don't be silly, use Fusilli!
- fuzzy-rough-learn — A library of fuzzy rough machine learning algorithms and data descriptors.
- fuzzytree — A scikit-learn compatible implementation of fuzzy decision tree estimator.
- garcia2009 — Description of BRIN model from García de Cortázar-Atauri et al. 2009
- gasearch — Genetic algorithm based hyperparameter optimalization.
- gemclus — A package for performing discriminative clustering with gemini-trained models
- gemgis — Spatial data processing for geomodeling
- gemseo — Generic Engine for Multi-disciplinary Scenarios, Exploration and Optimization