Reverse Dependencies of geopandas
The following projects have a declared dependency on geopandas:
- snapy-toolbox — Spatial Network Analysis Python Module
- snkit — a spatial networks toolkit
- snow-pc — A python package for automated processing of point clouds to simplify elevation creation, co-registration and differencing to facilitate the production of snow depth and vegetation products.
- snowcast-Malachyiii — A package for pulling down satellite imagery for snow forcasting
- snowexsql — SQL Database software for SnowEx data
- SOAPy-st — Spatial Omics Analysis in Python
- solafune-tools — Open tools for Solafune developers and Solafune hackers where can share developed tools in geospatial data
- solaris — CosmiQ Works Geospatial Machine Learning Analysis Toolkit
- solvis — analysis of opensha modular solution files.
- sondera — Python client for accessing Swedish hydrology and meteorology related open data and observations, including SMHI and SGU open data API.
- sos4py — sos4py is a convenience layer for Python environment to access services from SOS instances.
- sosilogikk — Logikk for å bruke Python biblioteker som Geopandas, Shapely, Fiona etc på .SOS-filer. i mappen modules definerer en logikk for å bryte opp en .SOS-fil i objektsegmenter som kan lastes inn i en Geopandas dataframe.
- SpaceCherenkovSimulator — Python library containing tools for simulating Cherenkov detector count rates in space.
- spaceprime — A python package to facilitate spatially explicit coalescent modeling in msprime
- spacesense — Spacesense Client Library
- spaceTree — PyPI package for multi-task label transfer from single-cell refrence data to spatial data
- spacv — Spatial cross-validation in Python
- spaemis — Produce a coherent set of emissions for regional air quality modelling
- spaghetti — Analysis of Network-constrained Spatial Data
- spark-batch — spark_delta_batch for bronze > silve > gold > mart auto
- spark-xarray — no summary
- sparkplus — GIS package for Apache Spark
- spatdapy — Streamlining Spatial Analyses of Cicular Data Set of Properties
- spateo-release — Spateo: multidimensional spatiotemporal modeling of single-cell spatial transcriptomics
- spatial-access — no summary
- spatial-kde — Create Spatial Kernel Density / Heatmap (as a numpy array or raster) from point based vector data
- spatial-kfold — spatial-kfold: A Python Package for Spatial Resampling Toward More Reliable Cross-Validation in Spatial Studies.
- spatial-summarize-within — no summary
- SpatialCluster — Spatial cluster package
- spatialdata — Spatial data format.
- spatialpandas — Pandas extension arrays for spatial/geometric operations
- spatialtsp — A python package demo for spatially informed TSP
- Specklia — Python client for Specklia, a geospatial point cloud database by Earthwave.
- spectral-recovery — no summary
- splitbbox — Split overlapping bounding boxes in Python
- splot — Visual analytics for spatial analysis with PySAL.
- spopt — Spatial Optimization in PySAL
- spotfire — Package for Building Python Extensions to Spotfire
- spotfire-dsml — Toolkit for data science and machine learning built by Spotfire
- spotlite — Package to simplify working with Satellogic APIs
- springtime — Spatiotemporal phenology research with interpretable models
- spymicmac — a python package for processing KH-9 and historical aerial imagery using MicMac
- SPyTools — Magical Marvin SharePoint Tools in Python
- sqterritory — Prototype package for calcuating balanced territories
- srai — A set of python modules for geospatial machine learning and data mining
- ssb-dapla-geoio — Dapla GeoIO
- ssb-sgis — GIS functions used at Statistics Norway.
- sskie — prototype-used-in-sskie
- st-lucas — ST_LUCAS Python package
- stac-geoparquet — no summary
- stacchip — Dynamically create image chips from STAC items
- stactools-fws-nwi — stactools package for the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) product provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
- stactools-geoparquet-items — Uses stac-geoparquet to generate a geoparquet for a list of STAC items
- stactools-goes-glm — stactools package for the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) on the GOES-16/R, GOES-17/S, and GOES-18/T satellites.
- starepandas — STARE pandas extensions
- starling-sim — Agent-based framework for mobility simulation
- stars-omics — A spatial transcriptomics analysis tool.
- stco — Algorithms for analyzing the stability of spatial clusters over time
- steel-model — Add your description here
- steelo — Add your description here
- stelar-spatiotemporal — Spatiotemporal data processing for the STELAR project
- stepshifter3 — A general purpose stepshifting algorithm for tabular data, based on BaseEstimator.
- stgrid2area — Extract and aggregate spatio-temporal data to a specified area.
- stif — Space-time interpolation and forecasting
- stmtools — space-time matrix for PS-InSAR application
- stormcatchments — Stormwater network aware catchment delineation
- stormevents — Python interfaces for observational data surrounding named storm events
- stormhub — Create catalogs, data, and metadata for hydrologic modeling in the cloud.
- stplanpy — The Sustainable Transportation Planner for Python is a library focused on active transportation and transit. It was inspired by the stplanr library for R
- StratoPy — Python library designed to easily manipulate CloudSat and GOES-R data and generate labeled images containing cloud types.
- streamstats-access — A Python package to access and process data from the USGS StreamStats API.
- street-view-randomizer — Generate random Google Street View images from all around the world
- streetscapes — Code for downloading, segmenting and analysing images from Mapillary and KartaView, with the aim of extracting the emissivity and albedo of buildings.
- streetscope — This package handles downloading, cleaning, analyzing street view imagery
- streetviewdownloader — A Python library and utility to download Google StreetView images
- sttn — Library for spatio-temporal transactional network analysis
- subsurface — Subsurface data types and utilities
- subwaysim — A Python Package for Macroscopic simulation package for urban subway systems
- sumo-docker-pipeline — A pipeline to call a traffic simulator: SUMO
- sumo-output-parsers — Fast and lightweight file parsers for SUMO(traffic simulator) output
- sumo-tasks-pipeline — Simple Python interface for a traffic simulator: SUMO
- SuomiGeoData — Downloading and extracting geospatial data from Finland, that is Suomi.
- superblockify — Automated Generation, Visualization, and Analysis of potential Superblocks in Cities
- surface-water-network — Surface water network
- svgmapper — Creates SVG maps from geojsons, shapefiles and geodataframes
- SVInsight — Create social vulnerability index
- swisslandstats-geopy — Python for the Swiss Federal Statistics Geodata
- swmm-api — API for reading, manipulating and running US-EPA-SWMM-Projects
- SWMManywhere — SWMManywhere software
- swmming — Assemble SWMM inp files.
- sydneysuburbs — A travle-like game for the suburbs of Sydney.
- syspop — no summary
- SysTool — Set of high level funcions that optimize our work as transport planners. Should work along with spyder=5.4.4
- tactic — Occpupy this library name for future development of 3D simulator related to tactics2d.
- tactics2d — Tactics2D: A Reinforcement Learning Environment Library with Generative Scenarios for Driving Decision-making
- tapitas — A data exploration and visualization algorithm for understanding diffusion process.
- tebetebe — routing analysis with OSRM
- teehr — Tools for Exploratory Evaluation in Hydrologic Research
- telemed-sk — Lo scopo di questa libreria è fornire uno strumento completo per il rilascio di modelli predittivi basati su serie temporali nell'ambito della Telemedicina, al fine di supportare la gestione e la pianificazione delle attività sulla Piattaforma Nazionale di Telemedicina (PNT)
- terragon-downloader — Create EO Minicubes from Polygons and simplify EO Data downloading.