Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-gallery
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-gallery:
- svGPFA — Python implementation of the svGPFA algorithm (Duncker and Sahani, 2018)
- symmetria — Symmetria provides an intuitive, thorough, and comprehensive framework for interacting with the symmetric group and its elements.
- tapqir — Bayesian analysis of co-localization single-molecule microscopy image data
- teachpyx — Teaching material, algorithm, machine learning
- tenbagger — test
- tensorly-viz — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- tensortrax — Differentiable Tensors based on NumPy Arrays
- TFPWA — Partial Wave Analysis program using Tensorflow
- thermontfa — no summary
- thisnotthat — Tools for interactive visualization and exploration of _data maps_
- timeoutpool — Process pool with timeout for each individual job.
- TLVis — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- TLViz — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- tn4ml — Tensor Networks for Machine Learning
- tofu — A python library for Tomography for Fusion
- TopoEmbedX — Representation Learning on Topological Domains
- TopoModelX — Topological Deep Learning
- toponetx — Computing on Topological Domains
- torch-explain — PyTorch Explain: Explainable Deep Learning in Python.
- torch-uncertainty — Uncertainty quantification library in PyTorch
- torchdr — Torch Dimensionality Reduction Library
- torchsim — A feature-rich MR simulator supporting massive parallelization on GPU and automatic differentiation.
- tracerepo — Fracture & lineament data management.
- trackC — no summary
- trap — The Transients Pipeline (or 'TraP') is a Python based system for detecting and responding to transient and variable sources in a stream of astronomical images.
- treeple — Modern decision trees in Python
- tri-py — A package for efficient loglikelihood evaluation with structured covariance matrices
- trisicell — Trisicell - Scalable tumor phylogeny reconstruction and validation from single-cell data
- truelearn — A Machine learning library that models and predicts learner engagement
- trustee — This package implements the Trustee framework to extract decision tree explanation from black-box ML models.
- ts-scikit-optimize — Sequential model-based optimization toolbox.
- tsbootstrap — A Python package to generate bootstrapped time series
- turtlethread — A Turtle-interface for making embroidery files
- tuzet2003 — Data and implementation from Tuzet et al. 2003
- ultrack — Large-scale multi-hypotheses cell tracking
- UQpy — UQpy is a general purpose toolbox for Uncertainty Quantification
- vallenae — Extract and analyze Acoustic Emission measurement data
- vayu — Tools for Air Quality Data Analysis.
- vectorizers — A suite of vectorizers for various data types.
- vfi — Classification by Voting Feature Intervals in Python
- vipdopt — Package for volumetirc inverse photonic design and optimization
- vispy — Interactive visualization in Python
- visualtorch — Architecture visualization of Torch models
- vivit-for-pytorch — ViViT: Curvature access through the generalized Gauss-Newton\'s low-rank structure
- voxelwise-tutorials — Tools and tutorials for voxelwise modeling
- VSPEC — Simulate Observations of Exoplanets in Variable Star Systems
- vspec-vsm — The VSPEC Variable Star Model as a standalone package.
- wefe — The Word Embedding Fairness Evaluation Framework
- welltestpy — welltestpy - package to handle well-based Field-campaigns.
- WrightSim — A simulation package for multidimensional spectroscopy.
- xai-sharp — Implementation of the ShaRP framework.
- xanadu-sphinx-theme — Sphinx theme for Xanadu open-source Python packages
- xdem — Analysis of digital elevation models (DEMs)
- xeofs — Comprehensive EOF analysis in Python with xarray: A versatile, multidimensional, and scalable tool for advanced climate data analysis
- XGI — XGI is a Python package for higher-order networks.
- xibs — Prototype Intra-Beam Scattering implementation for Xsuite.
- ximage — xarray-based tools for image/video processing
- xrayvisim — An open-source Python library for Fourier or synthesis X-Ray imaging instruments.
- xrfeitoria — OpenXRLab Synthetic Data Rendering Toolbox
- yahpo-gym — Inference module for YAHPO Gym
- yin2009 — C3 and C4 photosynthesis models
- zhu2018 — Data and formalisms from Zhu 2018
- zhu2020 — Data and formalisms from Zhu 2020