Reverse Dependencies of ipywidgets
The following projects have a declared dependency on ipywidgets:
- kcc-joel — no summary
- keywords-en — keywords extract
- keywords2vec — To generate a word2vec model, but using multi-word keywords instead of single words.
- kfactory — KLayout API implementation of gdsfactory
- kiara-plugin.jupyter — Jupyter integration for kiara
- KinetiKit — Tools for comparing and kinetically simulating time-resolved data
- klampt-jupyter — A Jupyter Widget for Klampt
- kmapper — Python implementation of Mapper algorithm for Topological Data Analysis.
- kmaps — TBA
- KMeansImage — A K-Means based image compressor. Consists interactive widgets for Jupyter Notebook
- kolibri-light — Deep Learning and more NLP toolkit
- kolibri-ml — Deep Learning and more NLP toolkit
- Kqlmagic — Kqlmagic: Microsoft Azure Monitor magic extension to Jupyter notebook
- KqlmagicCustom — Kqlmagic: Microsoft Azure Monitor magic extension to Jupyter notebook (Custom Dependencies)
- kslhub — klshub - a datahub based on jupyterhub
- kso-utils — A package containing utility scripts for use with KSO analysis notebooks.
- kweb — KLayout API implementation of gdsfactory
- kxy — A Powerful Serverless Pre-Learning and Post-Learning Analysis Toolkit
- l5kit — Level-5 Autonomous Vehicle Research library
- labbench — The `labbench` module provides API tools to support python scripting for laboratory automation.The goal is to simplify the process of developing an experimental procedure into clear, concise, explainable, and reusable code.
- labext — Extra widgets for Jupyter Lab
- lakehouse-engine — A configuration-driven Spark framework serving as the engine for several lakehouse algorithms and data flows.
- lakeview — A Python library for creating publication-quality genome visualisations.
- landscape-widget — Jupyter widget for interactive graph visualization
- langchain-benchmarks — 🦜💪 Flex those feathers!
- langkit — A language toolkit for monitoring LLM interactions
- langmuir-trough — Controls and collects data from Gutow Lab Langmuir Trough.
- latentscope — Quickly embed, project, cluster and explore a dataset.
- lca-algebraic — This library provides a layer above brightway2 for defining parametric models and running super fast LCA for monte carlo analysis.
- lca-algebraic-dev — This library provides a layer above brightway2 for defining parametric models and running super fast LCA for monte carlo analysis.
- leabra-psyneulink — Python implementation of the Leabra algorithm. Forked to package and upload to PyPi.
- leafagro — A Python Package for Analyzing Agriculture data obtained from Agromonitoring API.
- leafmap — A Python package for geospatial analysis and interactive mapping in a Jupyter environment.
- leafmaptools — A Python package for building a tool widgets infrastructure with ipyleaflet and ipywidgets
- LearningNashQLearning — A simple NashQ-learning implementation in Python
- leda — Generate static reports from Jupyter notebooks
- lens — Summarise and explore Pandas DataFrames
- leo-data-analyser — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame
- liblet — A teaching aid library for formal languages and compiler courses.
- libro-flow — libro flow
- lightning-uq-box — Lightning-UQ-Box: A toolbox for uncertainty quantification in deep learning
- lightparam — A light, qt-compatible python parametrization package.
- liionpack — A battery pack simulator for PyBaMM
- limbo-ml — Library for accessing computer vision training data in Limbo Data Format.
- linalg-for-datasci — Code supporting the computational instruction for the course STAT 89A: Linear Algebra for Data Science at UC Berkeley
- lineup-widget — Wrapper around the LineUp.js library for multi attribute rankings
- lingualeo-sqlmesh — no summary
- linmo — Package for Lineage Motif Analysis. Extracts statistically over- or under- represented cell fate patterns within a set of lineage trees.
- LittleSnowFox — KAILINss - TOGGLE(KAILIN): Single Cell Fate Tracing tools
- llnl-sina — Simulation INsight and Analysis
- lloom_ai — Concept Induction to analyze unstructured text
- lmkapp — Stop watching your code run
- load-atoms — Large Open Access Datasets for Atomistic Materials Science (LOAD-AtoMS)
- lonboard — Fast, interactive geospatial data visualization in Jupyter.
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- loss-watch — A dynamic progress indicator that displays train and validation losses.
- low-code-assistant — no summary
- lp-Aicloud — this a aicloud
- lsdb — Spatial analysis for extremely large astronomical databases using dask
- lsdttparamselector — A small package using ipython widgets that allows users to select parameters from menus. These can be passed to another object in lsdviztools to create a driver file for the lsdtopotools command line tools.
- lumicks.pylake — Bluelake data analysis tools
- lumipy — Python library for Luminesce
- lungctproc — Processing of Lung CT
- lux-widget — Jupyter Widget for Intelligent Data Discovery
- luxglm — A probabilistic covariate model for quantification of DNA methylation modifications with complex experimental designs
- LWTools — Tool for LMT data analysis
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- maboss — A python and jupyter API for the MaBoSS software
- machnamh — An ipywidgets based package for detecting bias in ML data and Models
- machnamh-unmakingyou — An ipywidgets based package for detecting bias in ML data and Models
- macrosynergy — Macrosynergy Quant Research Package
- madjax — differentiable matrix elements
- magic-afm — Code to analyze and understand Magic Ratio AFM
- magic-docker — Automated Docker-Image-Builder Extention for Docker
- magicgui — build GUIs from python types
- MAGINE — Package to analyze biological data.
- magma-converter — Convert CVGHM seismic data structures into SDS format.
- magpylib — Free Python3 package to compute magnetic fields.
- malariagen-data — A package for accessing and analysing MalariaGEN data.
- manb — Mission Aware Notebook
- manipulation — MIT 6.421 - Robotic Manipulation
- manual-data-selector — Python package to select data from scatter plots. The goal is to use specific selected data to train Machine Learning models.
- mapFolding — Count distinct ways to fold a map (or a strip of stamps)
- mapreader — A computer vision pipeline for the semantic exploration of maps/images at scale
- mapyllary — Unofficial Mapillary API
- maquinas — Formal languages and automata library
- marcopolo-pytorch — MarcoPolo: a method to discover differentially expressed genes in single-cell RNA-seq data without depending on prior clustering
- mariqt-widgets — Contains widgets commonly used by MarIQT Notebooks.
- markers — A data labeling widget for use with
- market-analy — Analysis of exchange-listed financial instruments
- Marketingtool — A tool module to help you do marketing
- marketpsych — Python libraries for working with MarketPsych's feeds
- MarkovAnalyzer — Automate Markov Process Characterization
- MarsGT — MarsGT: A Python library for rare cell identification (Internal testing only)
- masspy — MASSpy is a package for dynamic modeling of biological processes.
- massspecgym — MassSpecGym: A benchmark for the discovery and identification of molecules
- mastermind — Play mastermind with python !
- matcha-tts — 🍵 Matcha-TTS: A fast TTS architecture with conditional flow matching
- material-slider — Material-ui slider widgets.
- materials-visualization — Routines to visualize atomic models in jupyter