Reverse Dependencies of ipywidgets
The following projects have a declared dependency on ipywidgets:
- Pandas-Data-Exploration-Utility-Package — Utility functions to help with exploratory data analysis on top the Pandas APIs
- pandas-profiling — Deprecated 'pandas-profiling' package, use 'ydata-profiling' instead
- pandas-visual-analysis — A package for interactive visual analysis in Jupyter notebooks.
- pandas3js — a pandas dataframe interface for traitlets and pythreejs
- pandasdb — A library for doing data analytics on databases in python without loading the data into memory of theclient computer
- pandasnotebooks — Widgets to analyze, manipulate dataframes from dbispipelines.
- pants-jupyter-plugin — Jupyter support for Pants projects and PEX files.
- papermill — Parameterize and run Jupyter and nteract Notebooks
- paradance — Offers a toolset for comprehensive, multi-faceted large-scale data analysis and optimizations.
- parafields — Parallel Parameter Fields for Uncertainty Quantification
- paramnb — Generate ipywidgets from Parameterized objects in the notebook
- params-FranklinLi — Command line flags alternative for Jupyter
- params-py — Command line flags alternative for Jupyter
- paramz — The Parameterization Framework
- paraphrase-metrics — Paraphrase Metrics
- paravastu — A utility package for handling files and paths, particularly with Dropbox integration.
- paravastulab — A utility package for handling files and paths, particularly with Dropbox integration.
- parcel-data-collector — no summary
- parcel-data-collector2 — no summary
- parchords-jupyter — jupyter widget with parallel coords that enables interactive sonification
- passagemath-repl — passagemath: IPython kernel, Sage preparser, doctester
- passagemath-standard-no-symbolics — passagemath: Sage library without the symbolics subsystem
- pattern-lens — no summary
- pd-replicator — Copy a pandas DataFrame to the clipboard with one click
- pdpatch — New methods for pandas DataFrame and Series.
- pdpilot — A Jupyter widget for exploring PDP and ICE plots.
- PDSUtilities — Utilities for data science in python
- peaksjs-widget — ipywidget to interact with audio waveforms through peaks.js
- penaltyblog — Library from for scraping and modelling football (soccer) data
- perfbench — perfbench measures execution time of code snippets with Timeit and uses Plotly to visualize the results.
- perfume-bench — Interactive performance benchmarking in Jupyter
- perplexed — Find out where your model is perplexed!
- persist-ext — PersIst is a JupyterLab extension to enable persistent interactive visualizations in JupyterLab notebooks.
- perspective-python — Python bindings and JupyterLab integration for Perspective
- pfse_starterkit — A module to designed to perform package installations, and verification of install,
- pharmbio — This is a Python package for interacting with routine analysis.
- phenonaut — A toolkit for multiomic phenotypic space exploration.
- phitigra — A graph editor for SageMath/Jupyter
- phoenix-sdk — Python SDK for codeflare client
- phoila — A Phosphor wrapper for Voila
- photonforge — PhotonForge is a design tool that integrates with foundry PDKs to speed up the design, simulation, and verification cycle for optical components and systems.
- physicsml — A package for all physics based/related models
- pidgy — literate computing in python
- pidp_tools — A collection of visualization and analysis tools for particle identification
- piel — Photonic Integrated Electronics: microservices to codesign photonics, electronics, communications, quantum, and more.
- pigai — Pigai Api
- pigeonXT-jupyter — Quickly annotate data in Jupyter notebooks.
- pih-doc — PIH Documents service package
- pillar1 — Official package for Pillar1 company
- PiML — A low-code interpretable machine learning toolbox in Python.
- pimms-learn — Imputing (MS-based prote-) omics data using self supervised deep learning models.
- pinkfish — A backtester and spreadsheet library for security analysis.
- pint-pal — A long-lived repository for NANOGrav Pulsar Timing analysis work.
- pipefunc — A Python library for defining, managing, and executing function pipelines.
- piqtree — Python bindings for IQTree
- piscat — A high-performance library for interferometric scattering microscopy.
- piva — PIVA - Python Interactive Viewer for Arpes
- pivotpy — A description of your project
- pixano — Data-centric AI building blocks for computer vision applications
- pixelcount-samples — Pixel counting for wafer images
- pkgbox — Frequently Used Packages for Analytics
- planetarypy — Python Tools for Planetary Science
- plateaukit — Python library and utility for 3D city models by MLIT Project PLATEAU
- plenoptic — Python library for model-based stimulus synthesis.
- pliers — Multimodal feature extraction in Python
- plopp — Visualization library for Scipp
- plotlywrap — Wrapper code to generate pixel-perfect publication qualityplots with
- plusdeck — Serial client for Plus Deck 2C PC Cassette Drive
- plutoplot — Python package to load PLUTO simulation data
- podpac — Pipeline for Observational Data Processing, Analysis, and Collaboration
- poincare — Simulation of dynamical systems.
- pointcloudset — Analyze large datasets of point clouds recorded over time in an efficient way
- polarimetry-lc2pkpi — Symbolic expressions that describe an aligned polarimeter vector field
- poliastro — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics
- polymerist — A unified set of tools for setting up general organic polymer systems for MD within the OpenFF framework
- pomme — Probabilistic 3D Reconstruction of Spectral Line Observations.
- poniard — Streamline scikit-learn model comparison
- pop-autocar3 — AIoT AutoCar3 library for pop
- pop-serbot2 — AIoT serbot2 library for pop
- PoreFinding — PoreFinding package based on HOLE and MDAnalysis
- porespy — A set of tools for analyzing 3D images of porous materials
- portfolio-management — Portfolio Management Helper
- potentials — API database tools for accessing the NIST Interatomic Potentials Repository: explore and download interatomic potentials and computed properties.
- power-cogs — A set of useful research templates for deep learning projects
- powerbiclient — A Custom Jupyter Widget Library
- powergim — Power Grid Investment Module (PowerGIM)
- pozo — Help visualizing well log data - Herramienta para visualizar registros de pozos
- ppqueue — A Parallel Process Queue for Python.
- ppsim — A package for simulating population protocols.
- pralab-phys — Add your description here
- PREAGeoFuns — A package for geo tools used to map card score
- precision-medicine-toolbox — Precision medicine tool-box for medical imaging research
- preliz — Exploring and eliciting probability distributions.
- prenigma-automl — prenigma_automl - An open source, low-code machine learning library.
- prenigmaautoml — prenigma_automl - An open source, low-code machine learning library.
- preprocess1 — no summary
- pretty-genetic-algorithm — A genetic algorithm implementation with pretty progress updates
- pricetool — no summary
- primehub-job — Submit PrimeHub jobs easier
- primeqa — State-of-the-art Question Answering