Reverse Dependencies of jupyter
The following projects have a declared dependency on jupyter:
- datagif — Make animated gifs out of multiple data plots.
- datagnosis — A Data-Centric AI library for measuring hardness categorization.
- datamate — A data organization and compilation system.
- datamode — A tool to quickly build data science pipelines
- datapipeliner — dvc-ready data pipelines.
- datarobot — This client library is designed to support the DataRobot API.
- datarobot-early-access — This client library is designed to support the DataRobot API.
- datascientists — Quick Data Science tools.
- datascienv — Data Science package for setup data science environment in single line
- datasist — A Python library for easy data analysis, visualization, exploration and modeling
- datatracer — Data Lineage Tracing Library
- datawidgets — Widgets to explore data
- dbflows — Database incremental exports, transfers, imports, ETL, creation / management
- dbnd — Machine Learning Orchestration
- ddmtools — A Python library for doing differential dynamic microscopy on polydisperse samples
- ddn3 — Dependency network analysis under two conditions
- debugging-benchmark — no summary
- decisiveml — no summary
- deep-autoviml — Automatically Build Deep Learning Models and Pipelines fast!
- deep-data-profiler — The Deep Data Profilerlibrary provides tools for analyzing the internal decision structure of a trained deep neural network.
- deep-xf — DEEPXF - An open-source, low-code explainable forecasting and nowcasting library with state-of-the-art deep neural networks and Dynamic Factor Model. Now available with additional addons like Denoising TS signals with ensembling of filters, TS signal similarity test with Siamese Neural Networks
- DeepCellTL — Deep learning for single cell image segmentation
- deepcomp — DeepCoMP: Self-Learning Dynamic Multi-Cell Selection for Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP)
- deepecho — Create sequential synthetic data of mixed types using a GAN.
- deephub — no summary
- deepmolecules — Prediction of enzyme kinetic parameters using deep learning models
- deepmreye — MR-based eye tracker without eye tracking
- deeptime — Python library for analysis of time series data including dimensionality reduction, clustering, and Markov model estimation.
- deeptlf — Deep Tabular Learning Framework
- deepuq — a package for investigating and comparing the predictive uncertainties from deep learning models
- Delft-FIAT — Delft Fast Impact Assessment Tool
- delira — no summary
- delpywidget — Blockly w/ Python on Jupyter Notebook
- deltalanguage — Hosted programming language for Deltaflow
- deluca — no summary
- demos — Wrangling election data
- den — Den is a home for your home's data.
- desdeov2 — Rewrite of the original DESDEO framework. Contains traditional MCDM algorithms and scalarization utilities. To be split into multiple modules.
- detection-models — Data structures for running TensorFlow Object Detection API models
- dev-hi-chem — dev-hi-chem - A template Python package for Harms Informatics
- devpk — Development package set.
- devstats — Developer tool for scientific Python libraries
- dexterity — Software and tasks for dexterous multi-fingered hand manipulation, powered by MuJoCo
- dexteritysdk — Client for Dexterity - a modular derivatives decentralized exchange reference implementation
- dfcleanser — A Jupyter notebook extension for dataframe cleansing
- dfm-tools — dfm_tools are pre- and post-processing tools for Delft3D FM
- dgmrf — Deep Gaussian Markov Random Fields and their extensions
- dgpsi — Deep and Linked Gaussian Process Emulations using Stochastic Imputation
- dgsolvdb — Free energy of solvation database wrapper - no dependencies.
- diamondback — Diamondback DSP
- dibs-lib — DiBS: Differentiable Bayesian Structure Learning
- dictum-core — Core library for Dictum
- dictys — Context specific and dynamic gene regulatory network reconstruction and analysis
- diff-predictor — diff_predictor: a prediciton package for multiple particle tracking data
- diffeqtorch — DifferentialEquations.jl with PyTorch.
- diffeqzoo — Ordinary differential equation zoo
- diffpass — Differentiable Pairing using Soft Scores
- dimwit — A package containing various functions and classes for fetching, transforming, and visualising data for personal metrics.
- directlfq — An open-source Python package of the AlphaPept ecosystem
- directory-structure-py — Python function collecting the metadata of a directory and its contents
- discogspy — A set of wrapper and tools to make use of the discogs api
- discretize — Discretization tools for finite volume and inverse problems
- disdrodb — This package provides tools to homogenize, process, and analyze global disdrometer data.
- dispatches — GMLC DISPATCHES software tools
- Displacement-strain-planet — Planetary crustal thickness, displacement, stress and strain calculations in spherical harmonics.
- distoptica — Python library for modelling optical distortions.
- distyll-info — Information parsing assistant
- diveai — no summary
- dj-notebook — Django + shell_plus + Jupyter notebooks made easy
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- djalgo — A music composition toolkit
- django-bridger — The bridge between a Django Backend and a Javascript based Frontend
- django-cast — no summary
- djangophysics — Django APIs for physics conversion and calculations
- dkdc — dkdc
- dkdc-calendar — calendar
- dkdc-chat — chat
- dkdc-crypto — web9 tech for the masses
- dkdc-email — email utilities
- dkdc-env — environment variables
- dkdc-lake — data lake
- dkdc-log — logging
- dkdc-state — manage state
- dkdc-todo — todo
- dkdc-user — users
- dkdc-util — utility functions
- dkdc-vault — secrets and such
- dl1-data-handler-light — light version of the dl1 HDF5 data writer + reader + processor
- dl1dh-test — dl1 HDF5 data writer + reader + processor
- dlc2action — tba
- dldna — Deep Learning DNA: Surviving Architectures and Profound Principles
- dlpml — Minimalist Machine Learning library
- dLux — Differentiable Optical Models as Parameterised Neural Networks in Jax using Zodiax.
- dnallm — A toolkit for fine-tuning and inference with DNA Language Models
- dnr-api — no summary
- docchat — no summary
- domias — DOMIAS, a density-based MIA model that aims to infer membership by targeting local overfitting of the generative model.
- dorchester — A toolkit for making dot-density maps in Python
- dotagent — no summary
- dotagent-dev — no summary