Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-gallery
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-gallery:
- makana-model — Makana Model.
- makana-service — Makana Service
- mapclassify — Classification Schemes for Choropleth Maps.
- mapmatcher — A package to map-match GPS traces onto an arbitrary network
- marsilea — no summary
- matcouply — Regularized coupled matrix factorisation with AO-ADMM
- matplotlib_set_diagrams — Python drawing utilities for Venn and Euler diagrams visualizing the relationships between two or more sets.
- mcalf — "MCALF: Multi-Component Atmospheric Line Fitting"
- mchammers — A toy package for sampling posteriors. Our final project for APC 524 at Princeton University.
- mealy — Model Error Analysis python package
- meco — MECO: Multi-objective Evolutionary Compression.
- medlyn2002 — Data and formalisms from Medlyn et al. (2002)
- meegkit — M/EEG denoising in Python
- mera-tvm-runtime — Mera TVM: An End to End Tensor IR/DSL Stack for Deep Learning Systems, adapted to Mera ( environment.
- mermaid — Image registration toolbox based on pyTorch
- metachat — Spatial metabolic communication flow of single cells.
- metaheuristic — A package with some metaheuristics to feature selection
- MetPy — Collection of tools for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data.
- metric-learn — Python implementations of metric learning algorithms
- mgwr — multiscale geographically weighted regression
- mitiq — Mitiq is an open source toolkit for implementing error mitigation techniques on most current intermediate-scale quantum computers.
- ml-research — Implementation of Machine Learning algorithms, experiments and utilities.
- mlinsights — Extends the list of supported operators in onnx reference implementation and onnxruntime, or implements faster versions in C++.
- mloptimizer — mloptimizer is a Python library for optimizing hyperparameters of machine learning algorithms using genetic algorithms.
- mlscorecheck — ML score check: checking the validity of machine learning and computer vision scores
- mlx-graphs — Graph Neural Network library made for Apple Silicon
- mne-bids — MNE-BIDS: Organizing MEG, EEG, and iEEG data according to the BIDS specification and facilitating their analysis with MNE-Python
- mne-connectivity — mne-connectivity: A module for connectivity data analysis with MNE.
- mne-icalabel — MNE-ICALabel: Automatic labeling of ICA components from MEG, EEG and iEEG data with MNE.
- mne-lsl — Real-time framework integrated with MNE-Python for online neuroscience research through LSL-compatible devices.
- mne-nirs — An MNE compatible package for processing near-infrared spectroscopy data
- mne-qt-browser — A new backend based on pyqtgraph for the 2D-Data-Browser in MNE-Python
- mne-realtime — A module for real-time data analysis with MNE.
- MOCPy — MOC parsing and manipulation in Python
- modopt — Modular Optimisation tools for soliving inverse problems.
- motulator — Motor Drive and Grid Converter Simulator in Python
- mpl-animators — An interactive animation framework for matplotlib.
- mpl-colr2svg — no summary
- mpl-interactions — Matplotlib aware interact functions
- mpl-pe-fancy-bar — no summary
- mpl-pe-pattern-monster — no summary
- mpl-playback — Record and playback matplotlib figures
- mpl-point-clicker — no summary
- mpl-poormans-3d — no summary
- mpl-simple-svg-parser — no summary
- mpl-skia-pathops — no summary
- mpl-speech-bubble — no summary
- mpl-visual-context — no summary
- mplcursors — Interactive data selection cursors for Matplotlib.
- mplsignal — Matplotlib extension for signal processing-related plots
- mprod-package — Software implementation for tensor-tensor m-product framework
- MPSPlots — A matplotlib wrapper for defered plots and plotting styles.
- MPSTools — Personal toolbox.
- mri-nufft — MRI Non-Cartesian Fourier Operators with multiple computation backends.
- mrtwin — Collection of virtual objects for numerical MR experiments.
- mubind — ML for biomolecular binding
- musicaiz — A python framework for symbolic music generation, evaluation and analysis
- mutar — Multi-Task Regression in Python
- napari-animation — A plugin for making animations in napari
- napari-matplotlib — A plugin to use Matplotlib with napari
- ncrar-audio — Audio tools supporting psiexperiment
- ncvx-sparse — Scikit-learn compatible implementation of nonconvex sparse estimators for single- and multi-task linear regressions (e.g. SCAD, MCP, l1-group-SCAD, etc).
- ndcube — A package for multi-dimensional contiguous and non-contiguous coordinate aware arrays.
- ndsplines — Multi-dimensional splines
- neo — Neo is a package for representing electrophysiology data in Python, together with support for reading a wide range of neurophysiology file formats
- netgraph — Python drawing utilities for publication quality plots of networks.
- netneurotools — A toolbox for network neuroscience
- netneurotools-scipyfix — Commonly used tools in the Network Neuroscience Lab
- networkx — Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks
- neuralcompression — A collection of tools for neural compression enthusiasts
- neuraloperator — NeuralOperator: Learning in Infinite Dimensions
- Neuroharmony — A tool to perform Freesurfer volume Harminization in unseen scanner.
- neurolang — "NeuroLang: Probabilistic Logic Programming for NeuroScience Research"
- neuromaps — A toolbox for projecting, resampling, and comparing brain maps
- neurots — Synthesis of artificial neurons using their topological profiles package.
- nialog — JSON logging setup for Python.
- nibetaseries — BetaSeries Correlations implemented in Nipype
- nigsp — A python library (and toolbox!) to run Graph Signal Processing on multimodal MRI data.
- NiMARE — NiMARE: Neuroimaging Meta-Analysis Research Environment
- nismod-snail — The spatial networks impact assessment library
- nrt — Online monitoring with xarray
- nsdcode — NSD map data from various spaces
- numba-celltree — Cell Tree Spatial Index
- numpyro — Pyro PPL on NumPy
- nwb-docutils — Collection of CLIs, scripts and modules useful to generate the NWB documentation
- obsplotlib — Plotting Tools for waveforms from Obspy
- odtlearn — A package for tree-based statistical estimation and inference using optimal decision trees.
- ogstools — A collection of Python tools aimed at evolving into a modeling toolchain around OpenGeoSys.
- onnx-extended — Extends the list of supported operators in onnx reference implementation and onnxruntime, or implements faster versions in C++.
- open-variant — OpenVariant provides different functionalities to read, parse and operate different multiple input file formats, being able to customize the output.
- openml — Python API for OpenML
- optax — A gradient processing and optimization library in JAX.
- optuna — A hyperparameter optimization framework
- orbithunter — Framework for Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
- orientationpy — Package for greyscale orientation analysis on 2D and 3D images
- orix — orix is an open-source Python library for handling crystal orientation mapping data
- osaft — An Open-Source Python Library For Acoustofluidics
- osipi — The authorative python package for perfusion MRI
- osl — OHBA Software Library
- outputscouting — Implementation of the Output Scouting technique proposed in [TBD].