Reverse Dependencies of myst-parser
The following projects have a declared dependency on myst-parser:
- appfl — An open-source package for privacy-preserving federated learning
- applechess — A simple alpha-beta chess engine with a Lichess bot interface.
- applefy — applefy: A library to compute detection limits for high contrast imaging of exoplanets
- aprompt — Advanced Prompts
- aquarium-python-api — Aquarium python package
- archinfo — Classes with architecture-specific information useful to other projects.
- argon2_cffi — Argon2 for Python
- argos-monitoring — Distributed supervision tool for HTTP.
- argosim — Radio interferometric simulations package for the ARGOS radio telescope.
- arptools — CLI tools to do network analysis with ARP packets.
- array-api-jax-compat — Array-API JAX compatibility
- array-api-stubs — Stubs for the array API standard
- artemis_sg — Package for generating Google slide decks
- arthur-bench — validate models for production
- arviz-base — Base ArviZ features and converters.
- arviz-plots — ArviZ-plots provides ready to use and composable plots for Bayesian Workflow.
- arviz-stats — Statistical computation and diagnostics for ArviZ.
- asciipy-any — python library and cli tool to convert images and videos to ascii.
- asgardpy — Gammapy-based pipeline for easy joint analysis of different gamma-ray datasets
- ashx — Geometry and mesh tools
- asimtools — A lightweight python package for managing and running atomic simulation workflows
- assumptions — Generating Markdown assumptions logs from code comments.
- ASTRA-KernelKit — CuPy-based Projectors for Computed Tomography
- astro-otter — no summary
- astro-sdk-python — Astro SDK allows rapid and clean development of {Extract, Load, Transform} workflows using Python and SQL, powered by Apache Airflow.
- astrolabe-sdk — Python SDK for the OKAPI:Astrolabe API
- asv_runner — Core Python benchmark code for ASV
- asynciojobs — A simplistic orchestration engine for asyncio-based jobs
- asynctnt — A fast Tarantool Database connector for Python/asyncio.
- atc-ble — ATC BLE support
- atcoder — AtCoder API for Python
- athiruma-cloud-governance — Cloud Governance Tool
- atlas-schema — Helper python package for ATLAS Common NTuple Analysis work.
- atomate2 — atomate2 is a library of materials science workflows
- atoMEC — KS-DFT average-atom code
- attrs — Classes Without Boilerplate
- auto-ir-metadata — no summary
- auto-pi-lot — Distributed behavioral experiments
- autodoc-pydantic — Seamlessly integrate pydantic models in your Sphinx documentation.
- autogqlschema — A Sphinx extension for automatically documenting GraphQL schemas.
- autolingua — autolingua description
- automatic-actions — Test lib for automatic actions.
- autoplex — Automated machine-learned Potential Landscape explorer
- autotrader — A Python-based platform for developing, optimising and deploying automated trading systems.
- av-discord — PyAV audio sources for, pycord, and disnake
- avoca — @voc@: Quality assessement of measurement data
- axisvm — A Python package for AxisVM.
- axon-synthesis — A package to synthesize artificial axons
- bagofchips — All that and a bag of
- baler-control-plane — Application for managing baler-operator agents.
- baler_operator — A Kubernetes operator for managing NLP framework deplotments.
- bancointer — Client to consume Banco Inter APIs
- basin3d — BASIN-3D Core Framework
- batch-inference — Batch Inference
- batconf — Application configuration tool from the BAT project
- baybe — A Bayesian Back End for Design of Experiments
- bbftools — BBF Tools
- beaker-py — A Python Beaker client
- bedrockpy — Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Websocket Server
- beetroots — Beetroots (BayEsian infErence with spaTial Regularization of nOisy multi-line ObservaTion mapS)
- beewi-smartclim-ble — Parser for the BeeWi SmartClim device
- behave-prophet — no summary
- benchmark-runner — Benchmark Runner Tool
- berteley — Topic modeling for scientific articles
- better-hydroponics — Simulation of hydroponic farming
- betterfunctions — A lib with python function improvements
- bewegung — a versatile video renderer
- bexhoma — This python tools helps managing DBMS benchmarking experiments in a Kubernetes-based HPC cluster environment. It enables users to configure hardware / software setups for easily repeating tests over varying configurations.
- bfabric-app-runner — Application runner for B-Fabric apps
- bgameb — Board Game Builder
- bh-apistatus — API Status Result
- bh-database — Database wrapper classes for SQLAlchemy.
- bh-utils — Utility Functions Library.
- biblatex2bibtex — Convert biblatex files to bibtex.
- bids2cite — create a citation file for a BIDS dataset
- bidscoin — Converts and organises raw MRI data-sets according to the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)
- bidsmreye — bids app using deepMReye to decode eye motion for fMRI time series data
- bigdata-research-tools — API High-Efficiency Tools at Scale
- binette — Binette: accurate binning refinement tool to constructs high quality MAGs.
- bioagent — BioAgent Library
- biolearn — Machine learning for biomarkers computing
- bioscan-dataset — PyTorch torchvision-style datasets for BIOSCAN-1M and BIOSCAN-5M.
- biospectools — Python tools for processing spectral data
- biotranslator — BioTranslator: Cross-modal Translation for Zero-shot Biomedical Classification
- bird-cloud-gnn — Graph Neural Network for bird point cloud data
- blacs — Graphical labscript suite experiment queue and hardware interface
- BLAST-Lite — Tool to model lifetime and degradation for commercial lithium-ion batteries.
- blendify — Python rendering framework for Blender
- blocknative-sdk — Blocknative's Python SDK.
- blocksnet — Package provides methods of master plan requirements automated generation for urban areas
- blosc2 — A fast & compressed ndarray library with a flexible compute engine.
- blueapi — Lightweight bluesky-as-a-service wrapper application. Also usable as a library.
- bluebonnet — Scaling solutions for production analysis from unconventional oil and gas wells
- bluemaestro-ble — bluemaestro BLE devices
- bluesky — Experiment specification & orchestration.
- bluetooth-adapters — Tools to enumerate and find Bluetooth Adapters
- bluetooth-auto-recovery — Recover bluetooth adapters that are in an stuck state
- bluetooth-data-tools — Tools for converting bluetooth data and packets
- bluetooth-sensor-state-data — Models for storing and converting Bluetooth Sensor State Data
- boinor — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics.