Reverse Dependencies of geopandas
The following projects have a declared dependency on geopandas:
- BODSDataExtractor — This project was created to lower the barrier to entry for analysis of UK Bus Open Data. It facilitates the fetching and extraction of clean data, currently focussed on Timetables, into tables to be used for analysis or your own projects.
- bolides — A package to analyze bolide data
- boson-sdk — Python SDK for Boson Geospatial Service Mesh Providers
- bpnsdata — A package to add marine environmental data to a geopandas dataframe
- brdr — BRDR - a Python library to assist in realigning (multi-)polygons (OGC Simple Features) to reference borders
- breizhcrops — A Satellite Time Series Dataset for Crop Type Identification
- brodata — A Python-package to download and process subsurface data from DINO and BRO
- BSTPP — Bayesian Spatiotemporal Point Process
- bucky-covid — The Bucky model is a spatial SEIR model for simulating COVID-19 at the county level.
- build2vec — Python package for building data embeddings
- building2parcel-trainingdata — A package for mapping parcels and buildings using various data sources
- burial-mounds — Recognizing burial mounds with YOLO
- — Easily generate translations between zoning systems
- cafcore — Core functions used to process data for R.J. Cook Agronomy Farm LTAR
- calitp-data-analysis — Shared code for querying Cal-ITP data in notebooks, primarily.
- calling-rate — Calculate population size from calling rate of seabirds
- camels-aus — Python package to easily access the CAMELS-AUS dataset
- canopy-shade — Python package to calculate the shading effect of tree canopies from panoramic imagery
- canoPyHydro — An Innovative Approach to Vegetative Precipitation Partitioning
- carbonarr — A python package to do all ARR GIS analysis.
- carbonplan-forest-offsets — retrospective analysis of complience IFM projects
- card-live-dashboard — A dashboard to display antimicrobial resistance data from CARD:Live
- carpoolsim — A simulation tool to find as many as carpool-able trips given drive-alone trips
- carst — Cryoshpere And Remote Sensing Toolkit
- cartagen — Cartographic generalisation of spatial objects
- cartes — A generic toolbox for building maps in Python
- cartiflette — Tools to easily retrieve French borders for geographic data analytics
- carto2gpd — A Python utility to query a CARTO database and return a geopandas GeoDataFrame
- cartoframes — CARTO Python package for data scientists
- cartogram — Compute continous cartograms (anamorphic maps)
- cast-planet-api — A package for searching and retrieving imagery via the Planet REST API
- catalystcoop.pudl — An open data processing pipeline for US energy data
- cavapy — CAVA Python package. Retrive and analyze climate data.
- cbers4asat — Biblioteca Python para realizar a busca e processamento de imagens dos satélites CBERS-04A e AMAZONIA-1
- ccfx — Your package description here
- cdrc — no summary
- cdsetool — Tools & CLI for interacting with CDSE product APIs
- cdsspy — Provides Python functions for discovering and requesting data from the CDSS REST API.
- CellAutDisp — no summary
- celldega — no summary
- cellseg-gsontools — Toolbelt for merging and extracting features from geojson masks.
- cellseg-models.pytorch — Python library for 2D cell/nuclei instance segmentation models written with PyTorch.
- censaurus — A comprehensive, feature-rich, and user-oriented Python package that wraps the U.S. Census Bureau's Data and Geographic APIs
- census-cb — Wrapper for downloading and processing Cartography Boundaries from the US Census Bureau
- census-map-consolidator — Combine Census maps into new shapes
- census-map-downloader — Easily download U.S. census maps
- censusdis — US Census utilities for a variety of data loading, analysis, and mapping purposes.
- censusviz — A Python package to make it easier to visualize Census data.
- centum — A Python package for water accounting using energy and water balance modeling.
- cerf — An open-source geospatial Python package for assessing and analyzing future electricity technology capacity expansion feasibility.
- cetk — CLAIRs Emission ToolKit cetk
- cgeniepy — A Python package to read, analyse and visualise cGENIE Earth System Model output
- chap-core — Climate Health Analysis Platform (CHAP)
- checkifc — A package to work with IFC meshes
- chicagorecoverypy — no summary
- chickenstats — A Python package for scraping & analyzing sports statistics
- chombopy — Running, analysing and plotting Chombo simulations
- cht-cyclones — no summary
- cht-hurrywave — no summary
- cht-meteo — no summary
- cht-sfincs — no summary
- cht-utils — no summary
- ciroh_plugins — Intake drivers for the National Water Model Post-Processing Services and API
- cityblocks — Python workflow to generate LCZ tiles for rendering in 3D in QGIS
- citycatio — CityCAT extension to create inputs and convert outputs
- cityseer — Computational tools for network-based pedestrian-scale urban analysis
- civilpy — Civil Engineering Tools in Python
- cjfx — A module for common functions optimised for data scientists that need to code repeatitive tasks fast
- cl-hubeau — Hubeau client to collect data from the different APIs
- cle-data-toolkit — A project developed by the City of Cleveland Office of Urban Analytics and Innovation, built to simplify civic data processing for the public.
- clickzetta-sqlalchemy — clickzetta python sqlalchemy
- climada — CLIMADA in Python
- climate-resilience — Download, Preprocessing, and Visualization code for climate resilience data.
- climatePy — A Python package for getting point and gridded climate data by AOI.
- climdex-kit — Tool for multi-scenario calculation, publishing, and analysis of indices from 3D time-series of climate projections.
- Climind — A python package for managing climate indicator information
- climpy — Tools to analyse climate data for machine learning and event analysis
- climsight — no summary
- clip-mosaic — Clip & Mosaic multiple TIFF Images with shapefiles.
- clisops — CLISOPS - Climate simulation operations.
- cmaqsatproc — Processor to grid satellite data for comparison to CMAQ.
- cmfd-handler — no summary
- cml-pam — The Population activity Modeller (PAM) is a python API for activity sequence modelling.
- coastal-resilience-utilities — A utility package for coastal resilience analysis.
- coastpy — Python tools for cloud-native coastal analytics.
- coclico — Python tools for Coastal Climate Core Services
- cocoon-data — Cocoon is an open-source project that aims to free analysts from tedious data transformations with LLM.
- cognite-sdk — Cognite Python SDK
- cognite-sdk-core — Client library for Cognite Data Fusion (CDF)
- cognite-sdk-experimental — Experimental additions to the Python SDK
- cohort-compare — A library of functions for comparing clinical cohorts to the populations of US counties
- coincident — Search and analysis of STV Precursor Coincident Datasets
- coloc-sat — no summary
- color-plot — colorplot
- columnflexpart — no summary
- CometTS — Time series trend analysis tools for user defined polygons in any time series of overhead imagery
- compute_distance — Compute distances and create TIF files
- consensus — no summary
- continuous-area-cartograms-nuuuwan — Implements continuous area cartogram algorithm
- convert-shp-to-csv — Converts shape files (.shp) to a gridded csv file