Reverse Dependencies of myst-parser
The following projects have a declared dependency on myst-parser:
- lightning-ir — Your one-stop shop for fine-tuning and running neural ranking models.
- lightning-template — A template wrapper for pytorch-lightning.
- lightning-uq-box — Lightning-UQ-Box: A toolbox for uncertainty quantification in deep learning
- lightshow — A one-stop-shop for computational spectroscopy
- LightWin — Automatically compensate cavity failures in linacs
- lilio — python package for generating calendars for machine learning timeseries analysis.
- linear-operator — A linear operator implementation, primarily designed for finite-dimensional positive definite operators (i.e. kernel matrices).
- lingtreemaps — Plot data on linguistic trees and maps.
- linkify-it-py — Links recognition library with FULL unicode support.
- linksmith — A program for processing Hyperlinks, Sphinx references, and inventories.
- litegitpuller — A jupyterlite extension to automate cloning of a github repository.
- literate-sphinx — A literate programming extension for Sphinx
- LiuML — LiuML(Li's Universal Misc Lib): Li-Yingping's personal python library for everything. Decicated to my girlfriend, LML.
- llama-stack — Llama Stack
- llg3d — Solveur pour l'équation de Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert stochastique en 3D
- llm-check — A series of coherence and calibration checks for LLMs.
- llq-sdk — Add your description here
- lm-buddy — Ray-centric library for finetuning and evaluation of (large) language models.
- lndocs — Lamin site generator.
- lod-unit — A simple python library with an astropy unit for λ/D
- logging-strict — logging.config yaml strict typing and editable
- logseg — Python logging for multi-process and multi-threaded applications.
- loguru — Python logging made (stupidly) simple
- longitudinal-tomography — A python library for longitudinal particle beam tomography
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- LoopStructural — 3D geological modelling
- lorrystream — A lightweight and polyglot stream-processing library, to be used as a data backplane-, message relay-, or pipeline-subsystem.
- lsdyna-mesh-reader — Read nodes and elements from LS-DYNA decks.
- lsqfitgp — A general purpose Gaussian process regression module
- lunr — A Python implementation of Lunr.js
- lydata — Library for handling lymphatic involvement data
- maaspower — Power control webhook server for Canonical's MAAS
- macromol_voxelize — Create 3D images from atomic coordinates
- macrosynergy — Macrosynergy Quant Research Package
- madminer — Mining gold from MadGraph to improve limit setting in particle physics.
- magellanmapper — 3D atlas analysis and annotation
- magentropy — Perform magnetoentropic mapping of magnetic materials based on DC magnetization data.
- mail-deduplicate — 📧 CLI to deduplicate mails from mail boxes
- mailos — An AI-powered email monitoring and response system
- mangadex-downloader — A Command-line tool to download manga from MangaDex, written in Python
- manifestoo — A tool to reason about Odoo addons manifests
- manifestoo-core — A library to reason about Odoo addons manifests
- manim-slides — Tool for live presentations using manim
- mapepire-python — no summary
- mapmatcher — A package to map-match GPS traces onto an arbitrary network
- marimo — A library for making reactive notebooks and apps
- marisa-bindings — An unofficial project that provides Python bindings for the MARISA Trie, which is implemented in C++ using SWIG.
- markdown-it-py — Python port of markdown-it. Markdown parsing, done right!
- masa-ai — MASA SDK - Masa's AI Software Architecture
- maskit — Python package to explore masking gates in variational circuits
- mat_discover — Data-driven materials discovery based on composition or structure.
- matchclot — Installable matchclot package.
- matchmaps — Make unbiased difference maps even for non-isomorphous inputs
- materials-learning-algorithms — Materials Learning Algorithms. A framework for machine learning materials properties from first-principles data.
- matplotlib-radar — Radar chart for matplotlib
- matrixctl — Control, manage, provision and deploy matrix homeservers.
- mayafbx — Python wrapper for Autodesk Maya FBX plugin
- maze-world — Random maze environments with different size and complexity for reinforcement learning and planning research. This is in-particular to investigate generalization and planning ability in dynamically changing environment.
- mbtask — Mindbox test task
- mchammers — A toy package for sampling posteriors. Our final project for APC 524 at Princeton University.
- mciwb — Minecraft Interactive world builder
- mcodegpt — mCodeGPT
- mcodegpthippa — mcodegpthippa
- mcpq — Library for communicating with and controlling Minecraft servers via MCPQ plugin
- mcstructure — Read and write Minecraft .mcstructure files.
- mdit-py-plugins — Collection of plugins for markdown-it-py
- mdpax — GPU-accelerated MDP solvers in Python with JAX
- mdslicer — A library to slice a markdown file into HTML sections.
- medicure — A cosmetic treatment for your media files: movies, TV shows and also their subtitles.
- medmodels — Limebit Medmodels Package
- medusae — Multi-physic Evolutionary platform Driven by Unified Safety Analysis nEeds
- meegsim — Building blocks (waveforms, SNR, connectivity) for M/EEG simulations with MNE-Python
- meerkat-ml — Meerkat is building new data abstractions to make machine learning easier.
- megatron-energon — Megatron's multi-modal data loader
- mellow-strategy-sdk — Framework for creating new Uniswap V3 strategies
- meltano-edk — A framework for building Meltano extensions
- memories-dev — Collective Memory Infrastructure for AGI
- menelaus — This library implements algorithms for detecting data drift and concept drift for ML and statistics applications.
- mergeplg — A great package.
- Mesa — Agent-based modeling (ABM) in Python
- mesa-geo — GIS Agent-based modeling (ABM) in Python
- meshwell — GMSH wrapper, with integrated photonics focus
- meta-package-manager — 🎁 wraps all package managers with a unifying CLI
- metacase — MetaCase is test case exporter tool based on FMF (Flexible Metadata Format) .
- metastore — Metastore Python SDK. Feature store and data catalog for machine learning.
- metator — A pipeline for binning metagenomic datasets from metaHiC data.
- meteora — Pythonic interface to access data from meteorological stations
- MetPy — Collection of tools for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data.
- metrics-as-scores — Interactive web application, tool- and analysis suite for approximating, exploring, understanding, and sampling from conditional distributions.
- metroscore — no summary
- mewbot-dev-tools — Mewbot Developers Tools (
- mexca — Emotion expression capture from multiple modalities.
- microgen — Microstructure generation and meshing
- miditk-smf — A Python toolkit for working with Standard MIDI files
- mikeplus — A python script package to manipulate MIKE+ database, run simulation by using MIKE+ data, run tools based on MIKE+ data
- miles-credit — no summary
- miles-guess — no summary
- milliontrees — Benchmark dataset for Airborne Tree Machine Learning
- millwheel — Python scheduler library
- mindquantum — A hybrid quantum-classic framework for quantum computing