Reverse Dependencies of build
The following projects have a declared dependency on build:
- bblib — beambusters library to refine the detector center for crystallography data processing.
- bbox-visualizer — Different ways of visualizing objects given bounding box data
- bbprepared — no summary
- bcamp-dl — Download your collection from Bandcamp.
- bchmnn.poodle — Python Moodle SDK
- bcmd — Commands for Beni
- bdew-datetimes — Generate and work with holidays of the BDEW-Calendar for power and gas in Germany
- beaker-gantry — Gantry streamlines running Python experiments in Beaker by managing containers and boilerplate for you
- beaker-py — A Python Beaker client
- beambusters — no summary
- beatdrop — Simplified, scalable task scheduling with typechecking.
- beehive-ai — 🐝 Create powerful, collaborative AI applications.
- behave-bse — behave is behaviour-driven development, Python style
- beku-stackabletech — Test suite expander for Stackable Kuttl tests.
- benchman — Generate and analyze micro benchmarks
- benekli — tool to investigate the effect of color profile
- benetech-annotation-parser — benetech annotation parser
- benji — A block based deduplicating backup software for Ceph RBD, image files and devices
- benpipe — no summary
- bentoudev.dataclass — Yaml to dataclass loader
- bermuda-ledger — A module for manipulating insurance loss triangles
- bertagent — Quantify linguistic agency in textual data.
- Beschi — bit-packing and unpacking code generator for C, C#, Go, Rust, Swift, TypeScript, AssemblyScript, and Zig
- betdaq-retail — BETDAQ Retail API Python wrapper
- betfairlightweight — Lightweight python wrapper for Betfair API-NG
- bettercheck — A CLI tool that helps evaluate Python packages for security concerns
- betterschema — A library for schema support in Python
- betty — Betty helps you visualize and publish your family history by building interactive genealogy websites out of your Gramps and GEDCOM family trees
- bezierview — bezier curve visualization
- bfb-delivery — Tools to help plan deliveries for Bellingham Food Bank.
- bfiola-devtools — no summary
- bfiola-operator-core — no summary
- bframelib — An open source billing framework to generate, view and diff invoices locally.
- bgameb — Board Game Builder
- bgpview-client — api
- bh-apistatus — API Status Result
- bh-database — Database wrapper classes for SQLAlchemy.
- bh-utils — Utility Functions Library.
- bibclean — A simple BibTex file checker and cleaner.
- bibrecord — Handling bibliographic records within source code
- bids-derivatives — Python package for querying BIDS Apps` processed derivatives.
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- bigfeta — global alignment of features between images
- bildkedde — Lightweight sensor modeling package
- bilili — 🍻 bilibili video and danmaku downloader | B站视频、弹幕下载器
- binance-agent — Python library for integrating the Binance API into agentic workflows, an MCP (Model Context Protocol) implementation
- binary-file-parser — Read/Write binary files after describing their specifications in code (similar to an ORM table schema)
- bindex — Commands for Beni
- bindfit — A binding constant fitter library for Python
- biocommons.example — Example Package
- biocommons.seqrepo — Non-redundant, compressed, journalled, file-based storage for biological sequences
- bioflow-insight — A software to extract and analyze the structure and associated metadata from a Nextflow workflow.
- biointerface — BioInterface is a Biopython based package that extracts Protein-DNA interfaces in a PDB structures.
- bioutils — miscellaneous simple bioinformatics utilities and lookup tables
- bipsea — Composable Python CLI for Bitcoin mnemonics and BIP-85 secrets.
- bird-ospf-link-db-parser — Parse the text output from the BIRD Routing Daemon's OSPF link database into machine readable JSON
- birdhouse-birdy — Birdy provides a command-line tool to work with Web Processing Services.
- bisi — A Python based runner for docker images.
- bitbully — A fast Connect-4 Solver for Python & C++
- bitlist — Pure-Python library for working with bit vectors.
- bitmex-websocket — Bitmex websocket API
- bitorch — A package for building and training quantized and binary neural networks with Pytorch
- bits — bits is a cli tool and pure Python library for Bitcoin
- bitstruct-annotated — Annotate fields with bitstruct un/packing instructions
- bitwarden-to-keepass — A simple little script that backs up a Bitwarden vault to a local KeePass file.
- bjarkan-sdk — SDK for Bjarkan cryptocurrency trading system
- blackboardsync — Sync your blackboard content to your device
- blag — blog-aware, static site generator
- blank-project — A dummy package for quickly starting typical Python projects.
- blatann — Python BLE library for using Nordic nRF52 with Connectivity firmware
- bleat — A CLI chatbot with Llama 3
- bleetube-nip05er — Internal devops tool for managing inventory of collectors
- blksprs — A lightweight library for operations on blocksparse matrices in PyTorch.
- block-wrangler — Use block features instead of block IDs! (for Minecraft shaderpacks)
- blockfirates — no summary
- blocksnet — Package provides methods of master plan requirements automated generation for urban areas
- blooms — Lightweight Bloom filter data structure derived from the built-in bytearray type.
- blrec — Bilibili Live Streaming Recorder
- bluesky-notify — A cross-platform desktop notification system for Bluesky
- bmi-topography — Fetch and cache land elevation data from OpenTopography
- bmnsqlite3 — SQLite3 Wrapper with VFS support
- bock — Small cli - tool to support GAMS4+ local development
- bogrod — Manage SBOM, VEX records and release notes in a single tool
- boilerplates — Various boilerplates used in almost all of my Python packages.
- bomf — BO4E Migration Framework
- bonbast — Get currencies exchange rates for IRR from
- boomgate — A software supply chain risk management tool
- BoostCLI — BoostCLI
- bootstrap-budget — A simple financial application to help you pull your budget up by its bootstraps.
- bork — A program to help build, maintain, and release PEP 517-compliant projects.
- bosch-control-panel-cc880p — Library to interface with the old CC880p Bosch COntrol Panels
- botdetection — Methods for the detection of bots in Flask applications
- boto3-assume — Easily create boto3/aioboto3 assume role sessions with automatic credential refreshing.
- botocraft — An opinionated boto3 wrapper for AWS
- botrun-drive-webhook — no summary
- bouillon — Tool for releasing machine learning model and service projects and other fast paced python projects.
- bq-validator — The `bq-validator` command enables us to validate BigQuery queries.
- BRAD-Chat — This package connects large language models with bioinformatics workflows.
- brainprint — A package to compute BrainPrint (shape descriptors) from FastSurfer/FreeSurfer MRI segmentations
- braintrust — SDK for integrating Braintrust