Reverse Dependencies of jupyter
The following projects have a declared dependency on jupyter:
- asynciojobs — A simplistic orchestration engine for asyncio-based jobs
- atek — no summary
- atj-algotrading — ATJ Trader's Package for Algo Trading & Backtesting
- atlas-rbm — Atlas: Reconstruction of Rule-Based Models from biological networks
- atlassianhw — Atlassian application homework
- atonixcore — At AtonixCorp, we're pioneering the future with cutting-edge technology solutions across agriculture, fintech, medical research, security, big data, and cloud computing. Our innovative approaches and dedicated expertise drive advancements and empower industries to reach new heights.
- attribench — A benchmark for feature attribution techniques
- audiosample — AudioSample is an optimized numpy-like audio manipulation library, created for researchers, used by developers.
- augmenty — An augmentation library based on SpaCy for joint augmentation of text and labels.
- auralflow — A lightweight music source separation toolkit.
- auto-ams — no summary
- auto-AUTO — An AUTO-07p automatic search algorithm codebase
- auto-graph-of-thoughts — Automated Graph of Thoughts
- auto-notion-py — Notion automation package
- auto-ts — Automatically Build Multiple Time Series models fast - now with Facebook Prophet!
- autodl-gpu — Automatic Deep Learning, towards fully automated multi-label classification for image, video, text, speech, tabular data.
- AutoFeedback-grader — Python package for grading AutoFeedback exercises
- autogs-core — AutoGS Core
- automatise — Automatise: A Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining Tool Library
- automatize — Automatize: A Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining Tool Library
- autopilotml — A package for automating machine learning tasks
- autoPyTorch — Auto-PyTorch searches neural architectures using smac
- autora-core — Autonomous Research Assistant (AutoRA) is a framework for automating steps of the empirical research process.
- autoviml — Automatically Build Variant Interpretable ML models fast - now with CatBoost!
- avatarpy — avatar analysis module
- avibe — Utility for executing python async functions everywhere the same way - scripts, notebooks, etc.
- avici — Amortized Inference for Causal Structure Learning
- awkupy — A simple Python interface and IPython/Jupyter magic for AWK
- aws-fortuna — A Library for Uncertainty Quantification.
- ax-platform — Adaptive Experimentation
- AxCorSRMRI — no summary
- axel-lab-to-nwb — NWB conversion scripts and tutorials.
- AxonDeepSeg — Axon/Myelin segmentation using AI
- aymara-ai — A Python SDK for using Aymara to test your AI alignment.
- baal — Library to enable Bayesian active learning in your research or labeling work.
- babbab — BAyesian Beta-Binomial AB testing (BABBAB), is an implementation
- backbone-learn — A Library for Scaling Mixed-Integer Optimization-Based Machine Learning.
- backend-central-dev — no summary
- backtest-reg — no summary
- baguetter — Baguetter is a flexible and efficient search engine library implemented in Python. It supports sparse (traditional), dense (semantic), and hybrid retrieval methods.
- balanced-clustering — Clustering metrics for imbalanced datasets
- bark — Bark text to audio model
- bark-simulator — A tool for Behavior benchmARKing
- batsim-py — Batsim-py allows using Batsim from Python 3.
- baybe — A Bayesian Back End for Design of Experiments
- bayes_spec — A Bayesian Spectral Line Modeling Framework for Astrophysics
- bayeso — Simple, but essential Bayesian optimization package
- baytune — Bayesian Tuning and Bandits
- bciavm — bciAVM is a machine learning pipeline used to predict property prices.
- be-genai-workshop-short — no summary
- beanmachine — Probabilistic Programming Language for Bayesian Inference
- bechdelai — Automating the Bechdel test and its variants for feminine representation in movies with AI
- beetroots — Beetroots (BayEsian infErence with spaTial Regularization of nOisy multi-line ObservaTion mapS)
- bellek — My digital memory
- bellem — My personal library
- benchmarking-asv — no summary
- besos — A library for Building and Energy Simulation, Optimization and Surrogate-modelling
- beth — Open source chess AI framework
- betterpythonchallenge — BD Python challenge
- bhad — Bayesian Histogram-based Anomaly Detection
- bia-explorer — no summary
- bibliomancer — bibliomancer
- bifacial-radiance — Tools to interface with Radiance for the PV researcher
- bigbang-py — BigBang is a toolkit for studying communications data from collaborative projects. It currently supports analyzing mailing lists from Sourceforge, Mailman, ListServ, or .mbox files.
- BinMSGUI — BinMSGUI, sorts .bin data through MountainSort and exports as Tint format.
- biocomet — A brief description of the biocomet package
- biocrnpyler — A chemical reaction network compiler for generating large biological circuit models
- bioevents — A lightweight library for managing and manipulating time series events, with a focus on biosensing applications.
- bioimage_embed — no summary
- bioimageio.core — Python functionality for the bioimage model zoo
- bioimageio.spec — Parser and validator library for specifications
- bioinf-common — Aggregation of functionalities needed in multiple projects
- bionic — A Python framework for building, running, and sharing data science workflows
- biorxivist — Tools to access prepublications from BioRxiv and integrate LLM tools.
- biosofa — Probabilistic factor analysis model with covariate guided factors
- biosynfoni — a *biosynformatic* fingerprint to explore natural product distance and diversity
- biothings-explorer — Python Client for BioThings Explorer
- biotorch — BioTorch is a PyTorch framework specializing in biologically plausible learning algorithms.
- birdset — BirdSet: A multi-task benchmark and data pipeline for deep learning based avian bioacoustics
- bitswan — Bitswan is a framework for building automations and pipelines in Jupyter
- biyam — Blockly w/ Python on Jupyter Notebook
- blackcellmagic — IPython magic command to format python code in cell using black.
- blender-tissue-cartography — Pipeline for tissue extraction and analysis of surfaces from volumetric mircroscopy data using blender
- blending-toolkit — Blending ToolKit
- blizz — blizz – be blizzful.
- blocksnet — Package provides methods of master plan requirements automated generation for urban areas
- blop — Beamline optimization with machine learning
- bloptools — Beamline optimization with machine learning
- bluebonnet — Scaling solutions for production analysis from unconventional oil and gas wells
- bmr4pml — Bayesian model reduction for probabilistic machine learning
- bnpm — A library of useful modules for data analysis.
- BNumMet — Basic Numerical Methods for Python 3
- bnw-tools — Tools developed in the BorgNetzWerk project for the extraction, analysis and publication of knowledge.
- boa-framework — Bayesian Optimization for Anything: A high-level Bayesian optimization framework and model wrapping tool. It provides an easy-to-use interface between models and the python libraries Ax and BoTorch.
- bofire — no summary
- boinor — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics.
- bonobo — Bonobo, a simple, modern and atomic extract-transform-load toolkit for python 3.5+.
- bonobo2 — Bonobo 2.0: A reboot of Bonobo, the simple, modern and atomic extract-transform-load toolkit for python 3.10+.
- borzoi-pytorch — The Borzoi model from Linder et al., but in Pytorch
- botchain — chain bots via strings