Reverse Dependencies of ipywidgets
The following projects have a declared dependency on ipywidgets:
- url-widget — A custom Jupyter widget that provides thecurrent url of the notebook
- usaugment — Ultrasound-specific image transforms for training deep neural networks.
- user-manual — Generate the User Manual by ChatGPT
- vaine-widget — Visual Analytics for Natural Experiments
- validar-modelos — Ferramentas e Instruções para Validação de Modelos Clássicos
- validate-models — Tools and Instructions for Validation of Classical Models
- valueplayerwidget — A Player for Widgets with Values with Jupyter Notebook
- varv — Python module for processing of variable bias voltage nanopore sequencing
- vasca — Ultraviolet Variability Analysis is an astronomy pipeline for time-variable sources.
- VASPsol — A VASPsol python helper package to simplify calculations and analysis
- vectorbt — Python library for backtesting and analyzing trading strategies at scale
- vega-sim — Simulator for running self-contained Vega chain on local PC
- veh-sim — A short description of your package
- velocycle — Bayesian model for RNA velocity estimation of periodic manifolds
- venim — Python tools for Venus Image Analysis
- venumML — Vaultree's Encrypted Machine Learning library built on VENumpy
- veritastool — Veritas Diagnosis tool for fairness & transparency assessment.
- vfb-connect — Wrapper for querying VirtualFlyBrain servers.
- vfo — A package for visualization of OpenSees models.
- vgrid-jupyter — Jupyter integration for vgrid
- VideoPlayerWidget — A Custom Jupyter Widget Library
- viewer3d — Display PackedPose objects, Pose objects, or PDB files within a Jupyter notebook and Google Colab.
- viewscad — Jupyter renderer for the OpenSCAD & SolidPython constructive solid geometry systems
- vIQA — A Python package for volumetric image quality assessment.
- VirtualFleet — ``Virtual Fleet`` is a Python package to compute and analyse simulations of virtual Argo float trajectories.
- visdatcompy — Библиотека для сравнения визуальных наборов данных
- visionz — vision
- visualfailureanalysis — Toolkit to visualize the reasoning of image classification networks.
- vitabel — A toolbox for plotting and interactively labeling vital data.
- vivarium — vivarium is a microsimulation framework built on top of the standard scientific python stack.
- vivarium-testing-utils — Project to store testing utilities for Vivarium software.
- vizexpln — Seamlessly combine the power of Jupyter Notebooks and AI to visualize, and interpret your data. A low-code tool for data visualization and interpretation
- vizic — A Jupyter widget for visualizing astronomical catalogs
- VMH-Escher — Escher: A Web Application for Building, Sharing, and Embedding Data-Rich Visualizations of Metabolic Pathways
- vnpt-autovizwidget — AutoVizWidget: An Auto-Visualization library for pandas dataframes
- vnpt-hdijupyterutils — HdiJupyterUtils: Utils for Jupyter projects from HDInsight team
- vnpt-sparkmagic — SparkMagic: Spark execution via Livy
- voila — Voilà turns Jupyter notebooks into standalone web applications
- voila-gridstack — no summary
- voila-materialscloud-template — Voilà template for Materials Cloud that implements the Materials Cloud header and CSS.
- vois — A Python Voilà simplification library
- vre-middleware — VRE Middleware
- vscode-tqdm — Fork of VSCode that fixes a rendering bug in VSCode.
- vstt — Visuomotor Serial Targeting Task (VSTT)
- vtspy — VERITAS analysis tool
- vuecore — A Python package for plotting related to multimodal molecular data. Works with acore.
- vule-magics — JupyterLab MagicCommands Extension
- vvapp — A python library simplifying development of ipyvuetify voila apps
- w2widget — Widget for exploring and sampling words from text data through w2v
- WaveFormer — A single unified Advanced Audio Processing toolkit, that provides both High-Level and Low-Level approaches to its extensive collection of tools.
- waveorder — Wave-optical simulations and deconvolution of optical properties
- wawi — WAwe and WInd response prediction
- wax-ml — A Python library for machine-learning and feedback loops on streaming data
- ways-py — WAYS package for Python developed at University of Warwick and The Alan Turing Institute.
- wearablehrv — Wearablehrv: A Python package for the validation of heart rate and heart rate variability in wearables.
- webgui-jupyter-widgets — Jupyter widgets library for webgui js visualization library
- weldx-widgets — Python based widgets for the weldx core package
- west-ic-antenna — WEST ICRH Antenna Electrical Model
- wfgenes — Scientific workflow
- whiteboxgui — An interactive GUI for whitebox-tools in a Jupyter-based environment
- whitecanvas — A type safe and backend independent plotting library for Python.
- widget-jsmol — A Jupyter widget to use Jmol/Jsmol.
- widgyts — A Custom Jupyter Widget Library
- wikit-chatintents — ChatIntents automatically clusters and labels short text intent messages. Spacy model changed from english to french.
- wisdom-sdk — Wisdom SDK
- witcher — Automated AI tool including: recommender system, deep Learnings ...
- with-coordination — Declarative coordinated multiple views for Jupyter Widgets
- witwidget — What-If Tool notebook widget
- witwidget-gpu — What-If Tool jupyter widget
- wizata-dsapi — Wizata Data Science Toolkit
- workflow-uva — A workflow for Canvas and Nbgrader
- WPSProtocol — A package for Implementing Walsh Pulse Sequenece constructed out of XY Hamiltonian based on Votto, M., Zeiher, J., & Vermersch, B. (2023). Robust universal quantum processors in spin systems via Walsh pulse sequences. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.10600.
- wridgets — Wrapper around ipywidgets
- WSIPeruDB — Water Stable Isotope Database in Peru
- wtypes — extended python types for the web and json
- wxyz-core — experimental Jupyter widgets for JSON and evented transformations
- wxyz-tpl-jinja — experimental Jupyter widgets for Jinja2 templates
- wxyz-yaml — experimental Jupyter widgets for YAML
- Xana — Analysis software for XPCS, XSVS and SAXS data.
- xarrayaita — Python librairy to process AITA data
- xcompact3d-toolbox — A set of tools for pre and postprocessing prepared for the high-order Navier-Stokes solver XCompact3d
- xdart — A pyFAI based GUI utility to rebin and visualize X-ray Diffraction data
- XeroGraph — A Python implementation of Little's MCAR test, MAR vs MNAR analysis, missing value visualization and imputation
- XeroML — A data management platform
- xfinder — An Robust and Pinpoint Answer Extractor for LLM Evaluation
- xpag — xpag: Exploring Agents
- xplainable — Real-time explainable machine learning for business optimisation
- xplainable-client — The client for persisting and deploying models to Xplainable cloud.
- xrdfit — Automated fitting of XRD peaks using Pseudo-Voight fits
- xrfeitoria — OpenXRLab Synthetic Data Rendering Toolbox
- xsmiles — A Custom Jupyter Widget Library
- xturing — Fine-tuning, evaluation and data generation for LLMs
- xyzstyle — xyzstyle 主题
- yandex-query-magic — The Yandex Query official Jupyter Notebook plugin
- yapx — The next generation of Python's Argparse.
- ydata-profiling — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame
- ydata-profiling-infoworks — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame
- ydata-profiling-thorrester — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame
- ydata-sdk — YData allows to use the *Data-Centric* tools from the YData ecosystem to accelerate AI development
- ylearn — A python package for causal inference