Reverse Dependencies of build
The following projects have a declared dependency on build:
- xradios — Search and play your favorite Internet radio station.
- xrandr-extend — Extend a HIDPI screen to a normal DPI external display
- xraydb — calculations with XrayDB: reference data for X-ray interactions with matter
- xraygpt — Generate kindle-like x-ray for e-books with LLM
- xrayweb — Web interface for X-ray Properties of the elements
- xrlint — A linter for xarray datasets.
- xrnn — Light weight fast machine learning framework.
- xrobo-calibration — The xrobo_calibration project provides a robust framework for calibrating robotic systems. It supports tools and methodologies for determining transformations between key components, such as cameras, robotic arms, and mobile base using calibration patterns like chessboards or markers.
- xsm-parser — Executable Shlaer-Mellor State Model Parser
- xsocs — Xray Strain Orientation Calculation Software
- xtg-auth — Authentication backend for Telegram Mini Apps on starlette/fastapi API
- xtremcache — Handle generic file and directories caching
- xxy — A financial statement analysis tool
- xync-bot — Telegram bot with web app for xync net
- xync-client — no summary
- xync-schema — XyncNet project database model schema
- xync-script — Automate scripts for XyncNet
- xync-scripts — Automate scripts for XyncNet
- xyrha-flush — A tool runner for C++ development.
- xyz2graph — Package for reading of .xyz files and constructing of molecular graphs from atomic coordinates.
- yabm25 — Fast BM25 search engine for Python with RAG support
- yaconfiglib — Another Config lib for python, basically load config/yaml/toml/... files and add some features like relative import and templating.
- yad80 — Yet Another Disassembler for Z80
- YAMDOG — Yet Another Markdown Only Generator
- yaml-models — Generate torch models from yaml config files.
- yamlsub — A sample project that uses a YAML config file
- yandex-quasar-cli — Command line interface for Yandex Smart Home API
- yaping — ping library
- yaqti — Yet Another QT Installer (ya-q-ti!) - A CLI for installing Qt packages and tooling; for use in enviroments like GitHub Actions or Docker
- yardang — Easily generate sphinx documentation
- yasspy — Yet another sudoku solver
- yatotem2scdl — no summary
- yawsso — Yet Another AWS SSO - sync up AWS CLI v2 SSO login session to legacy CLI v1 credentials
- yc-central — My package description
- ydata-fabric-sdk — YData SDK allows to use the *Data-Centric* tools from the YData ecosystem to accelerate AI development
- ydata-profile — no summary
- yente — A simple and fast API service for querying FollowTheMoney data, including OpenSanctions.
- yieldlang — no summary
- ynput — Ynput namespace
- yoggopoth — YogGoPoTh: learning Transformers with the Cthulhu Mythos!
- yolo-vision — realtimecv Python package
- yolocv — realtimecv Python package
- yolohub — realtimecv Python package
- yolov5-E — Simplified yolov5 version
- yolov5-utils — Packaged version of the Yolov5 object detector
- yomikata — Japanese kanji disambiguation
- youwol — YouWol as a desktop application
- yq — Command-line YAML/XML processor - jq wrapper for YAML/XML documents
- yt-dlp — A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
- yt-dlp-better-download — A customized version of yt-dlp with improved download formatting
- ytdl-sub — Automate downloading metadata generation with YoutubeDL
- yum-hal — yummy hardware access layer
- yxr-atcoder-core — Simple Atcoder core api
- yxr-codeforces-core — Simple Codeforces core api
- yxr-oi-cli — Simple Online Judge Cli Tool
- zaim-pay-importer — zaimに対応していないANA Payや楽天Payの明細をGmailから取得してzaimにインポートするPythonライブラリ
- zaim-sdk — Zaim APIのためのPython SDK
- zainpay — ZainPay
- zdt-stepper — ZDT stepper motor control library
- zebrafy — Python library for converting PDF and images to Zebra Programming Language (ZPL)
- zeemee-py — Python packages for ZeeMee data-team
- zendron — Import Zotero annotations with Dendron integration.
- zenkit — Python wrapper for the ZenKit library
- zenodoclient — programmatic access to Zenodo
- zenplate — A pluggable CLI templating tool leveraging the powers of Jinja2 and YAML
- zeppos-core — Zeppos Pypi core functionality
- zeppos-logging — Zeppos Pypi project template
- zeppos-sandbox — Zeppos Pypi project template
- zerospeech-libriabx — Wrapper package for librilight-abx.
- zest.releaser — Software releasing made easy and repeatable
- zetsubou — FASTbuild generator for the helpless
- zigzag-dse — ZigZag - Deep Learning Hardware Design Space Exploration
- zon — A Zod-like validation library for Python
- zone3k-csv-converter — no summary
- zsl_jwt — A JWT implementation for ZSL
- zulu — A drop-in replacement for native datetimes that embraces UTC
- zyku — Zyku a programming language