Reverse Dependencies of build
The following projects have a declared dependency on build:
- waist — API dispatch in Python
- wait-on — Utilitário para aguardar recursos como arquivos, portas, sockets e HTTP(S)
- waldo-dev — Run any code on the cloud, instantly.
- wanabi — a light authoring tool
- Warnet — Monitor and analyze the emergent behaviours of bitcoin networks
- warren-api — The visualization platform for your learning analytics (API backend)
- wasm-tob — WebAssembly decoder & disassembler
- wasmfunc — A WebAssembly compiler for Python
- watcher-cli — A watcher for running python code when after every modification
- watchtower — Python CloudWatch Logging
- watchyourlanclient — Python client to talk to WatchYourLAN APIs
- water-column-sonar-processing — Processing tool for water column sonar data.
- wavescout — A lightweight module for easy beatmapping, key detection, and smart-slicing
- waveshare-touch-epaper — module to control waveshare touch epaper displays
- waylay-beta — beta release of the Waylay Python SDK
- waze-logger — A cli tool to log waze trop duration in a database. Ment to be used in a CRON schedule
- wdlviz — WDL workflow visualization
- web-op-project — web-op package
- web3 — web3: A Python library for interacting with Ethereum
- web360 — Tools for AI Agents
- web3lib —
- webactogram — Actogram from browsers history, may help to screen sleep-wake patterns & disorders!
- webdataset — High performance storage and I/O for deep learning and data processing.
- webdatasetng — High performance storage and I/O for deep learning and data processing.
- webezyio — CLI for generating gRPC micro-services
- weblate-fedora-messaging — Weblate Fedora Messaging integration
- webp — Python bindings for WebP
- webtypy — This module contains the DOM types for the majority of the web APIs used in a web browser. These can be used by an IDE to give type hinting and completion during the development using DOM apis.
- weco — A client facing API for interacting with the Weco AI function builder service.
- well-being-diary — Remembering is a reminder application for things we'd like to stay aware of during the day when using the computer
- welly — Tools for making and managing well data.
- wemopy — WEMO Python Wrapper is a simple wrapper around the WEMO gRPC code that simplifies the usage
- wg-federation — A client/server tool to securely auto-register peers to a wireguard VPN
- wgpu — WebGPU for Python
- whenact — whenact decision pipeline
- whippersnappy — A package to plot and capture FastSurfer and FreeSurfer-style surface overlays.
- whisperchain — Voice control using Whisper.cpp with LangChain cleanup
- whispers — Identify secrets in static structured text
- whitebit-httpx-client — An asynchronous library for interacting with whitebit
- whittle — Two-stage neural architecture search for large language models
- widehyo-util — utility function storage
- wids — High performance storage and I/O for deep learning and data processing.
- wikidot — Wikidot Utility Library
- wincam — A Python high-performance screenshot library for Windows 10+ using Direct3D11CaptureFramePool.
- winion — A producer/consumer async runtime for Python
- winpnp — A package for interacting with Windows Plug and Play (PnP) entities
- wiotp-sdk — Python SDK for Maximo IoT and IBM Watson IoT Platform
- wise-se — A Python re-implementation of the proven-correct symbolic executor WiSE
- wiutils — Exploration utilities for Wildlife Insights projects.
- wks-com — Communicate with your inverter (WKS EKO Circle).
- wlc — A command-line utility for Weblate, translation tool with tight version control integration
- wlg-fayefv — A simple weightlogging app to track personal fitness.
- wlhosted — Hosted Weblate Customization
- wmpy-power — Estimates hydropower generation accounting for operating constraints and electricity grid operations.
- wnm — Manager for Autonomi nodes
- wolf-core — This is a core package for the Wolf project.
- woodchipper — Woodchipper is a support library for plugging structured logging into a Python project.
- woodchips — The cutest little logger you've ever seen.
- wop — WhatsOpt Command Line Interface
- wordhasher — Make comparing hashes more human friendly by using verb-adj-noun format.
- wordly — A simple python client that requests dictionary definitions from a server that implements Dictionary Server Protocol
- wordreduce — no summary
- wordseg — Word segmentation models
- workflow-nodes — Collection of tools for use in workflows
- wowool-build — Wowool Build System
- wrapica — Secondary level functions for ICAv2 based off libica
- wreck — Manage and fix requirements files for Python package authors
- wsgi-shim — WSGI shim for when you have limited web log access
- wwwpy — Build Powerful Web Applications: Simple, Scalable, and Fully Customizable
- wwwpy-experimental — no summary
- wxmplot — wxPython plotting widgets using matplotlib
- wxutils — utilities and conveniences for wxPython
- wyoming-azure-speech — Wyoming Server for Azure AI Speech
- x-pg-channels — Generates PL/pgSQL script creating LISTEN/NOTIFY channels
- x1-icl — API driven Machine Learning suite
- x8-client — Client library for the x8 video processing API
- xarray-eopf — A backend implmentation for xarray that allows for analysis-ready reading of ESA EOPF data products.
- xattrs — An eXtensible serializing and deserializing toolkit for Python strucuted classes
- xavdid — Terminal-based intro card
- xclean — File de-duplication utility
- xcm-parser — Executable Shlaer-Mellor Class Model Parser
- xcube-eopf — xcube datastore for accessing datasets of ESA EOPF data products.
- xdf — Data Frames / Data Feeders with high-level abstractions for key tasks in AI applications
- xecs-pygame — A pygame plugin for xecs.
- xeofs — Comprehensive EOF analysis in Python with xarray: A versatile, multidimensional, and scalable tool for advanced climate data analysis
- XGI — XGI is a Python package for higher-order networks.
- xgit-utils — Git repository management tool
- xhtml2pdf — PDF generator using HTML and CSS
- xls-updater — Convert legacy xls data to newer xlsx format.
- xlsx2sqlite — Generate a Sqlite3 database from a Office Open XML file.
- xmlhelpy — CLI wrapper supporting the xmlhelp interface.
- xmltread — Make XML documents more easily accessible
- xn-api — Simplest fastest minimal REST API CRUD generator for Tortoise ORM models
- xn-auth — Auth adapter for XN-Api framework
- xn-client — no summary
- xn-model — Base model for xn-api
- xontrib-hist-navigator — A Xonsh plugin to navigate between directories like fish's prevd/nextd
- xontrib-pygitstatus — PyGit implementation of xonsh's builtin gitstatus PROMPT
- xpdlines — A program for plotting powder diffraction patterns and background subtraction
- xposer — Xpose your functions as microservices over arbitrary channels using standardized logging and configuration