Reverse Dependencies of myst-parser
The following projects have a declared dependency on myst-parser:
- elan-scissors — Cut ELAN audio into snippets.
- elixirlab-server — A set of server components for ElixirLab and ElixirLab like applications.
- emd — Empirical Mode Decomposition
- emergingtrajectories — Open source library for tracking and saving forecasts of political, economic, and social events.
- emhass — An Energy Management System for Home Assistant
- emm — Entity Matching Model package
- empulse — Value-driven and cost-sensitive tools for scikit-learn
- emvoice — Extract emotion expression-related voice features from audio.
- EN-ENcrypt — A matrix-based encryption library developed for TUBITAK 2204-a
- ENGR131-2024 — ENGR131_2024 package
- enscons — Tools for building Python packages with SCons
- enscons-forked — Tools for building Python packages with SCons (forked for providing some useful features)
- environ-config — Boilerplate-free configuration with env variables.
- envsub — A text preprocessing tool with environment variable substitution.
- enzyme — Video metadata parser
- eodal — The Earth Observation Data Analysis Library EOdal
- EOxServer — EOxServer is a server for Earth Observation (EO) data
- episimmer — Epidemic Simulation Platform
- epitools — Quantifying 2D cell shape and epithelial tissue dynamics
- epiworldpy — Python bindings for epiworld
- epythet — Tools for documentation and packaging
- eradiate — A radiative transfer model for the Earth observation community
- esp-bool-parser — Tools for building ESP-IDF related apps.
- espnet — ESPnet: end-to-end speech processing toolkit
- eth-pydantic-types — eth-pydantic-types: Pydantic Types for Ethereum
- ethpm-types — ethpm_types: Implementation of EIP-2678
- etna — ETNA is the first python open source framework of T-Bank AI Center. It is designed to make working with time series simple, productive, and fun.
- etna-ts — ETNA is the first python open source framework of AI Center. It is designed to make working with time series simple, productive, and fun.
- etyping — Sushida API for Python
- eudract-py — Eudract-py is a Python library for searching clinical trials on EUDRACT
- eugene-tools — Elucidating the Utility of Genomic Elements with Neural Nets
- eurocropsml — EuroCropsML is a ready-to-use benchmark dataset for few-shot crop type classification using Sentinel-2 imagery.
- evalml — an AutoML library that builds, optimizes, and evaluates machine learning pipelines using domain-specific objective functions
- evaluation-lumo — evaluation_lumo is a package for evaluating the LUMO damage detection system.
- evclust — Evidential Clustering
- event-model — Data model used by the bluesky ecosystem.
- evermore — Differentiable (binned) likelihoods in JAX.
- evox — evox
- examply — Example python packaging
- exasol-toolbox — Your one-stop solution for managing all standard tasks and core workflows of your Python project.
- exca — Execution and caching tool for python
- execlib — Lightweight multi-threaded job framework
- extended-data-types — Extended functionality for data types
- extra-platforms — Detect platforms and group them by family
- eyconf — Easy Yaml based Configuration for Python
- f2py-cmake — CMake helpers for building F2Py modules
- fact-explorer — A fast and simple tool to explore facts.
- factor-pricing-model-risk-model — Package to build risk models for factor pricing model
- factor-pricing-model-universe — Package to build universes for factor pricing model
- fast-jsonl — A simple JSONL reader that caches line byte positions for fast loading.
- fastcs — Control system agnostic framework for building Device support in Python that will work for both EPICS and Tango
- fastemriwaveforms-cuda11x — Fast and accurate EMRI Waveforms.
- fastemriwaveforms-cuda12x — Fast and accurate EMRI Waveforms.
- faster-eTaPR — no summary
- fasthep — A meta package for the FAST-HEP toolkit
- fasthep-cli — A command line interface for the FAST-HEP tools (one to rule them all)
- fasthep-flow — Convert YAML into a workflow DAG
- fasthep-logging — Enhanced logging for the FAST-HEP toolkit
- fastiot — FastIoT Platform
- fastlifeweb — High-level web framework
- faunanet — faunanet - A bioacoustics platform for the analysis of animal sounds with neural networks based on birdnetlib
- faunanet-record — Audio Recording Facilities for the isparrow package
- fcs-ql-parser — "FCS-QL (CLARIN-FCS Core 2.0 Query Language) Grammar and Parser"
- fcs-simple-endpoint — "FCS SRU Simple Endpoint"
- fcs-sru-server — "FCS SRU Server"
- fdhpy — Implementations of FDHI Project Fault Displacement Models
- FeatherPy — A python package to combine radio as
- featuretools — a framework for automated feature engineering
- fedora-messaging-git-hook — Git hook for Fedora Messaging
- fenics-plotly — A package for plotting FEniCS objects using plotly
- ffsim — Faster simulations of fermionic quantum circuits.
- fhailib — FH,FJ Vision AI SYSTEM LIB
- fids — fake bids dataset generator
- filefisher — find and parse file and folder names
- filesystem-python — FileSystem for Python
- film-review-explorer — A python package for exploring film reviews.
- finam — FINAM is not a model.
- finam-graph — FINAM coupling graph visualization.
- finam-mhm — FINAM module for mHM.
- finam-netcdf — FINAM NetCDF I/O components.
- finam-plot — FINAM live plot components.
- finam-regrid — FINAM ESMPy regridding adapters.
- financial-security-classes — Pure python financial securities dataclasses
- FINE — Framework for integrated energy systems assessment
- firebase-messaging — FCM/GCM push notification client
- firefly-client — Python API for Firefly: display astronomical data as tables, images, charts, and more!
- fitlins — Fit Linear Models to BIDS Datasets
- fitscube — A package to produce produce FITS cubes.
- flakeheaven — FlakeHeaven is a [Flake8]( wrapper to make it cool.
- flask-container-scaffold — Configuration layer to aid in deployment of Flask apps
- flask-marshmallow-openapi — Flask + marshmallow + OpenAPI
- flask-rest-jsonapi-next — Flask extension to create REST web api according to JSONAPI 1.0 specification with Flask, Marshmallow and data provider of your choice (SQLAlchemy, MongoDB, ...)
- FlaskSimpleAuth — Simple authentication, authorization and parameters for Flask, emphasizing configurability
- FlaskTester — Pytest fixtures for Flask internal and external authenticated tests
- flexcalc — CT data pre- and post-processing tools, simulation of spectral data, and batch-processing of large number of datasets
- flexdata — IO routines for CT data
- flexrag — A RAG Framework for Information Retrieval and Generation.
- flextomo — ASTRA-based cone beam tomography reconstructions.
- flinter — Flinter, a multi-language code linter.
- flodym — no summary