Reverse Dependencies of geopandas
The following projects have a declared dependency on geopandas:
- TerraLABgeoapi — GeoAPI do TerraLab
- terrascope-sdk — A software development kit for developing projects on TerraScope
- terratorch — TerraTorch - A model training toolkit for geospatial tasks
- tesspy — Tessellation of Urban Areas
- TEST-TC — Lo scopo di questa libreria è fornire uno strumento completo per il rilascio di modelli predittivi basati su serie temporali nell'ambito della Telemedicina, al fine di supportare la gestione e la pianificazione delle attività sulla Piattaforma Nazionale di Telemedicina (PNT)
- tethys-downscaling — Spatial and Temporal Downscaling of Global Water Demands
- Thalassa — A library for visualizing large scale results of hydrodynamic simulations
- TheBeans — Python package with the beans.
- thinkgreen — python package final project
- three-d-city-model-generator — 3d-city-model-generator is an easy and one-stop tool to output 3d city models for microclimate simulation by integrating multiple geospatial open-data
- threedigrid-builder — Generate a 3Di simulation grid from a model schematisation.
- tietoolbox — Basic ESRI ArcMap/ArcGis Pro TIE Toolbox to perform Trace Information Extraction (TIE) Analysis.
- tigernet — Network Topology via TIGER/Line Edges
- tight-loops — This is a demo python package for UTK GEOG510
- tile-mate — Create rasters from global tiles
- tile-operator — Tile Operation tool
- time-space-reductions — This library operates Space-Time Match-Up operations over Netcdf-Xarray datasets and Geopandas-GeoDataFrames. It is a mandatoryr step for areas of study as geography, epidemiology, sociology, remote sensing, ecology, etc.
- tintx — Tracking facility to track rainfall and other non-continous data.
- TlseHypDataSet — A Python library to flexibly load the Toulouse Hyperspectral Data Set
- tmart — Modelling and correcting for the adjacency effect in aquatic remote sensing
- tobler — Tobler is a Python library for areal interpolation.
- toflat — toflat: Japanese latlong to xy.
- tohydamogml — Convert DAMO filegdb export to gml
- ToolBiox — a biological toolkit for genome assembly, annotation and analysis that we have accumulated from our bioinformatics work
- topojson — topojson - a powerful library to encode geographic data as topology in Python!🌍
- torch-delaunay — The Delaunay triangulation for PyTorch
- torchhydro — datasets, samplers, transforms, and pre-trained models for hydrology and water resources
- townsnet — Provision assessment for cities of an urban region
- tracc — Transport accessibility measures in Python
- track-viz — Visualize Tracking Data
- trackintel — Human mobility and movement analysis framework.
- tradesman — A Python package for building complete AequilibraE models from open data
- traffic-flow — Macroscopic transport modelling; forecasting traffic flows on roads
- TraffiX — A package for macroscopic transportation assignment.
- trajdata — A unified interface to many trajectory forecasting datasets.
- trajectory-processing — A package for processing trajectory data
- transbigdata — A Python package developed for transportation spatio-temporal big data processing and analysis.
- transervegeos — A small example package
- TransPy — no summary
- travel-time — no summary
- traveltimemap — Travel Time Map
- tree-shade-mapper — Python package to calculate the shading effect of tree canopies from panoramic imagery
- trufl — Optimize adaptive sampling
- ts-store — Flexible storage for time series.
- tsa-kul — Macroscopic Static and Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Python
- tsacib — Macroscopic Static and Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Python
- TTEkits — This is a travel time estimation Python Library!
- ttemtoolbox — A tool box to use for post processing of ttem files generated by Aarhus workbench
- ttrs-quicfire — ttrs_quicfire is a Python library to easily configure burn models for plots of land defined using shape files for the quicfire model.
- turfpy — A Python library for performing geospatial data analysis which reimplements turf.js.
- turing-segment — BioTuring cell segmentation inference framework
- turntable-spoonbill — Productivity-centric Python Big Data Framework
- tweet-suite — Collect and save daily Twitter data from Wales using Twitter's Academic API.
- uassist — UASsist: Assistant for Unmanned Aircraft System photogrammetry for surveying and mapping applications.
- uavgeo — UAV image processing library
- uavsar-pytools — Tools to download and convert ground projected UAVSAR images.
- ubigeoaii — Libreria que automatiza procesos espaciales complejos
- ugrc-palletjack — Updating AGOL feature services with data from external tables.
- ultimodel — Universal transport distribution model
- uncover-ml — Machine learning tools for the Geoscience Australia uncover project
- — Module for working with Foursquare Studio's Data SDK
- — Jupyter Widget for Foursquare Studio Maps
- unrasterize — A simple API for lossfully converting raster datasets to GeoJSON.
- unstac — Tool for unwrapping Spatiotemporal Asset Catalogs into GeoPackage
- untie — Trace Information Extraction (TIE) library
- up42-blockutils — Block development toolkit for UP42
- up42-py — Python SDK for UP42, the geospatial marketplace and developer platform.
- urbancode — A package for universal urban analysis
- urbanity — no summary
- urbanpy — A library to download, process and visualize high resolution urban data.
- urbantrips — A library to process public transit smart card data.
- us-routing — US Routing is a Python library for fast local routing in the United States. Useful when approximations are acceptable.
- uscensus — US Census API discovery wrappers
- usgsxplore — Search and download data or scenes from USGS API
- utm-epsg-finder — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a modern Python package.
- uxarray — Xarray extension for unstructured climate and global weather data analysis and visualization.
- ValEnsPy — A Python package to validate gridded model data.
- vallaris — A package to processing Vallaris Maps
- vallarisGIFT — A package to processing Vallaris Maps
- vallarisStreaming — A package to processing Vallaris Maps
- vallaristesttest — A package to processing Vallaris Maps
- variationist — Variationist: Exploring multifaceted variation and bias in written language data
- vayu — Tools for Air Quality Data Analysis.
- vec2tif — Conversion of vector data to GeoTIFF
- vector2dggs — CLI DGGS indexer for vector geospatial data
- vectorcraft — A custom library extending LangChain functionality.
- veg2hab — Package voor automatisch omzetten van vegetatiekarteringen naar habitatkaarten
- velib-spot-predictor — Predicting spots at Velib stations
- verticapy — VerticaPy simplifies data exploration, data cleaning, and machine learning in Vertica.
- vhr-cloudmask — Deep learning pipeline to cloud mask VHR imagery
- vhr-composite — Very high resolution (VHR) Composite Tool
- via-api — Analysing and serving crowdsourced road quality data
- vida-gridlight — A package to predict electrification status of settlements and MV power line predictions using NASA VIIRS nightlight imagery.
- views-mapper2 — Mapper version 2 for viewser
- village-data-analysis — Generates report in xlsx and csv format about the inputed geometric shape file within the provided time range.
- vinyl — Python backend for Notebook
- vinyl-core — A python framework for building next-gen analytics infrastructure
- vipersci — The VIPER Science package is software to support the activities of the Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) Science Team.
- volumetricspy — Oil & Gas Tool for estimating Original in Place Resources
- voronoi-diagram-for-polygons — A tool to create Voronoi diagram for polygons.