Reverse Dependencies of build
The following projects have a declared dependency on build:
- asymcat — A Python library for obtaining asymmetric measures of association between categorical variables in data exploration and description
- async-function-calling — Python implementation of the Asynchronous Function Calling
- async-gpib — Python3 AsyncIO Linux GPIB wrapper
- async-graph-data-flow — Asynchronous functions that pass data along a directed acyclic graph
- async-lm — Python implementation of the Asynchronous Function Calling
- async-simple-api — Async Python API implemented in asyncio and aiohttp. The supported
- asyncio-taskpool — Dynamically manage pools of asyncio tasks
- asyncping3 — An async-friendly pure python3 version of ICMP ping implementation using raw socket.
- asyncrepo — A library for providing a unified asyncio API for various data sources
- at-common-functions — A Python package providing common functions for workflow operations.
- atactools — Tools for ATACSeq QC and Post-Processing
- ataraxis-automation — Provides scripts that support tox-based development automation pipelines used by other Sun Lab projects.
- ataraxis-base-utilities — Provides a minimalistic set of shared utility functions used to support most other Sun Lab projects.
- ataraxis-communication-interface — Enables interfacing with custom hardware modules running on Arduino or Teensy microcontrollers through Python interface clients.
- ataraxis-data-structures — Provides classes and structures for storing, manipulating, and sharing data between Python processes.
- ataraxis-time — Provides a sub-microsecond-precise thread-safe timer and helper methods to work with date and time data.
- ataraxis-transport-layer-pc — Provides methods for establishing and maintaining bidirectional communication with Arduino and Teensy microcontrollers over USB or UART serial interfaces.
- ataraxis-video-system — Interfaces with a wide range of cameras to flexibly record visual stream data as images or videos.
- atdf-easy — un template pour tous les projets python
- ategpt — ATE-GPT ('Ask, Think, Evaluate', powered by GPT) is a lightweight module for guiding a GPT-based LLM through a comprehensive thought process on any subject.
- athena-ai — Athena, an AI agent built on GPT-4 architecture, is designed for continuous learning and self-reliance. Inspired by the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena assists users with valuable insights across various subjects. Focused on knowledge acquisition, capability improvement, and security, this AI agent leverages natural language processing and a supportive human community to grow and become a trusted, versatile companion.
- athlinks-races — Web scraper for race results hosted on Athlinks.
- atlas-schema — Helper python package for ATLAS Common NTuple Analysis work.
- atomdriver-qc — An standardized interface to QM Codes
- atomlite — A SQLite chemical database.
- atop — "A TON of Privacy" formally called ATOP ... is a tool for conducting OSINT investigations on TON NFTs.
- atty — no summary
- audiobackend — High-quality audio playback library with DSD support and efficient buffer management
- auditize — Empower your functional logs
- auditor-apel-plugin — AUDITOR plugin for sending accounting data to APEL
- auditor-htcondor-collector — AUDITOR collector for aggregating data from the HTCondor batch system
- auldcommons — no summary
- ausrine — A lightweight Selenium wrapper for web automation
- auth0rization — A package to perform actions related to auth0 JWT tokens.
- authzee — Authorization framework that uses a querying grant and revoke system.
- auto-phylo-pipeliner — A GUI to create auto-phylo pipelines.
- autobahn — WebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework
- AutoBox — Automation for ArcGIS Pro toolboxes, script tools, and documentation from Python objects.
- autobuild — Linden Lab Automated Package Management and Build System
- AutoCase — Automatic AI based (optional) Camel / Snake / Pascal / Kebab / Train(Title) / Upper / Lower Case Conversion
- autoevals — Universal library for evaluating AI models
- autofeather-dash-mantine-components — Plotly Dash Components based on Mantine
- autogenerated-repo-6 — My package description
- AutoGitSemVer — Generate a semantic version based on commits made to a git repository.
- autograder-py — The Python interface for the autograding server.
- autogram — An easily extensible telegram API wrapper
- autogs-core — AutoGS Core
- autolingua — autolingua description
- automagik-agents — Automagik agents templates
- autometa — autometa library prototype
- autonicer — A program that retrieves NICER observational data sets and performs a default data reduction process on the NICER observational data
- autonomi-nos — Nitrous oxide system (NOS) for computer-vision.
- autopost — Auto-posts social media updates
- autopub — Automatic package release upon pull request merge
- autora-core — Autonomous Research Assistant (AutoRA) is a framework for automating steps of the empirical research process.
- autoscrum — AutoScrum
- AutoWriterLLM — Automatic book writing tool using Large Language Models
- availability-profile — Data Structure for Tracking Computing Resource Availability
- avltree — Lightweight, pure-python AVL tree
- Awa2 — Simple Setup
- awesome-panel-cli — A CLI tool to speed up your workflow when developing Panel applications
- awflow — Reusable acyclic workflows in Python. Execute code on HPC systems as if you executed them on your laptop!
- aws-excom — Wrapper for AWS ECS Execute Command
- aws-orga-deployer — Deploy infrastructure-as-code at the scale of an AWS organization
- aws-toolkits — A toolbox for AWS services
- awscrt — A common runtime for AWS Python projects
- ayon — Ynput's AYON namespace
- azarrot — An OpenAI compatible server, focusing on OpenVINO and IPEX-LLM usage.
- azstoragetorch — Azure Storage integrations for PyTorch
- azure-integration — Microsoft Azure Integration
- azure-requests — Requests wrapper for Azure DevOps
- azure-sdk-trim — Azure SDK Trim tool
- b-fade — B-FADE: Bayesian FAtigue moDel Estimator
- b3d — Boto3 utility library that supports deletion of collections of AWS resources (such as temporary resources created during unit tests).
- b3q — Boto3 utility library that supports parameter-driven and predicate-driven retrieval of collections of AWS resources.
- bababel — A messaging consumer library for handling and processing messages efficiently.
- backtest-reg — no summary
- backup-airtable — Quickly and painlessly dump all your Airtable schemas & data to JSON.
- badger-config-handler — Config handler for code-declared and file-defined settings.
- Badger-Config-Handler-publishing-test — Config handler for code-declared and file-defined settings.
- BambooTools — Pandas extension to enchance your data analysis.
- banchi — Financial securities valuation library.
- bank-transfer-qrcode — QR codes for bank transfers with banking applications
- baribal — Helper functions for pandas data analysis, inspired by R
- barriers — Python decorators for including/excluding type checks, value/bounds checks, and other code blocks within the compiled bytecode of functions and methods.
- barvikron — Efficiently compute Kronecker coefficients of bounded height (using the algorithm of arXiv:1204.4379).
- base-aux — collect all my previous modules in one package
- base-version-checker — Dev utility to verify hardcoded versions are in sync & updated
- baseclasses — Dataclasses alternative
- bashdoctest — "A Doctest-type Command Line Application Tester"
- basic-notion — Client-agnostic model wrapper for Notion API
- bassist — Create borg backups using a config file
- batch_please — A package for batch processing with sync and async capabilities
- batchscanner-siklu — A script to batch-scan/query/configure multiple Siklu radios
- battleship-python — battleship game
- baumbelt — A collection of Python utility functions by Tenhil GmbH & Co. KG
- bayeso — Simple, but essential Bayesian optimization package
- bayeso-benchmarks — Benchmark functions for Bayesian optimization
- bayte — Bayesian target encoding with scikit-learn and scipy
- bbftools — BBF Tools