Reverse Dependencies of geopandas
The following projects have a declared dependency on geopandas:
- copernicusapi — A package to facilitate interactive construction of queries to the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem repository.
- copro — Python-model build on scikit-learn functions, designed to facilitate the set-up, execution, and evaluation of machine-learning models for the study of the climate-conflict nexus.
- coss — Python tools for spatial interpolation
- covsirphy — COVID-19 data analysis with phase-dependent SIR-derived ODE models
- coziepy — A package for processing and visualizing data collected with the Cozie-Apple app
- CPTtool — CPT tool for the OURS model
- cranes — Cordons in Recovery Assessments of Neighborhoods following Earthquake Simulations
- crash-mapping-tools — Standalone tools for processing crash data
- crime-hotspots-uk — A python module that identifies and produces graphs of assult hotspots within the UK.
- crimpy — A python package for interactive mapping.
- criticalmaas.ta1-geopackage — GeoPackage schema for validating and storing vector geologic map data produced by computer-vision pipelines
- crl-datacube — Utilities for scaling geospatial analyses
- cropclassification — Package to classify crops based on sentinel images.
- cropharvest — Open source remote sensing dataset with benchmarks
- cropnet — A Python package for the CropNet dataset
- crossfire — crossfire: Download spatial data sets from crossfire project
- crossify — `crossify` is a Python library and command line application for drawing street crossings lines from street centerline and sidewalk centerline data.
- crosstech-py-tools — Common functions, classes and interfaces that CrossTech uses in its python development.
- cryogrid-pytools — Tools to read in CryoGrid MATLAB data to Python and create forcing data
- cs-bahtml — A util package for ML in CSGO
- cse163-utils — Useful helper functions for CSE 163: Intermediate Data Programming course content.
- csv2geojson — Convert csv to geojson
- CursorDrawer — Graph cursor object
- CurviRiver — Generate curvilinear mesh from river outline polygons
- cw-eval — Provide Evaluation Metrics for Machine Learning Challenges
- cw-tiler — Get UTM tiles for SpaceNet Dataset or arbitrary GeoTiffs
- cyfi — Estimate cyanobacteria density in small, inland water bodies using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery.
- d2spy — Python package for interacting with a Data to Science instance.
- dabbas — no summary
- dadbscan — A python package for density adaptive DBSCAN clustering
- damagescanner — Direct damage assessments for natural hazards
- darrow-poc — Proof of concept for twinn-ml-interface with model pipeline for predicting water throughput in ruhr river.
- dask-geomodeling — On-the-fly operations on geographical maps.
- dask-geopandas — Parallel GeoPandas with Dask
- data-cleaner — Paquete para limpieza de datos, segun estandares del equipo de Datos Argentina
- data-verification — 数据检验的工具
- datablender — Tools for data.
- databridge — Bridge shared datasets across diverse projects.
- datagovuk — Tool to allow easy importing to data from
- datamarket — Utilities that integrate advanced scraping knowledge into just one library.
- dataretrieval — Discover and retrieve water data from U.S. federal hydrologic web services.
- datasaku — A small example package
- dataset-builder — Dataset builder for CAMELS-DE dataset
- datashader-cli — Quick visualization of large datasets using CLI based on datashader.
- datav — Data visualization tools for Python.
- datawaza — Datawaza is a collection of tools for data exploration, visualization, data cleaning, pipeline creation, model iteration, and evaluation.
- datawrappergraphics — A package for interacting with Datawrapper maps, charts, and folders.
- dave-core — DAVE is a tool for automatic energy grid generation
- dave-data — Short Discription
- db-fillers — no summary
- ddfrvn — A CLI tool for downloading and processing Daymet NetCDF files for the Raven hydrological modelling framework.
- dea-tools — Functions and algorithms for analysing Digital Earth Australia data.
- deafrica-tools — Functions and algorithms for analysing Digital Earth Africa data.
- deepforest-pytorch — Tree crown prediction using deep learning retinanets
- deepgis-utils — A collection of utilities for DeepGIS
- deepsardl — This is a main package for processeing data for DeepSAR
- deims — Interface to the DEIMS-SDR API
- delft3dfmpy — Top-level package for delft3dfmpy.
- deltares-coastalhazardstoolkit — no summary
- dem-stitcher — Download and merge DEM tiles for processing interferograms with ISCE2.
- dem2basin — Tools to derive HUC-cropped DEMs from common DEM datasets
- derevo — Collection of methods to generate stable plants collections based on their cohabitation and outer limitations
- descarteslabs — Descartes Labs Python Client
- descarteslabs-vector — no summary
- detectree2 — Detectree packaging
- dew-gwdata — Python module for accessing groundwater data internally at DEW
- df-qc-tools — Package for easy datarequests from sensortings
- dfm-tools — dfm_tools are pre- and post-processing tools for Delft3D FM
- dggrid4py — a Python library to run highlevel functions of DGGRIDv7 and v8
- dggstools — A Python library and command line tool to manipulate raster and vector GIS data in a DGGS (rHEALPix for now).
- dhnx — Simulation and optimization of district heating and cooling networks
- digdem — Semi-automated modification of Digital Elevation Models
- digitalarztools — Digital Arz tools for applications
- digitalearth — visualization package
- dijkstra-conda — A test project
- ding0 — DIstribution Network GeneratOr
- dinosar — SAR processing on the Cloud
- disruptsc — A spatial agent-based model to simulate the dynamics supply chains subject to disruptions
- dist-s1 — The workflow to generate the DIST-S1 product
- djangocms-zb-organizations — Zibanu Organizations Plugin for Django CMS
- docassemble.InterviewStats — A docassemble extension, to view stats from other interviews
- docassemble.MACourts — List Massachusetts Courts in Docassemble
- dongraphio — Small utility library containing graph algorighms used in other projects
- dp-mobility-report — Create a report for mobility data with differential privacy guarantees.
- dratio — Python client library for API Web services
- drivecycle — Create drivecycles and energy consumption simulations for vehicles.
- dsa-helpers — Utility functions for working with the DSA girder client.
- dsbundle — Streamline your data science setup with dsbundle in one effortless install.
- dsplus — Helper functions for data science applications
- DSreader — Read data from Digital Standard vegetation mapping projects
- dynacrop — Python Software Development Kit library for DynaCrop API
- dyntapy — Macroscopic Static and Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Python
- e4clim — The Energy for CLimate Integrated Model for climate-aware renewable energy mixes
- earth-extractor — A library to simplify the workflow of data acquisition from multiple satellite data providers
- earth-osm — Python tool to extract large-amounts of OpenStreetMap data
- earthchem — Data slurper for getting stuff from Earthchem services
- earthengine-api — Earth Engine Python API
- earthkit-aggregate — Aggregation tools for meteorological and climate data.
- earthkit-climate — Aggregation tools for meteorological and climate data.
- earthkit-data — A format-agnostic Python interface for geospatial data