Reverse Dependencies of myst-parser
The following projects have a declared dependency on myst-parser:
- gstools-cython — Cython backend for GSTools.
- gsv-interface — Generic State Vector Interface for Destination Earth data.
- gtnapi — Python Software Developement Kit for GTN Fintech API
- guidata — Automatic GUI generation for easy dataset editing and display
- guikit — Small tool to simplify the creation of GUIs
- guitool-ibeis — Guitool - tools for PyQt5 guis
- gval — Flexible, portable, and efficient geospatial evaluations for a variety of data.
- gwpopulation — Unified population inference
- gym-tictactoe-np — 3D TicTacToe environment for OpenAI's gym written with Numpy.
- gymcts — A minimalistic implementation of the Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm for planning problems fomulated as gymnaisum reinforcement learning environments.
- h5grove — Core utilities to serve HDF5 file contents
- haplo — no summary
- hapsira — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics.
- harlow — Adaptive surrogate modelling
- hatch-jupyter-builder — A hatch plugin to help build Jupyter packages
- hawkinsdb — A neuroscience-inspired memory layer for LLM applications
- hcloud — Official Hetzner Cloud python library
- heart-library — Hardened Extension of the Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (HEART) supports assessment of adversarial AI vulnerabilities in Test & Evaluation workflows.
- hecstac — Create stac objects and metadata from HEC modeling software.
- heifetslab-unravel — UNRAVEL: UN-biased high-Resolution Analysis and Validation of Ensembles using Light sheet images
- heisskleber — Heisskleber
- heizer — A python library to easily create kafka producer and consumer
- hepconvert — File conversion package.
- hepfile — no summary
- herbie-data — Download numerical weather prediction GRIB2 model data.
- hermesbaby — The Software and Systems Engineers' Typewriter
- hextools — Tools for NSLS-II HEX beamline
- hgan — A package to infer interpretable dynamics from images of a mechanical system.
- hgdl — HGDL Optimization
- HGQ — High Granularity Quantizarion
- hidir — no summary
- hipsta — A python package for hippocampal shape and thickness analysis
- hist — Hist classes and utilities
- hklpy2 — 2nd generation diffractometer controls for the Bluesky Framework.
- HofstadterTools — A Python package for analyzing the Hofstadter model.
- hp3478a-async — Python3 AsyncIO HP3478A driver
- HPOflow — Tools for Optuna, MLflow and the integration of both
- hsnf — Computing Hermite normal form and Smith normal form.
- html-report-line-profiler — Generate an HTML report for line_parser
- hukudo — no summary
- humidifier — Create human-friendly IDs from strings.
- huracanpy — A python package for working with various forms of feature tracking data
- hydra-config — Enhanced Hydra structured configs
- hylight — Hylight is post-processing package for luminescence related ab initio computations.
- hypervehicle — Parametric geometry generation tool for hypersonic vehicles
- hyphi-gym — Gymnasium benchmark suite for evaluating robustness and multi-task performance of reinforcement learning algorithms in various discrete and continuous environments.
- hypnotoad — Grid generator for BOUT++
- hypysagas — Python Sensitivity Approximations for Geometric-Aerodynamic Surfaces
- ibeacon-ble — Parser for iBeacon devices
- ibek — IOC builder for EPICS and Kubernetes
- ibex_bluesky_core — Core bluesky plan stubs & devices for use at ISIS
- ibquant — A Python Framework for Interactive Brokers TWS API
- iceland — no summary
- icenet — Library for operational IceNet forecasting
- icloudpd — icloudpd is a command-line tool to download photos and videos from iCloud.
- icoco — ICoCo Python implementation
- icomo — This toolbox aims to simplify the construction of compartmental models and the inference of their parameters
- ICPy — Invariant Causal Prediction for python
- idc-index — Package to query and download data from an index of ImagingDataCommons
- ideolog — Ideolog (pre-alpha)
- idf-analysis — heavy rainfall intensity as a function of duration and return period acc. to DWA-A 531 (2012)
- idf_build_apps — Tools for building ESP-IDF related apps.
- idf-ci — The python library for CI/CD of ESP-IDF projects
- idrlnet — IDRLnet
- ifermi — Fermi surface plotting tool from DFT output
- imat — Interactive Music Analysis Tool (I-MaT)
- IMC — A package for processing and analysis of imaging mass cytometry (IMC) data.
- impira — Official Impira Python SDK
- impresso-commons — Python module highly reusable within impresso.
- infertrade — Pandas and SciKit Learn compatible open source interface for algorithmic trading functions.
- influxio — Import and export data into/from InfluxDB
- infrasys — no summary
- inkbird-ble — Parser for INKBIRD BLE devices
- input4mips-validation — Validation of input4MIPs data (checking file formats, metadata etc.).
- InquirerLib — An updated fork of InquirerPy - Python port of Inquirer.js (A collection of common interactive command-line user interfaces)
- inquirerpy — Python port of Inquirer.js (A collection of common interactive command-line user interfaces)
- insupdel4stac — A python-based module to ingest STAC metadata catalogs into STAC-databases like pgSTAC
- intake-duckdb — DuckDB plugin for Intake
- interactions-molter — An extension library for to add prefixed commands. A demonstration of molter-core.
- intersection-control — An environment-agnostic framework for implementing and comparing intersection control algorithms
- intropy — Jump-start your python project
- invert4geom — Constrained gravity inversion to recover the geometry of a density contrast.
- invertedai-simulate — Client Interface for InvertedAI Simulate
- invest-ucm-calibration — Automated calibration of the InVEST urban cooling model with simulated annealing
- ipasc-tool — Standardised Data Access Tool of IPASC
- ipyaladin — no summary
- ipyannotations — Create rich adata annotations in jupyter notebooks.
- ipykernel — IPython Kernel for Jupyter
- irbasis3 — intermediate representation (IR) basis for electronic propagator
- isofit — Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
- itkdb-browser — TUI browser for ITk Production DB using itkdb
- itksn — ITk Serial Number parser
- itsh5py — Python datatype support for hdf files
- itwinai — AI and ML workflows module for scientific digital twins.
- jamaibase — JamAI Base: Let Your Database Orchestrate LLMs and RAG
- jax-quantity — Quantities in JAX
- jaxbind — Bind any function written in another language to JAX with support for JVP/VJP/batching/jit compilation
- jaxili — This package provides tools to execute and implement Implicit Likelihood Inference tools in JAX.
- jaxkan — A JAX implementation of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks
- jaxparrow — Computes the inversion of the cyclogeostrophic balance based on a variational formulation approach, using JAX