Reverse Dependencies of jupyter
The following projects have a declared dependency on jupyter:
- botorch — Bayesian Optimization in PyTorch
- bpd — bpd
- bpforms — Unambiguous representation of modified DNA, RNA, and proteins
- bpyutils — A collection of various common Python utilities.
- brainiak — Brain Imaging Analysis Kit
- brainrender — Visualisation and exploration of brain atlases and other anatomical data
- brainstem-python-api-tools — A Python toolset for interacting with API of BrainSTEM.
- branthebuilder — Python package management
- brave-search-python-client — 🦁 Brave Search Python Client supporting Web, Image, News and Video search.
- breizhcrops — A Satellite Time Series Dataset for Crop Type Identification
- brevitas — Quantization-aware training in PyTorch
- brickstudy — A package for analysis of MRI
- brightest-path-lib — A library of path-finding algorithms to find the brightest path between points in an image.
- broadbean — Package for easily generating and manipulating signal pulses.
- browsable — Easily preview your data.
- bryn-python-boilerplate — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- bunkatopics — Bunkatopics is a Topic Modeling package and Exploration Module
- buslib — Client library for interfacing with the BUS Methodology data API
- c3p — CHEBI Classification Programs
- c3s-sm — Readers and utilities for working with C3S Soil Moisture data
- cactice — computing agricultural crop lattices
- calisp — Isotope analysis of proteomics data
- callisto-jupyter-d1 — Jupyter D1 Server for Callisto
- calmcode — no summary
- calorimetry-analysis — Analyze calorimetry temperature changes with GUI in Jupyter
- calpit — no summary
- canvas-grab — Downloads all Canvas files to a local directory. Provides GUI for managing the download.[
- canvas-nbgrader — no summary
- capetools — Basic set of python tools
- cappr — Completion After Prompt Probability. Make your LLM make a choice
- captum — Model interpretability for PyTorch
- cardiac-geometriesx — A python library for cardiac geometries
- careamics — Toolbox for running N2V and friends.
- careamics-portfolio — A helper package to download example datasets used in various publications and deep-learning algorithms, including data featured in N2V, P(P)N2V, DivNoising, HDN, EmbedSeg, etc.
- carpy — Consolidated aircraft recipes in Python.
- CASCADe-filtering — CASCADe filtering: Calibration of trAnsit Spectroscopy using CAusal Data filtering module.
- CASCADe-jitter — CASCADe-jitter: Calibration of trAnsit Spectroscopy using CAusal Data jitter detection module.
- CASCADe-spectroscopy — CASCADe : Calibration of trAnsit Spectroscopy using CAusal Data
- CasingSimulations — Casing Simulations: Electromagnetics + Steel Cased Wells
- cast-bootstrap5 — Bootstrap5 theme for django-cast
- cast-vue — Vue theme for django-cast.
- castyllo — A testing package for Jupyter
- catalystcoop.cheshire — Replace this text with a one line description of the package.
- catalystcoop.pudl — An open data processing pipeline for US energy data
- catastrophy — A fungal trophy classifier based on CAZymes
- catchMinor — model library for imbalanced-learning & anomaly detection in tabular, time series, graph data
- catenets — Conditional Average Treatment Effect Estimation Using Neural Networks
- ccapi — Python API for Cell Collective
- cchdo.hydro — no summary
- ccnuacm-datamocker — A data mocking library for CCNU ACM
- cctools — no summary
- cd_sem — SEM image analysis
- cebra — Consistent Embeddings of high-dimensional Recordings using Auxiliary variables
- celi-framework — Controller-Embedded Language Interactions - facilitates the entire lifecycle of document processing, from pre-processing and embedding to post-monitoring and quality assessment.
- cell-decipher — Spatial-omics data embedding and analysis
- Cellamander — A package for combining Cellpose gradients for cell phenotyping
- cellbender — A software package for eliminating technical artifacts from high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data
- celldisect — Cell DISentangled Experts for Covariate counTerfactuals (CellDISECT). Causal generative model designed to disentangle known covariate variations from unknown ones at test time while simultaneously learning to make counterfactual predictions.
- CellGen — CellGen: a computational model for predicting the cellular response to diverse perturbation
- cellmanager — A Package for managing cell type about color and markers while processing scRNA-seq data.
- cellpy — Extract and manipulate data from battery data testers.
- cellsystem — An agent-based framework for the simulation of biological cell systems and more.
- cemids — This package provides a Python Toolbox with a set of functions to assist in the management of the CEMI Data Science project
- center_of_mass — Calculation of the body center of mass from the kinematics (kinematic) and through optimal combination of kinematic and kinetic information (estimator)
- centraal-dataframework — Utilidades para interactuar con Azure Datalake.
- centuri-course — Some tools to follow the introduction course to Python
- cfai — The package for counterfactual explanations on Pytorch platform
- cfl — Causal Feature Learning (CFL) is an unsupervised algorithm designed to construct macro-variables from low-level data, while maintaining the causal relationships between these macro-variables.
- cfnet — A counterfactual explanation library using Jax
- chain-norm — chain-norm is python library for suquential text normalization
- changepoynt — Efficient and readable change point detection package implemented in Python. (Singular Spectrum Transformation - SST, IKA-SST, ulSIF, RuLSIF, KLIEP, FLUSS, FLOSS, etc.)
- chaospy — Numerical tool for performing uncertainty quantification
- chartcrafthub — Code, debug, reuse this chart, workshop materials and more.
- chatnoir-pyterrier — Use the ChatNoir search engine in PyTerrier.
- checkpoint-schedules — Schedules for incremental checkpointing of adjoint simulations.
- chemkinlib11 — Chemical kinetics code
- ChemScraper — Scraping chemical vendors for pricing/availability info.
- cherwell-pydantic-api — A pythonic, asyncio connector for the Cherwell CSM API with full usage of Pydantic 2 types
- chi-drm — Package to model dose response dynamics
- chicken-coop — An environment for reproducing dominance hierarchies in RL agents
- chirho — Causal reasoning
- chisel-nbdev — Port of nbdev to write SCALA / chisel library entirely in notebooks
- choochoo — Data Science for Training
- chromatix — Differentiable computational optics library using JAX!
- Chronix2Grid — A python package to generate "en-masse" chronics for loads and productions (thermal, renewable)
- chrov — chrov:
- cipred — Non-parametric error prediction with random forest model.
- circumplex — A Python package for analyzing and visualizing circumplex data
- cirrus-ngs — Cloud-optimized primary analysis pipelines for RNA-seq, miRNA-seq, ChIP-seq, and variant calling in whole-genome/whole-exome DNA-seq
- citation-compass — no summary
- civilpy — Civil Engineering Tools in Python
- clairvoyance2 — clairvoyance2: a Unified Toolkit for Medical Time Series
- classroom-extensions — IPython extensions used for teaching
- classypandas — Quickly annotate/label your data using jupyter widgets and pandas.
- clean-py — CLI tool for automated Python code cleanup and standardization
- cleanliness — Basic cleaning of text
- cli-skel — Generate CLI applications from python dictionaries.
- climdex-kit — Tool for multi-scenario calculation, publishing, and analysis of indices from 3D time-series of climate projections.
- clinc — Cell Lineage from Normalized Covariance
- clophfit — Cli for fitting macromolecule pH titration or binding assays data e.g. fluorescence spectra.