Reverse Dependencies of ipywidgets
The following projects have a declared dependency on ipywidgets:
- manipulation — MIT 6.421 - Robotic Manipulation
- manual-data-selector — Python package to select data from scatter plots. The goal is to use specific selected data to train Machine Learning models.
- mapreader — A computer vision pipeline for the semantic exploration of maps/images at scale
- mapyllary — Unofficial Mapillary API
- maquinas — Formal languages and automata library
- marcopolo-pytorch — MarcoPolo: a method to discover differentially expressed genes in single-cell RNA-seq data without depending on prior clustering
- mariqt-widgets — Contains widgets commonly used by MarIQT Notebooks.
- markers — A data labeling widget for use with
- market-analy — Analysis of exchange-listed financial instruments
- Marketingtool — A tool module to help you do marketing
- marketpsych — Python libraries for working with MarketPsych's feeds
- MarkovAnalyzer — Automate Markov Process Characterization
- MarsGT — MarsGT: A Python library for rare cell identification (Internal testing only)
- masspy — MASSpy is a package for dynamic modeling of biological processes.
- massspecgym — MassSpecGym: A benchmark for the discovery and identification of molecules
- mastermind — Play mastermind with python !
- matcha-tts — 🍵 Matcha-TTS: A fast TTS architecture with conditional flow matching
- material-slider — Material-ui slider widgets.
- materials-visualization — Routines to visualize atomic models in jupyter
- matgraphdb — Welcome to MatGraphDB, a powerful Python package designed to interface with primary and graph databases for advanced material analysis.
- Mathics3 — A general-purpose computer algebra system.
- mathstrovehiclesim — A short description of your package
- matplotlib-radar — Radar chart for matplotlib
- mavenworks — Dashboarding for JupyterLab
- maxrf4u — Explore your X-Ray Fluorescence spectral images
- mbbefd — Univariate and bivariate MBBEFD distributions
- mbs — Utilities for MB Scientific analyzer data
- mcescher — Escher: A Web Application for Building, Sharing, and Embedding Data-Rich Visualizations of Metabolic Pathways
- MCPoly — Useful tools for Computational Chemistry for polymers
- mdciao — mdciao: Accessible Analysis and Visualization of Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data
- mdml — Application of Deep learning on molecular dymanamics trajectories
- mdonatello — 2D small molecule visualization for MDAnalysis
- medcat — Concept annotation tool for Electronic Health Records
- MedicalMultitaskModeling — Multitask learning framework for medical data
- medimage-pkg — MEDimage is a Python package for processing and extracting features from medical images
- meerkat-ml — Meerkat is building new data abstractions to make machine learning easier.
- megrim — A bioinformatics tutorial framework for epi2me-labs
- membrane-curvature — MDAnalysis tool to calculate membrane curvature from MD simulations.
- memocell — Bayesian inference of stochastic cellular processes with and without memory in Python.
- meow-sim — Modeling of Eigenmodes and Overlaps in Waveguide Structures
- mesagrid — Parse grids of MESA tracks and models
- meshql — query based meshing on top of GMSH
- mess-jax — MESS: Modern Electronic Structure Simulations
- metagentorch — Set of tools used for metagenomics research project, using keras and pytorch
- metagpt — The Multi-Agent Framework
- metagpt-simple — The Multi-Agent Framework
- metanetx-sdk — Parse and clean up information from MetaNetX (
- metapal — Experiments regarding LLM components
- metodos-numericos-dcb-fi — Biblioteca con las utilidades necesarias para ejecutar los jupyter notebooks de métodos numéricos.
- metro-sp-mdp — no summary
- mexca — Emotion expression capture from multiple modalities.
- mi-property-analyser — First package evs
- microfilm — Creating figures and animations for multi-channel images with a focus on microscopy.
- miffi — cryo-EM micrograph filtering utilizing Fourier space information
- mig-meow — MiG based manager for event oriented workflows
- mileva — Python toolkit for symbolic calculations in general relativity.
- mimicri — Masking and mixing for interactive counterfactual recombined images
- mimikit — Python package for generating audio with neural networks
- mindlab — Data science toolbox
- miniscope-io — no summary
- minitrade — A personal automated trading system
- misas — Model Interpretation through Sensitivity Analysis for Segmentation
- mitosheet2 — The Mito Spreadsheet
- mix-mavis — MAVIS 数据分析工具
- ML-Navigator — ML-Navigator is a tutorial-based Machine Learning framework. The main component of ML-Navigator is the flow. A flow is a collection of compact methods/functions that can be stuck together with guidance texts.
- ml4a — A toolkit for making art with machine learning, including an API for popular deep learning models, recipes for combining them, and a suite of educational examples
- ml4h — Machine Learning for Health python package
- mlcopilot — Assistant for data scientists and machine learning developers.
- mlworkflow — A workflow-improving library for manipulating ML experiments
- mmfutils — Small set of utilities: containers and interfaces.
- mmtfPyspark — Methods for parallel and distributed analysis and mining of the Protein Data Bank using MMTF and Apache Spark
- mobilechelonian — Turtles in the Jupyter Notebook
- mockish — A thin layer of sugar atop Python's mock.
- model-sketch-book — A package for sketching ML models
- model-validation — Model validation tools
- modelbase — A package to build metabolic models
- ModelFlowIb — A tool to solve and manage dynamic economic models
- modin-spreadsheet — An implementation for the Spreadsheet API of Modin
- modulift — A powerful search tool for discovering Python packages based on user queries
- modulo-vki — MODULO (MODal mULtiscale pOd) is a software developed at the von Karman Institute to perform Multiscale Modal Analysis of numerical and experimental data.
- molfeat — molfeat - the hub for all your molecular featurizers
- molflux — A foundational package for molecular predictive modelling
- mols2grid — Interactive 2D small molecule viewer
- monk-cls-test1 — Monk Classification's Gluoncv backend
- monk-cls-test2 — Monk Classification's Pytorch backend
- monk-cls-test3 — Monk Classification's Tf-Keras backend
- monk-cpu — Monk Classification - CPU - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cpu-test — Monk Classification - CPU - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda100 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda100 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda100-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda100 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda101 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda101 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda101-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda101 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda102 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda102 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda102-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda102 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda90 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda90 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda90-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda90 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda92 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda92 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda92-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda92 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-gluon-cpu — Monk Classification - CPU - backends - mxnet-gluon
- monk-gluon-cpu-test — Monk Classification - CPU - backends - mxnet-gluon