Reverse Dependencies of geopandas
The following projects have a declared dependency on geopandas:
- geonetworkx — Python tools for geographic graphs
- geonumpy — combine geo crs and mat with numpy array
- geopandas-postgis — Adds additional postgis functionality to GeoPandas
- geoparser — A customizable geoparsing library for unstructured text
- geopatra — Interactive Maps with Geopandas
- geopicker — no summary
- geoplanar — Geographic planar enforcement of polygon geoseries
- geoplot — High-level geospatial plotting for Python.
- geopolygonize — Convert geographic rasters into simplified polygons
- GeoProfile — A Python library for visualizing geotechnical profiles.
- georasters — Tools for working with Geographical Information System Rasters
- georastertools — Collection of tools for raster data
- georeader — Module for reading spatial data files and services
- georeader-spaceml — 🛰️ Process raster data in python
- georetriever — Retrieve geological data for geothermal systems from coordinates in Python!
- georouting — Geo routing for Python users
- geos5fp — generates rasters of near-real-time GEOS-5 FP near-surface meteorology
- geosdemo — A python package for interactive mapping.
- geosdemo-haoyu — A python package for interactive mapping.
- GEOSLAM — Seismo-Lineament Analysis Method
- geosnap — The Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package
- geospade — A place for classes and properties of raster and vector geometries and their geospatial operations alike.
- geospatial — A Python package for installing commonly used packages for geospatial analysis and data visualization with only one command.
- geospatial-analysis-environment — Geospatial analysis environment.
- geospatial-lib — A library with some geo functions
- geospin-utilities — Geo-processing utility functions
- geost — The Python interface for geological point data in The Netherlands
- geostream — Python tool to interact with OGC APIs with ease.
- geostructures — A lightweight implementation of shapes drawn across a geo-temporal plane.
- geotask — A demo python package
- geotify — geotify
- geotile — Package for working with geographic raster tiles
- geotils — geotils by GEOAI group
- geotrans — Switch between spatial fileformats.
- geoutils — Analysis and handling of georeferenced rasters and vectors
- geoviews — GeoViews is a Python library that makes it easy to explore and visualize geographical, meteorological, and oceanographic datasets, such as those used in weather, climate, and remote sensing research.
- geovizir — Support package for geo visuals.
- geovoronoi — a package to create and plot Voronoi regions in geographic areas
- geowatch — no summary
- geowrangler — 🌏 A python package for wrangling geospatial datasets
- geoz — A Library to convert Unsupervised Clustering Results into Geographical Maps
- gerrychain — Use Markov chain Monte Carlo to analyze districting plans and gerrymanders
- gerrytools — Tools for processing and visualizing districting plans.
- getbuildings — A tool for downloading and processing building footprints using bounding box data.
- Gewel — Python animation tools.
- gh-scan-validator — greeHill TSE Scan Validator
- gideon-api — GIDEON provides epidemiological data going back to 1348 AD. This package provides an interface with the GIDEON API to access its Infectous Disease database within Python.
- gig-nuuuwan — Generalized information graph.
- gio — Create xarray.DataArrays from various subsurface data formats.
- gis-fillers — no summary
- gis-utils — Convenience functions for working with geospatial data in python.
- gisco-geodata — GISCO Geodata is a Python package that provides access to the European Commission's GISCO geospatial data.
- gistim — GIS utilities for Tim(ML) Analytic Element modeling
- gistools — Misc geospatial functions built upon geopandas
- glaft — GLAFT evaluates the quality of glacier velocity maps using statistics and physics based metrics.
- gmlutil — General Machine Learning Utility Package
- gmlutil-data-extraction — General Machine Learning Utility Package for Data Extraction
- gmlutil-geo-models — General Machine Learning Utility Package for Geospatial Models
- gnssmapper — A package for generating 3D maps from gnss data
- gnssr — GNSS-R Data Processing Package
- goes-ortho — A python package for downloading GOES-R ABI imagery, orthorectifying with a DEM, and creating timeseries
- google-cloud-bigquery — Google BigQuery API client library
- googlesat — Download Sentinel 2 data from GCP
- GOSTnets — Networkx wrapper to simplify network analysis using geospatial data
- GOSTNetsRaster — Generate travel time rasters from friction surfaces
- GOSTurban — Multiple functions, tools, and tutorials for calculating urbanization based on gridded population data
- gotrackit — A Python Package for Map Matching Algorithm Based on Hidden Markov Model
- gotrackitdoc — A Python Package test
- gpdvega — GpdVega GeoPandas and Altair intergation
- gplately — Object-orientated Python interface to pyGPlates for plate tectonic reconstruction
- gpmf — A module to read GPMF data embedded in GoPro video files.
- GPRas — algorithms for measuring concentration distribution in a spatial network.
- gps-activity — A light-weight mobile module for analysis of GPS activity
- gps2gtfs — A Python package to process raw GPS data of public transit and transform to GTFS format.
- gps2space — A Python library for building spatial data and calculating buffer- and Convex hull-based activity space from raw GPS data
- GpsDataAnalyzer — A simple Python toolkit to analyze GPS data
- gpsmatcher — Match a trace of GPS positions to a transportation graph
- GranadaCultura — Descripción del paquete GranadaCultura
- graphxl — Workbench for Deep Learning on network datasets
- grav-toolbox — Gravity survey utility tools
- great-expectations-geospatial-expectations — A collection of Expectations to validate Geospatial data with Great Expectations.
- gredos2x — gredos2x is a format converter for Gredos power system model built by EIMV in 1991. This tool is a set of Python tools, for export to other formats and simulators and supports GIS data conversion from Gredos.
- greedy — Greedy (topological) coloring for GeoPandas
- gref4hsi — A Python package for for georeferencing and orthorectifying hyperspectral imagery
- gregor — A library for spatial aggregation and disaggregation
- greppo — Build responsive web-apps for geospatial applications.
- gridfinder — Algorithm for guessing MV grid network based on night time lights
- gridify — Generate a grid of box shaped polygons covering an area
- gridit — Spatial tools to translate raster or vector geometry data to regular grids
- gridkit — Powerful abstractions of infinite grids for grid-vector interactions, tesselation, resampling and interactions between related grids.
- gridmarthe — python package to read/write/manage Marthe Grids
- grids — Tools for extracting time series subsets from n-dimensional arrays in several storage formats.
- gridwxcomp — Compare meterological station data to gridded data
- griml — A workflow for classifying ice-marginal lakes from satellite imagery and compiling lake inventories
- GRSdriver — Driver for L1C satellite images dedicated to GRS processor
- gspatial-plot — A geospatial plotting library built on top of geopandas.
- gspatial-tools — Set of utility tools built on top of Geopandas, Xarray, Rasterio and Rioxarray
- gsshapyorm — An SQLAlchemy ORM for GSSHA model files.
- gtdownloader — A Python package for the simple downloading of tweets with geographical information
- gtfs-functions — Package to easily wrangle GTFS files geospatially.