Reverse Dependencies of jupyter
The following projects have a declared dependency on jupyter:
- TradingBot — A Python toolkit for strategy design, backtesting, and algorithm trading
- trafocalc — Python project with teaching and scientific projects for Transformer Design and Optimization.
- trajdl — A python toolbox for Trajectory Deep Learning.
- transcriptic — Transcriptic CLI & Python Client Library
- transferit — Train a model using transfer learning and serve it using TF Serving.
- transport-frames — IDU research package boilerplate
- TRAPpy — Trace Analysis and Plotting
- trax — Trax
- treescope — Treescope: An interactive HTML pretty-printer for ML research in IPython notebooks.
- treon — Testing framework for Jupyter Notebooks
- tristate20 — TRISTATE20 Dataset
- trt-engine-explorer — NVIDIA's experimental tool to explore TRT engines
- truckscenes-devkit — Official development kit of the MAN TruckScenes dataset (
- trulens-dashboard — Library to systematically track and evaluate LLM based applications.
- trumpet-client —
- ts-store — Flexible storage for time series.
- ts2ml — Tools to Transform a Time Series into Features and Target a.k.a Supervised Learning
- tsaug — A package for time series augmentation
- tsbootstrap — A Python package to generate bootstrapped time series
- tsipy — Python package for processing TSI signals.
- tsml-eval — A package for benchmarking time series machine learning tools.
- tspq0 — Travelling salesman problem by qiskit
- ttim — Transient multi-layer AEM Model
- tueplots — Scientific plotting made easy.
- tui-dsg — everything you need for our jupyter notebooks
- tui-dsmt — everything you need for our jupyter notebooks
- turbo-alignment — turbo-alignment repository
- tutormagic — Magic to display from a code cell in the IPython notebook.
- tw-experimentation — Wise AB platform
- tweetprocessor — This is my text processor that will process text using 10 NLP processing tehcniques for the ML SPECIALIZATION
- tweetprocessor-1 — This is my text processor that will process text using 10 NLP processing tehcniques for the ML SPECIALIZATION
- twiplies — Get tweets replies from a user account
- twodlearn — Easy development of machine learning models
- tws-async — Use the Interactive Brokers API (IBAPI) asynchonouslywith asyncio or PyQt5
- twutils — TurboWAVE utilities
- TXM-Sandbox — Integrated Spectro-Imaging Analysis Toolbox
- ueqplusanalyze — Create statical analysis for UEQ+ data
- ufs2arco — Tools for converting Unified Forecast System (UFS) output to Analysis Ready, Cloud Optimized (ARCO) format
- ugbio-core — Ultima Genomics core bioinfo utils
- ukb-atlas — Generate meshes from UK Biobank data
- ukbparse — The FMRIB UK Biobank data processing library
- unboxapi — The official Python API library for Unbox: the Testing and Debugging Platform for AI
- uni2ts — Unified Training of Universal Time Series Forecasting Transformers
- unitvelo — Temporally unified RNA velocity inference
- unityagents — Unity Machine Learning Agents
- universal-pathlib-edge — Pathlib API extended to use fsspec backends
- unophysics — Tools for physics from UNO.
- unsure — no summary
- untidy — Python package for creating messy data.
- upyog — Myriad Utilities
- uquake — extension of the ObsPy library for local seismicity
- uranography — Tools for visualization of the celestial sphere.
- urban-env — An environment for simulated Urban driving tasks
- urbancode — A package for universal urban analysis
- urbantrips — A library to process public transit smart card data.
- useckit — no summary
- utopia-pipeline-tools — A Python package for managing data in the ifcbUTOPIA project
- utz — *("yoots")*: utilities augmenting the Python standard library; processes, Pytest, Pandas, Plotly, …
- variation-normalizer — VICC normalization routine for variations
- VASPsol — A VASPsol python helper package to simplify calculations and analysis
- vbjax — Virtual brains w/ JAX
- vcsvgenie — Programmatic Interpretations of Cadence Virtuoso Waveform VCSV files
- veg-workflows — VEG workflows
- vega — A Jupyter widget for Vega 5 and Vega-Lite 4
- vega-sim — Simulator for running self-contained Vega chain on local PC
- velib-monitoring — Un package pour l'analyse des données Vélib en temps réel.
- velovi — Estimation of RNA velocity with variational inference.
- verden-pa-norsk — no summary
- vetiver — Version, share, deploy, and monitor models.
- vflow — A framework for doing stability analysis with PCS.
- vibration_toolbox — Educational code illustrating fundamentals of vibration for engineers.
- viewer3d — Display PackedPose objects, Pose objects, or PDB files within a Jupyter notebook and Google Colab.
- viewscad — Jupyter renderer for the OpenSCAD & SolidPython constructive solid geometry systems
- VineCopulas — no summary
- vIQA — A Python package for volumetric image quality assessment.
- VirtualFleet — ``Virtual Fleet`` is a Python package to compute and analyse simulations of virtual Argo float trajectories.
- viscy — computer vision for image-based phenotyping of single cells
- visiontext — Utilities for deep learning on multimodal data.
- visread — Tools to read and process interferometric visibilities from Measurement Sets
- visu3d — 3d geometry made easy.
- vivarium — vivarium is a microsimulation framework built on top of the standard scientific python stack.
- vivarium-testing-utils — Project to store testing utilities for Vivarium software.
- vnpt-hdijupyterutils — HdiJupyterUtils: Utils for Jupyter projects from HDInsight team
- VOPy — A framework for black-box vector optimization
- vortexasdk — Vortexa SDK
- vpython — VPython for Jupyter Notebook
- vsamoilov-eng-prac — Homework for eng prac
- w2widget — Widget for exploring and sampling words from text data through w2v
- wagtail-srcset — HTML5 image srcset support for Wagtail.
- warp10-jupyter — Jupyter extension that contains a cell magic to execute WarpScript code
- watertap — WaterTAP modeling library
- watobs — Access water observation data
- waveorder — Wave-optical simulations and deconvolution of optical properties
- ways-py — WAYS package for Python developed at University of Warwick and The Alan Turing Institute.
- wc-sandbox — Jupyter playground for whole-cell modeling
- weac — Weak layer anticrack nucleation model
- wearipedia — Wearable data for all
- weaveio — WEAVE-IO query interface for accessing WEAVE data
- web3-ethereum-defi — Integrate DeFi trading and and analytics for Uniswap, Aave, PancakeSwap, Trader Joe, QuickSwap and many others.
- web3gateway — Web3Gateway - A Restful Web3 Gateway Service