Reverse Dependencies of ipywidgets
The following projects have a declared dependency on ipywidgets:
- monk-keras-cuda92 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda92 - backends - keras
- monk-keras-cuda92-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda92 - backends - keras
- monk-pytorch-cpu — Monk Classification - CPU - backends - pytorch
- monk-pytorch-cpu-test — Monk Classification - CPU - backends - pytorch
- monk-pytorch-cuda100 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda100 - backends - pytorch
- monk-pytorch-cuda100-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda100 - backends - pytorch
- monk-pytorch-cuda101 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda101 - backends - pytorch
- monk-pytorch-cuda101-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda101 - backends - pytorch
- monk-pytorch-cuda102 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda102 - backends - pytorch
- monk-pytorch-cuda102-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda102 - backends - pytorch
- monk-pytorch-cuda90 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda90 - backends - pytorch
- monk-pytorch-cuda90-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda90 - backends - pytorch
- monk-pytorch-cuda90-test1 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda90 - backends - pytorch
- monk-pytorch-cuda92 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda92 - backends - pytorch
- monk-pytorch-cuda92-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda92 - backends - pytorch
- monsterpianotransformer — Ultra-fast and very well fitted solo Piano music transformer
- morphodynamics — Cell segmentation and windowing
- morrisseau-cleaner — A Python library to clean data for Morrisseau Project
- mount-azure-blob — Mount Azure blob storage in google colab.
- mountainlab-pytools — Tools for using MountainLab with python
- mpire — A Python package for easy multiprocessing, but faster than multiprocessing
- mpl-interactions — Matplotlib aware interact functions
- mqt-qubomaker — A tool for the automatic generation and combination of QUBO formulations for specific problem classes.
- MRpro — MR image reconstruction and processing package specifically developed for PyTorch.
- ms-mint — Metabolomics Integrator (Mint)
- msaview — A set of Jupyter widgets useful for analyzing biological data.
- MSPT — MS Bias calculations using the Pascal Triangle
- msticnb — MSTIC Notebooklets
- msticpy — MSTIC Security Tools
- mt2gf — no summary
- mtmai — A web scraping library based on LangChain which uses LLM and direct graph logic to create scraping pipelines.
- mubind — ML for biomolecular binding
- mubody — Multi-body dynamics in libration points
- mujoco_controllers — A repository for debugging controller implementations applied to mujoco models.
- mullet — Model for the evalUation of sea-LeveL risE and Temperature (MULLET), currently a playground for exploring simple climate model setups.
- multi-label-pigeon — A way to label multi label image datasets in jupyter
- multidms — Joint modeling of multiple deep mutational scanning experiments.
- multimil — Multimodal weakly supervised learning to identify disease-specific changes in single-cell atlases
- MultiTrain — MultiTrain allows you to train multiple machine learning algorithms on a dataset all at once to determine the best for that particular use case
- multivelo — Multi-omic extension of single-cell RNA velocity
- mumot — Multiscale Modelling Tool
- musify — A Swiss Army knife for programmatic music library management
- myke — The dynamic Python CLI task runner.
- MyST-NB — A Jupyter Notebook Sphinx reader built on top of the MyST markdown parser.
- myylearn — An General Automated Machine Learning Framework
- namematch — Tool for probabilistically linking the records of individual entities (e.g. people) within and across datasets
- nannos — Fourier Modal Method for multilayer metamaterials
- nanomesh — Creates 3d meshes from microscopy experimental data
- naowidgets — A small library with useful widgets for NAO in Jupyter.
- nata — Post-processing and visualization for PIC codes
- nbanim — A utility for displaying image sequences as animations in Jupyter Notebooks.
- nbappinator — Jupyter Notebook Application Builder
- nbautoeval — A mini framework to implement auto-evaluated exercises in Jupyter notebooks
- nbclient — A client library for executing notebooks. Formerly nbconvert's ExecutePreprocessor.
- nbconvert — Converting Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb files) to other formats. Output formats include asciidoc, html, latex, markdown, pdf, py, rst, script. nbconvert can be used both as a Python library (`import nbconvert`) or as a command line tool (invoked as `jupyter nbconvert ...`).
- nbconvert-a11y — nbconvert templates using modern standards
- nbcx — A framework for customizing NBConvert templates and building reports
- nbdev — Create delightful software with Jupyter Notebooks
- nbdev-simonkeys — Create delightful software with Jupyter Notebooks
- nbic — jupyter notebook toolkit
- nbinteract — Export interactive HTML pages from Jupyter Notebooks
- nbkit — jupyter notebook toolkit
- nbprint — A framework for customizing NBConvert templates and building reports
- nbquiz — Make ipywidgets-based quizzes for use in Jupyter notebooks
- nbsv — Simularium Viewer Jupyter Widget
- nbtools — Framework for creating user-friendly Jupyter notebooks, accessible to both programming and non-programming users alike.
- nbvv — Interactive volumetric voxel viewing
- ncapi-client — Python client for NCAPI
- nd2-extractor — A simple tool to extract ND2 files to Zarr, PNG, or TIFF
- ndpretty — Display numpy ndarrays in a pretty table in Jupyter notebooks
- ndpyramid — A small utility for generating ND array pyramids using Xarray and Zarr
- ndv — Simple, fast-loading, n-dimensional array viewer, with minimal dependencies.
- ndview — Multidimensional array viewer widget for jupyter
- neighborly — A narrative-focused agent-based settlement simulation framework.
- nemos — NEural MOdelS, a statistical modeling framework for neuroscience.
- nemoview — Visualization tool for NEMO ensembles
- neo4j-viz — A simple graph visualization tool
- nerblackbox — a high-level library for named entity recognition in python
- nerfstudio — All-in-one repository for state-of-the-art NeRFs
- nerfviewer — A ipywidget for viewing the output of a nerf.
- net-modules — upgrade and deploy networks
- netcdf-scm — Processing netCDF files for use with simple climate models
- netcoloc — no summary
- nett-benchmarks — A testbed for comparing the learning abilities of newborn animals and autonomous artificial agents.
- neuralactivitycubic — Computation of local and signal-close-to-noise calcium activity
- neurocaps — Co-activation Patterns (CAPs) Python package
- NeuronsMemoryTestPipeline — Package provides QA, MRT and FRT metrics calculation for frt and mrt scores.
- neurotechdevkit — Neurotech Development Kit: an open-source software library designed to enhance accessibility to cutting-edge neurotechnology
- neurotic — Curate, visualize, annotate, and share your behavioral ephys data using Python
- neutrowater — Monte Carlo simulation of neutron moderation
- newAI — newAi
- nextcode-sdk — Python SDK for Genuity Science Services
- ngsci — The Next Generation Sequencing Complexity Index
- ngsolve-jupyterlab-widgets — NGSolve Jupyter Widget Library
- Nimbus-Inference — A model for classification of cells into marker positive / negative
- nixtla — Python SDK for Nixtla API (TimeGPT)
- njab — not Just Another Biomarker
- NLarge — Data augmentation for NLP
- nlmod — Python package to build, run and visualize MODFLOW 6 groundwater models in the Netherlands.