Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-gallery
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-gallery:
- generalized-additive-models — Generalized additive models in Python.
- geoana — Analytic expressions for geophysical responses
- geobipy — McMC inversion of airborne electromagnetic data
- geolia — Geometry and mesh tools
- geoplot — High-level geospatial plotting for Python.
- geotrans — Switch between spatial fileformats.
- geoutils — Analysis and handling of georeferenced rasters and vectors
- geovista — Cartographic rendering and mesh analytics powered by PyVista
- gglasso — Algorithms for Single and Multiple Graphical Lasso problems.
- giotto-learn — Toolbox for Machine Learning using Topological Data Analysis.
- giotto-learn-nightly — Toolbox for Machine Learning using Topological Data Analysis.
- glearn — Gaussian Process for Machine Learning
- glest — Estimate the grouping loss of your probabilistic classifiers.
- glmnet-classifier — A binomial classifier based on glmnet
- goes-api — Python API for downloading and searching GOES-16/17 satellite data on local and cloud storage.
- gpm-api — Python Package for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission Data Archive
- gpxplotter — A package for reading gpx files and creating simple plots
- gradec — Meta-analytic gradient decoding
- grag — A simple package for implementing RAG
- graph-sd — ('Mining graphs with Subgroup Discovery',)
- graphcat — Lightweight, flexible toolkit for managing computational graphs.
- greer2018 — Data and formalisms from Greer et al. (2018)
- GREOPy — Solve the general-relativistic Emitter-Observer problem.
- greykite — A python package for flexible forecasting
- gridkit — Powerful abstractions of infinite grids for grid-vector interactions, tesselation, resampling and interactions between related grids.
- GridPolator — Interpolate a grid of spectroscopic models.
- groupyr — groupyr: Sparse Groups Lasso in Python
- GSForge — Feature (gene) selection package for gene expression data.
- gstools — GSTools: A geostatistical toolbox.
- hal-cgp — Cartesian genetic programming (CGP) in pure Python.
- hapsira — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics.
- harley1992 — Data and formalisms from Harley 1992 publication
- harlow — Adaptive surrogate modelling
- hdmf-docutils — Collection of CLIs, scripts and modules useful to generate the NWB documentation
- hdmf-zarr — A package defining a Zarr I/O backend for HDMF
- head-direction — Analysis of head direction cells.
- hello-chp — A Quantmetry tutorial on how to publish an opensource python package.
- hidimstat — High-dimensional statistical inference tools for Python
- hilbert-toolkit — This package provide several implementations of the discrete Hilbert transform (DHT).
- himalaya — Multiple-target machine learning
- himawari-api — Python API for downloading and searching Himawari satellite data on local and cloud storage.
- hipar — Hierarchical Pattern-aided Regression
- hipsta — A python package for hippocampal shape and thickness analysis
- hmm-py — A python module to implement Hidden Markov hidden_markov for financial times series.
- hmmlearn — Hidden Markov Models in Python with scikit-learn like API
- Hoi — Higher Order Interactions
- honyx — Python package for creating and analyzing Higher-order networks from sequential dataset
- hqc — A package for the Helstrom Quantum Centroid classifier
- hyoga — Paleoglacier modelling framework
- hyperbox-brain — A scikit-learn compatible hyperbox-based machine learning library in Python
- hyperspy — Multidimensional data analysis toolbox
- hypll — A framework for hyperbolic learning in PyTorch
- igraph — High performance graph data structures and algorithms
- imagecat — Flexible, high-quality tools for procedural image editing.
- imate — Implicit Matrix Trace Estimator. Computes the trace of functions of implicit matrices. Accelerated on CPU and CUDA-capable GPU devices.
- imbalanced-ensemble — Toolbox for ensemble learning on class-imbalanced dataset.
- imbalanced-learn — Toolbox for imbalanced dataset in machine learning
- inequality — inequality: Spatial inequality analysis
- inne — A Isolation based anomaly detection algorithms.
- intrieri1997 — Data and formalisms from Intrieri et al. (1997) paper
- intrieri1998 — Data and formalisms from Intrieri et al. (1998)
- iohub — N-dimensional bioimaging data I/O with OME metadata in Python
- iop4 — A rewrite of IOP3, a pipeline to work with photometry and polarimetry of optical data from CAHA and OSN.
- ipyaladin — no summary
- irispy-lmsal — Provides tools to read and analyze data from the IRIS solar-observing satellite.
- ITMO-FS — Python Feature Selection library from ITMO University.
- julearn — Juelich Machine Learning Library
- junifer — JUelich NeuroImaging FEature extractoR
- jupytext — Jupyter notebooks as Markdown documents, Julia, Python or R scripts
- jupytext-ebp — Jupyter notebooks as Markdown documents, Julia, Python or R scripts
- kikuchipy — Processing, simulating, and indexing of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns
- km3astro — Astronomical utilities for KM3NeT
- km3compass — Light weight package to read and exploit km3net compass data
- km3db — KM3NeT database library
- km3dia — Python module providing access to DIA DB information.
- km3io — "KM3NeT I/O library without ROOT"
- km3irf — KM3NeT instrument response functions
- km3net-testdata — KM3NeT TestData
- km3pipe — "An analysis framework for KM3NeT"
- km3services — Microservices for KM3NeT
- kmapper — Python implementation of Mapper algorithm for Topological Data Analysis.
- koho — Decision Forest C++ library with a scikit-learn compatible Python interface
- korner — korner
- lapy — A package for differential geometry on meshes (Laplace, FEM)
- lazyscribe — Lightweight and lazy experiment logging
- lbm-caiman-python — Light Beads Microscopy 2P Calcium Imaging Pipeline.
- lds-python — Linear Dynamical Systems
- leaspy — Leaspy is a software package for the statistical analysis of longitudinal data.
- legendkit — Legend creation and manipulation with ease for matplotlib
- libpypsg — A Python library for accessing the Planetary System Generator.
- librosa — Python module for audio and music processing
- lightkde — Lightning fast, lightweight, and reliable kernel density estimation.
- lightly — A deep learning package for self-supervised learning
- LightWave2D — A package for finite-difference time domain computation for light propagation
- limbo-ml — Library for accessing computer vision training data in Limbo Data Format.
- lisbet — LISBET (LISBET Is a Social BEhavior Transformer)
- lmfit — Least-Squares Minimization with Bounds and Constraints
- LRBoost — Linear Residual Boosting compatible with scikit-learn.
- macapype — Pipeline for anatomic processing for macaque
- magpylib — Free Python3 package to compute magnetic fields.