Reverse Dependencies of geopandas
The following projects have a declared dependency on geopandas:
- earthkit-transforms — Aggregation tools for meteorological and climate data.
- earthpie — Specialised version of open source earthpy package that does not plot img directly but returns array to use with plt.imshow
- earthpy — A set of helper functions to make working with spatial data in open source tools easier. This package is maintained by Earth Lab and was originally designed to support the earth analytics education program.
- earthscale — Earthscale CLI
- earthstat — EarthStat Library
- easy-geotool — An easy geospatial data processing tool
- easymore — geo-spatial processing of the input data for environmental and hydrological modeling
- easysnowdata — package to easily get data relevant to snow
- ebmdatalab — Package for ebmdatalab jupyter notebook stuff
- echo-modules — Python package for analyzing the US Environmental Protection Agency's Enforcement and Compliance History Online database
- echofish-aws-raw-to-zarr-lambda — no summary
- echofish-aws-resample-and-write-to-zarr-store-lambda — no summary
- echopop — A tool to generate biological estimates from acoustic data collected from echosounders
- ecodatatk — Developed for limnological and hydrological studies
- ecodonut — no summary
- ecoscope — Standard Analytical Reporting Framework for Conservation
- ECOv002-L2T-STARS — ECOSTRESS Collection 2 JPL STARS Data Fusion Product Generating Executable (PGE)
- ECOv003-L2T-STARS — ECOSTRESS Collection 3 JPL STARS Data Fusion Product Generating Executable (PGE)
- eDisGo — A python package for distribution network analysis and optimization
- eeconvert — no summary
- eeSDM — Google Earth Engine-based Species Distribution Modeling
- eGo — A cross-grid-level electricity grid and storage optimization tool
- eis_toolkit — EIS Toolkit is a comprehensive collection of tools suitable for mineral prospectivity mapping. This toolkit has been developed as part of the Exploration Information System project which has been funded by European Union.
- ek-aggregate — Aggregation tools for meteorological and climate data.
- ela — A Python package for exploratory lithology analysis
- elapid — Species distribution modeling support tools
- ElexonDataPortal — no summary
- ellipsis — Package to interact with the Ellipsis API
- ellipsisAI — Package to use Ellipsis Drive for AI
- elwood — An open source dataset transformation, standardization, and normalization python library.
- emiproc — Emission Processing Tool
- emissionsapi-worldmap-creator — Emissions API's World Map image creator
- emrecharge — Tools for EM Groundwater Recharge
- enact-SO — ENACT is the first tissue-agnostic pipeline that integrates advanced cell segmentation with Visium HD transcriptomics data to infer cell types across whole tissue sections. This pipeline incorporates novel bin-to-cell assignment methods, enhancing the accuracy of single-cell transcript estimates.
- ensembleperturbation — perturbation of coupled model input over a space of input variables
- environmental-insights — A Python package for democratizing access to ambient air pollution data and predictive analytics.
- environmental-risk-metrics — Calculate environmental risk metrics for a given polygon
- eo-grow — Earth observation framework for scaled-up processing in Python
- eo-learn — Earth observation processing framework for machine learning in Python
- eo-tides — Tide modelling tools for large-scale satellite earth observation analysis
- eo-validation — Collaborative validation tools for remote sensing imagery
- eobox — A toolbox for processing earth observation data with Python.
- eodal — The Earth Observation Data Analysis Library EOdal
- eodc — Python SDK for interacting with EODC services.
- eodms-api-client — Tool for querying and submitting image orders to Natural Resources Canada's Earth Observation Data Management System (EODMS)
- EOmaps — A library to create interactive maps of geographical datasets.
- eoreader — Remote-sensing opensource python library reading optical and SAR constellations, loading and stacking bands, clouds, DEM and spectral indices in a sensor-agnostic way.
- eosets — This library aims to simplify any process working with different sets of EO data handled by EOReader.
- eotdl — Earth Observation Training Data Lab
- ephemerista — Space mission analysis for telecommunications and satellite constellations
- EphemSahabatFalak — Sebuah pakej yang boleh menghasilkan pelbagai data berkenaan falak
- epigraphhub — Epigraphhub Python package
- epimargin — Toolkit for estimating epidemiological metrics and evaluating public health and economic policies.
- epippy — Expansion Planning Input Preprocessing in Python
- epiw — Python package for weather query
- epyt-flow — EPyT-Flow -- EPANET Python Toolkit - Flow
- EQViewer — Visualize seismicity
- esa-climate-toolbox — The ESA CCI Toolbox is designed to provide access to CCI data
- esda — Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis in PySAL
- esi-utils-pager — USGS PAGER loss modeling functionality
- esil — commonly used functions written by Devin Long
- esneft-tools — Utilities to analyse population and deprivation data.
- esri2gpd — Scrape features from the ArcGIS Server REST API and return a geopandas GeoDataFrame
- esridumpgdf — no summary
- ESSMTools — Ecosystem Service Scoring and Management tools
- Estar — no summary
- estaty — Module for spatial data fusion and processing for real estate objects. **estaty** is Python-based platform to obtain and merge open spatial data with not very open and not very spatial to create “real estate use cases”. Library provide tools for loaded data merging, pairwise source verification, proximity analysis, etc.
- eTraGo — electric transmission grid optimization
- ETS-CookBook — The ETS (TNO) CookBook of useful Python Scripts
- eurocropsml — EuroCropsML is a ready-to-use benchmark dataset for few-shot crop type classification using Sentinel-2 imagery.
- eviz — An easy to use visualization framework for Earth system models
- expden — Library to compute the experienced density
- experiment-goodies — Useful helpers, callbacks and more for experimenting with ml models
- expert-intelligence-toolbox — Collection of geospatial and transformational functions used by Expert Intelligence Lda.
- fabdem — Download FABDEM data: a DEM with forests and buildings removed using ML.
- fair-mobil — Package to analyze mobility fairness
- fair-mobility-models — An extension of the fair-mobil package
- fairpredictor — A package for running predictions using fAIr
- fakemap — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- FanInSAR — A fantastic InSAR processing library, in a more pythonic way, to accelerate your InSAR processing workflow.
- fast-alphashape — A Rust backed implementation for generating 2D alpha shapes from points
- fastclimate — A description of your project
- fastfuels-core — Core algorithms for the FastFuels project
- fbmc-linearisation-analysis — no summary
- fcpgtools — Tools to create Flow-Conditioned Parameter Grids (FCPGs) from Flow Direction Rasters (FDRs) and arbitrary rasterized parameter data.
- feedinlib — Creating time series from pv or wind power plants.
- feltpy — A package for interacting with the API of
- ferfereh — 🌀 3d-printed graffiti.
- fgdb-to-gpkg — A lightweight Python package that converts Esri File GeoDataBases into OGC GeoPackages
- fiat-toolbox — A software package support ystem which can be used to assess the benefits and costs of flood resilience measures
- fiboa-cli — CLI tools such as validation and file format conversion for fiboa.
- ficture — Segmentation free factor analysis for sub-micron resolution spatial transcriptomics
- fieldspy — Well Logs Tool for Oil & Gas
- figanos — Outils pour produire des graphiques informatifs sur les impacts des changements climatiques.
- fimpef — A Framework for Automatic Evaluation of Flood Inundation Mapping Predictions Evaluation
- FINE — Framework for integrated energy systems assessment
- fire-split — Split individual fire events from tif files
- firefly-uas — firefly_uas created by Sascha Zell
- FLABasicTools — Basic tools for redistrict data used in reports
- flap-lite — An open-source tool for linking free-text addresses to UPRN