Reverse Dependencies of jupyter
The following projects have a declared dependency on jupyter:
- webdataset — High performance storage and I/O for deep learning and data processing.
- webdatasetng — High performance storage and I/O for deep learning and data processing.
- wecopttool — WEC Design Optimization Toolbox
- week1-test — Provides simple interface for recording audio
- welltrajconvert — Well Trajectory Conversion
- welltrajconvert-bpamos — Well Trajectory Conversion
- weylchamber — Python package for analyzing two-qubit gates in the Weyl chamber
- wheelie — Create a shareable wheel with nbconvert.
- whiffle-client — Python based web client to interact with Whiffle services
- whisperer-ml — Go from raw audio to a text-audio dataset with OpenAI's Whisper
- wids — High performance storage and I/O for deep learning and data processing.
- wildbook-ia — Wildbook IA (WBIA) - Machine learning service for the WildBook project
- windpowerlib — Creating time series of wind power plants.
- winterapi — no summary
- winterrb — no summary
- wintertoo — no summary
- wisdom-sdk — Wisdom SDK
- witwidget-gpu — What-If Tool jupyter widget
- wl-utilities — Utility code to perform QAG and SV analysis
- wmpy-power — Estimates hydropower generation accounting for operating constraints and electricity grid operations.
- wmsd — TOPSIS ranking and interpretation using WMSD-space
- woodwork — a data typing library for machine learning
- work-queue — no summary
- WPSProtocol — A package for Implementing Walsh Pulse Sequenece constructed out of XY Hamiltonian based on Votto, M., Zeiher, J., & Vermersch, B. (2023). Robust universal quantum processors in spin systems via Walsh pulse sequences. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.10600.
- wrangler-lasso — no summary
- wshuyi-nb2pdf — 将Jupyter Notebook转换为优化的PDF格式,确保代码完整显示且不被截断
- wujing — py-kit
- x-magical — X-MAGICAL is a benchmark suite for cross-embodiment visual imitation.
- xai-compare — This repository aims to provide tools for comparing different explainability methods, enhancing the interpretation of machine learning models.
- Xanthus — Neural Collaborative Filtering in Python
- xbooster — Explainable Boosted Scoring
- xcodex — This package will download and extract daily data of XCO2 from the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences (GES)
- xdantic — A lightweight Python config library on top of Pydantic.
- xgdl — Explainability Library with Geometric Deep Learning for Scientific Tasks
- XGI — XGI is a Python package for higher-order networks.
- xgt — The Python interface to the Rocketgraph xGT graph analytics engine.
- xlagent — A lightweight framework for building LLM-based agents
- xlum — python importer for the XLUM data exchange and archive format
- xmle — An extension to xml.etree.ElementTree.Element to handle xml snippets
- xontrib-jupyter-shell — A shell for the Jupyter kernel.
- xport — SAS XPORT file reader
- yabox — Yet another black-box optimization library for Python
- yamada — Calculate the Yamada polynomial of spatial topologies.
- yby-list — yanbingyang personal packages
- ydata-profiling — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame
- ydata-profiling-snowpark — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame in Snowpark
- yi-package — Option B2
- yield-curve-dynamics — A cursory look at the dynamics of zero coupon bond yield curves.
- yopo — You Plot Only Once
- youchoose — YouChoose is an open source recommendation library built on PyTorch.
- ysoisochrone — Python package handles the young-stellar-objects isochrones, and one primary goal is to derive the stellar mass and ages from the isochrones.
- ytad — A tool for adding YouTube video like/dislike counts to video descriptions.
- yuuno — Yuuno = Jupyter + VapourSynth
- yworks-helper — Helper Microservice to create yWorks Graphs in Jupyter
- zep2md — no summary
- zephyr-ml — Prediction engineering methods for Draco.
- zfista — A globally convergent fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm with a new momentum factor for single and multi-objective convex optimization
- zgl-streaming — Streaming lets users create PyTorch compatible datasets that can be streamed from cloud-based object stores
- zirpu-utils — Zirpu's Misc. Utilities.
- Zodiax — Equinox extension for scientific programming
- zrhappy — A python library to analyse hydride morphology present in light optical and scanning electron micrographs.