Reverse Dependencies of myst-parser
The following projects have a declared dependency on myst-parser:
- boomgate — A software supply chain risk management tool
- botafar — botafar
- box2csv — Extract shoebox and toolbox data to CSV files.
- bpcells — BPCells python bindings
- bpx — An implementation of the Battery Parameter eXchange (BPX) format in Pydantic.
- braingeneers — Braingeneers Python utilities
- branthebuilder — Python package management
- brazilcep — Minimalist and easy-to-use python library designed to query CEP (brazilian zip codes) data
- breathing-cat — Tool to build documentation for C++/Python-Packages used at MPI-IS
- bronzivka — My Python packages sphinx documentation theme
- bthome-ble — BThome BLE support
- bundling-score — Compute bundling score
- burdoc — Advanced PDF parsing for python
- burr — A state machine for data projects
- bvhsdk — A package that handles bvh files in python. You can read, write, and modify your bvh files among other useful tools.
- bw-hestia-bridge — Import HESTIA data directly into Brightway
- bw-matchbox — Browser to match Brightway databases
- bw-projects — This is a library to manage subdirectories.
- bw-temporalis — Revision of bw2temporalis for modern Brightway
- bw_timex — Time-explicit Life Cycle Assessment
- bw25ui — A web and command line user interface, part of the Brightway2 LCA framework
- bw2parameters — Contains all the python boilerplate you need to create a Brightway ecosystem package.
- bw2ui — A web and command line user interface, part of the Brightway2 LCA framework
- c3s-sm — Readers and utilities for working with C3S Soil Moisture data
- c7n-sphinxext — Cloud Custodian - Sphinx Extensions
- cached-path — A file utility for accessing both local and remote files through a unified interface
- CacheToolsUtils — Cachetools Utilities
- cajal — A library for multi-modal cell morphology analyses using Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance.
- cambrian-core — Artificial Cambrian Intelligence
- camel-ai — Communicative Agents for AI Society Study
- camelot-py — PDF Table Extraction for Humans.
- camtools — CamTools: Camera Tools for Computer Vision.
- canonical-sphinx — no summary
- canoPyHydro — An Innovative Approach to Vegetative Precipitation Partitioning
- capibara-ent — A flexible multimodal AI library for advanced contextual understanding and deployment.
- casablanca — Record and replay tool for RabbitMQ
- casanovo — De novo mass spectrometry peptide sequencing with a transformer model
- cashocs — Computational Adjoint-Based Shape Optimization and Optimal Control Software
- castepxbin — Collection of binary file readers for CASTEP
- cat2cat — Unifying an inconsistently coded categorical variable in a panel/longtitudal dataset.
- caterpillard — Caterpillar Diagram
- catleg — A library of helper tools for catala programming in the context of French legislative texts.
- causal-testing-framework — A framework for causal testing using causal directed acyclic graphs.
- ccres-weather-station — CCRES codes to convert weather data from text files to NetCDF files
- CDC — Color distance calculator.
- cedartl — A lightweight, intuitive templating language designed for interactive use in LLM chat sessions.
- cell-decipher — Spatial-omics data embedding and analysis
- cellmap-flow — Realtime prediction using neuroglancer
- CellMet — CellMet is cell segmentation shape analysis library
- cellxgene-census — API to facilitate the use of the CZ CELLxGENE Discover Census. For more information about the API and the project visit
- center_of_mass — Calculation of the body center of mass from the kinematics (kinematic) and through optimal combination of kinematic and kinetic information (estimator)
- certdeploy — A tool to automatically sync certificates and update services.
- cftime-rs — Rust implementation of cftime
- cgm — Causal Graphical Models
- cgpcnn — A project featuring methods for optimizing neural networks using PyTorch.
- chame — Chromatin accessibility module
- charonload — Develop C++/CUDA extensions with PyTorch like Python scripts
- chat-file — no summary
- chatmof — chatmof
- cheader2json — Parse C header file and output JSON ast + types
- check-pyproject — This tool facilitates syncing of the project and the tool.poetry tables in your pyproject.toml.
- checkdmarc — A Python module and command line parser for SPF and DMARC records
- CheckMates — CheckMates is an AutoML library which catches and warns of problems with your data and problem setup before modeling.
- chemicalspace — An Object-oriented Representation for Chemical Spaces
- chemparseplot — Parsers and plotting tools for computational chemistry
- ChemTraYzer — Reaction models from molecular dynamics simulations.
- chimera-gw — Combined Hierarchical Inference Model for Electromagnetic and gRavitational-wave Analysis
- chimerapy — ChimeraPy: Python Distributed MultiModal Data Framework
- chimerapy-engine — ChimeraPy-Engine: The Cluster Networking Engine for the ChimeraPy framework
- chirho — Causal reasoning
- Chrfinder — The package find the best chromatography based on properties of the mixture
- chronify — Time series store and mapping libray
- cirq-unstable — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- cirrus-docs — Utilities to manage cirrus project documentation.
- citationnet — Create a scientific network visualization.
- cladetime — Assign clades to SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences at a point in time.
- claripy — An abstraction layer for constraint solvers
- cle — CLE Loads Everything (at least, many binary formats!) and provides a pythonic interface to analyze what they are and what they would look like in memory.
- clearbox-preprocessor — A polars based preprocessor for ML datasets
- clearbox-sure — no summary
- clearbox-synthetic-kit — Clearbox AI's all-in-one solution for generation and evaluation of synthetic tabular and time-series data.
- click-extra — 🌈 Drop-in replacement for Click to make user-friendly and colorful CLI
- clingexplaid — Tools to aid the development of explanation systems using clingo
- clinguin — An interactive visualizer for clingo
- cliriculum — A python cli tool to rapidly create an html or PDF resume
- clld-corpus-plugin — A plugin providing text functionality in CLLD.
- clld-document-plugin — Document model and rendering in CLLD apps.
- cloud-governance — Cloud Governance Tool
- clproc — Generate curated changelogs into various formats.
- cluster-utils — A tool for easily running hyperparameter optimization or grid search on Slurm or HTCondor clusters. It takes care of submitting and monitoring the jobs as well as aggregating the results.
- cmd-queue — The cmd_queue module for a DAG of bash commands
- cmos-noise-map — A tool to create a read noise map for CMOS detectors by modelling Random Telegraph Signal. This was originally created for use by LCOGT's BANZAI pipeline.
- co3 — Lightweight Python ORM for hierarchical storage management
- coconut — Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
- coconut-develop — Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
- code42cli — The official command line tool for interacting with Code42
- CodeChat — The CodeChat System for software documentation
- CodeChat-Server — The CodeChat Server for software documentation
- cody-adapter-transformers — A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models
- cohort-creator — Creates a neuroimaging cohort by aggregating data across datasets.