Reverse Dependencies of myst-parser
The following projects have a declared dependency on myst-parser:
- aac — A distinctly different take on Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) that allows a system modeller to define a system in simple yaml.
- aac-gen-gherkin — An AaC plugin that generates Gherkin feature files from model behavior scenarios.
- aac-puml — PlantUML diagram output plugin for AaC (Architecture-as-Code) project
- aac-rest-api — Rest-API Plugin for AaC
- aac-spec — Specification plugin for AaC
- ablog — A Sphinx extension that converts any documentation or personal website project into a full-fledged blog.
- abqcy — Write Abaqus Subroutines in Python
- abrain — NeuroEvolution in Python backed by C++ computations
- absense — Perform homolog detectability
- AbStochKin — Agent-based Stochastic Kinetics: A method for simulating the dynamics of heterogeneous populations.
- accelerator-toolbox — Accelerator Toolbox
- acconeer-exptool — Acconeer Exploration Tool
- Adafruit-Blinka-Raspberry-Pi5-rp1pio — Control the PIO peripheral on a Raspberry Pi 5
- adapter-transformers — A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models
- adapters — A Unified Library for Parameter-Efficient and Modular Transfer Learning
- adaptive-scheduler — Run many `adaptive.Learner`s on many cores (>10k) using `mpi4py.futures`, `ipyparallel`, `dask-mpi`, or `process-pool`.
- adios2py — A pythonic interface to the ADIOS2 I/O library
- adlfs — Access Azure Datalake Gen1 with fsspec and dask
- aerosim-cfdmod — Tools for analysis of CFD cases
- aesp — aesp(Adaptive Evolutionary Structure Predictor) is a crystal structure prediction tool written in Python.
- affinder — Quickly find the affine matrix mapping one image to another using manual correspondence points annotation
- agent0 — Agent interface for on-chain protocols.
- agentUniverse — agentUniverse is a framework for developing applications powered by multi-agent base on large language model.
- agrometeo-geopy — Pythonic interface to access Agrometeo data.
- agvis — Web application of geographical visualizer for energy systems
- ai-services — "A simple web framework based on Sanic"
- ai2-catwalk — A library for evaluating language models.
- ai2-olmo-core — Core training module for the Open Language Model (OLMo)
- ai2-tango — A library for choreographing your machine learning research.
- ai4scr-athena — ATHENA package provides methods to analyse spatial heterogeneity in spatial omics data
- ai4scr-data-utility — Utilities to harmonise data workflows
- ai4scr-scQUEST — scQUEST package
- ai4scr-spatial-omics — Installable spatialOmics package
- aicspylibczi — A python module and a python extension for Zeiss (CZI/ZISRAW) microscopy files.
- aicsshparam — Spherical harmonics parametrization for 3D starlike shapes
- aiida-aimall — A plugin to interface AIMAll with AiiDA
- aiida-fleur — AiiDA Plugin for running the FLEUR code and its input generator. Also includes high-level workchains and utilities
- aiida-hubbard — AiiDA plugin for the first-principles calculation of Hubbard parameters.
- aiida-hyperqueue — AiiDA plugin for the HyperQueue metascheduler
- aiida-lammps — AiiDA plugin for the LAMMPS code
- aiida-phonopy — The official AiiDA plugin for Phonopy
- aiida-qe-xspec — AiiDA plugin for core-level spectroscopy calculations with Quantum ESPRESSO.
- aiida-quantumespresso — The official AiiDA plugin for Quantum ESPRESSO
- aiida-shell — AiiDA plugin that makes running shell commands easy.
- aiida-vibroscopy — AiiDA plugin for vibrational spectoscopy using Quantum ESPRESSO.
- aiidalab-qe-hp — Web GUI for Quantum ESPRESSO and hp calculations in AiiDA.
- aiidalab-qe-wannier90 — Web GUI for Quantum ESPRESSO and Wannier90 calculations in AiiDA.
- ailment — The angr intermediate language.
- aind-data-schema — A library that defines AIND data schema and validates JSON files.
- aioca — Asynchronous Channel Access client for asyncio and Python using libca via ctypes
- aioguardian — A Python3 library for Elexa Guardian water valves and sensors
- aiolifx-themes — Async library that applies color themes to LIFX lights
- aiolinkding — A Python3 library for Elexa Guardian water valves and sensors
- aiologic — GIL-powered* locking library for Python
- aiosteamist — Control Steamist steam systems
- AIPyS — AI Powered Photoswitchable Screen
- airflow-provider-datarobot — This client library is designed to integrate Airflow with the DataRobot API.
- airflow-provider-datarobot-early-access — This client library is designed to integrate Airflow with the DataRobot API.
- akkits — AKK-ITS SDK for AkiraKan Light Trails Fusion Box.
- aladindb — 🔮 Super-power your database with AI 🔮
- alectryon — A library to process Coq snippets embedded in documents, showing goals and messages for each Coq sentence.
- algomethod — This is a template for python projects.
- alhambra-mixes — Many-component mix library for molecular programming
- allennlp-light — no summary
- allianceauth — An auth system for EVE Online to help in-game organizations
- alphabase — An infrastructure Python package of the AlphaX ecosystem
- alphaDIA — A novel proteomics search engine for DIA data based on end-to-end transfer learning.
- alpharaw — An open-source Python package to unify raw MS data access and storage.
- altair — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair_alx_alpha — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair-alx-version — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair-express — Create interactive data visualizations in one line of code.
- altair-nx — Draw interactive NetworkX graphs with Altair
- amads — A toolkit for symbolic music analysis
- amaze-benchmarker — Benchmark generator for sighted maze-navigating agents
- ampligraph — A Python library for relational learning on knowledge graphs.
- analogvnn — A fully modular framework for modeling and optimizing analog/photonic neural networks
- anchorconnector — Anchor Connector for Podcast Data
- andeplane-pyodide-kernel — Python kernel for JupyterLite powered by Pyodide
- angr — A multi-architecture binary analysis toolkit, with the ability to perform dynamic symbolic execution and various static analyses on binaries
- angr-management — The official GUI for angr
- anikore — Anikore API for Python
- anndata — Annotated data.
- anomalib — anomalib - Anomaly Detection Library
- ansys-geometry-core — A python wrapper for Ansys Geometry service
- ansys-hps-client — A python client for Ansys HPC Platform Services
- ansys-speos-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys Speos
- ant-fin-agent-framework — AntFinAgentFramework is a framework for developing applications powered by multi-agent base on large language model.
- antcal — AntCal python module
- anubisgit — Anubis, a CodeMetrics helper
- aoj-api — This is a template for python projects.
- apa-logbook-parser — logbook-parser_short_description
- apache-airflow-provider-transfers — This project contains the Universal Transfer Operator which can transfer all the data that could be read from the source Dataset into the destination Dataset. From a DAG author standpoint, all transfers would be performed through the invocation of only the Universal Transfer Operator.
- apax — Atomistic Learned Potential Package in JAX
- ape-arbitrum — ape-arbitrum: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Arbitrum
- ape-ganache — ape-ganache: Ape network provider for Ganache
- ape-linea — ape-linea: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Linea
- ape-scroll — ape-scroll: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Scroll
- apias — AI powered API documentation scraper and converter
- apinator — Library for building type-checked bindings to external REST APIs