Reverse Dependencies of geopandas
The following projects have a declared dependency on geopandas:
- pynasapower — Download meteorological data from NASA POWER API (
- pynhd — Access and navigate NHDPlus V2 via various web services, e.g., NLDI and WaterData.
- pyobistools — Python tools for quality-controlling data for publishing to OBIS
- pyomnisci — Data science toolkit support for OmniSciDB
- pyomu — Performs accessibility analysis
- pyopenrivercam — pyorc: free and open-source image-based surface velocity and discharge.
- PyPMT — Python package for analysis and visualization of polar datasets.
- pypolate — A package for performing spatial interpolation with vector data
- pyposeidon — Framework for Sea Level Hydrodynamic simulations
- pyposeidon-viz — no summary
- pypsa — Python for Power Systems Analysis
- pyramecium-technology-models — A toolbox to create multi-energy power time series for different technologies in steady-state simulations of energy systems.
- pyramids-gis — GIS utility package
- pyramm — Provides a wrapper to the RAMM API and additional tools for positional referencing
- pyraws — Python for RAW Sentinel2 data (PyRawS) is a powerful open-source Python package that provides a comprehensive set of tools for working with Sentinel-2 Raw data. It provides utilities for coarse spatial bands coregistration, geo-referencing, data visualization, and image processing.
- pyrcgeos — A python package for interactive mapping.
- pyrdawos — Python RDA AWOS
- pyrecodes — no summary
- PyRossGeo — PyRossGeo is a python library for spatially resolved numerical simulation of infectious diseases
- pyrsig — Python interface to RSIG Web API
- PySAGA-cmd — A package that allows you to run SAGA GIS tools using Python.
- pysal — Meta Package for PySAL - A library of spatial analysis functions
- pyschism — Python package for working with SCHISM input and output files.
- pysda — A suite for diffusion analysis algorithms.
- PySDMs — An object-oriented class for semi-Auto ML for geospatial classification tasks.
- pysgn — A Python package for constructing synthetic geospatial networks
- pyshbundle — PySHbundle: A Python implementation of GRACE Spherical Harmonics Synthesis MATLAB codes SHbundle
- pysheds — 🌎 Simple and fast watershed delineation in python.
- PyShoreVolume — Python Based Shoreline Change and Beach Volume Analysis Tool
- pysl4land — Python tools to process spaceborne lidar (GEDI and ICESAT2) for land (pySL4Land) applications.
- pySnowRadar — A Python3 package to process data from CRESIS SnowRadar systems
- pysoilmap — Tools for performing Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) with python.
- pySPADS — Implementation of the SPADS shoreline prediction algorithm from the paper 'A Multiscale Approach to Shoreline Prediction' by Montano et. al. (2020).
- pyspatialml — Machine learning classification and regression modelling for spatial raster data.
- pystac-client — Python library for working with SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) APIs.
- pystac-generator — A python package and CLI tool for generating STAC catalog from spatial data files
- pystats19 — Python package for downloading and formatting the UK's Road Safety Data.
- pystlouisfed — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - FRED, ALFRED, FRED Maps and FRASER.
- pysumma — A python wrapper for SUMMA
- pysy — For faster proccessing geofile
- pytca — Python Library for Transaction Cost Analysis
- pyteseo — Python package developed to simplify and facilitate the setup and processing of TESEO simulations (
- pytest-gee — The Python plugin for your GEE based packages.
- pythermalgreen — no summary
- python-openet — no summary
- python-osw-validation — Python library for OSW validation
- python-projet — Projet de generation de ville
- python-sa-gwdata — Unofficial Python package to ease access to groundwater data in South Australia
- pythoncharmers-meta — Meta package with dependencies for Python Charmers training courses
- pythOnmarg — A package for accessing and working with the Ontario Marginalization Index.
- pytorch-eo — Deep Learning for Earth Observation
- pytorch-segmentation-models-trainer — Image segmentation models training of popular architectures.
- pytortilla — The file format behind TACO.
- pytRIBS — A pre-to-post processing python package for the distributed hydrological model tRIBS
- pytroll-schedule — Scheduling satellite passes in Python
- pytsa-ais — Toolbox for extracting trajectories and monitoring vessels from raw AIS records.
- pyvoa — Python virus open analysis. See more on
- pyvpp — Python package to download phenological data from Wekeo (HR-VPP datasets from Sentinel 2)
- pyVPRM — Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model
- pywatemsedem — Python Wrapper for WaTEM/SEDEM
- pywatershed — pywatershed is a Python package for hydrologic modeling
- PyWBT — A lightweight Python wrapper for WhiteboxTools command-line interface
- pywdpa — Easy access to world's protected areas
- qiskit-metal — Qiskit Metal | for quantum device design & analysis
- QuackOSM — An open-source tool for reading OpenStreetMap PBF files using DuckDB
- quadgrid — Quadtree grid generator
- querysource — QuerySource is a Library for Querying Databases. QuerySource Query parser and generator.Supports SQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Elasticsearch, etc.
- r5py — Python wrapper for the R5 routing analysis engine
- ra2ce — Risk Assessment and Adaptation for Critical infrastructurE (RA2CE).
- ragu — Radar Analysis Graphical Utility (RAGU)
- rashdf — Read data from HEC-RAS HDF files.
- rasta — Description
- raster-basics — Basic GeoTIFF Processing
- raster-tools — Tools for processing geospatial data
- raster2dggs — no summary
- raster2ML — Convert georeferenced Geotiff or any spatial raster format to machine learning ready data.
- raster4ml — A geospatial raster processing library for machine learning
- rasterarea — This package provides a more accurate way to claculate the area of rasters.
- rasteric — A Comprehensive Geospatial Library
- rasterra — A sleek, object-oriented interface designed for intuitive raster data manipulation in Python.
- rasters — raster processing toolkit
- rasterstats — Summarize geospatial raster datasets based on vector geometries
- rastervision-core — A rastervision plugin that adds geospatial machine learning pipelines
- Rat — Resevoir Monitoring using Satellite Remote Sensing
- rch — A package containing the personal python utilities of Riley Hales
- rda-toolkit — Redistricting analysis tools
- rdabase — Redistricting analytics data
- rdadata — Redistricting analytics data
- rdapy — Redistricting analytics in Python
- rdptools — no summary
- readDiag — Read and plot GSI diagnostics files
- redivis — Redivis python client library
- reegis — Open geospatial data model
- reflectdetect — An automated workflow for in-flight radiometric calibration of UAV imagery
- regi0 — A Python toolkit to complement and verify biological records.
- region — Package offering regionalization algorithms
- region-grow — Creates a new polygon locally given a set of points using a region grow algorithm approach and a satellite image in GeoTIFF format. The polygon output format is ESRI Shapefile
- regionmask — create masks of geospatial regions for arbitrary grids
- REHO — Renewable Energy Hub Optimizer (REHO) - A Decision Support Tool for Renewable Energy Communities
- reinventing-catastrophe-modelling — no summary