Reverse Dependencies of build
The following projects have a declared dependency on build:
- ansys-scade-pyhg — SCADE Test Harness Generator for Python.
- ansys-scade-python-wrapper — SCADE code generation target to produce a Python proxy to a SCADE application.
- ansys-scade-wux — Generic code integration target for SCADE.
- ansys-systemcoupling-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys System Coupling.
- ansys-tools-path — Library to locate Ansys products in a local machine.
- antenna-lib — Librería para diseño y visualización de antenas y sus parámetros
- antonLib — A library for interacting with the learning platform
- antplus — Human friendly interface to ANT+ sing python
- antsibull-build — Tools for building the Ansible Distribution
- antsibull-core — Tools for building the Ansible Distribution
- anyGPT — A general purpose library for training any type of GPT model. Support for gpt-1, gpt-2, and gpt-3 models.
- ao-conventional-pre-commit — An AO-customized pre-commit hook that checks commit messages for Conventional Commits formatting and JIRA ticket.
- aoc_mod — A library for Advent of Code containing utilities to use while solving problems!
- ap-features — Package to compute features of traces from action potential models
- apache-airflow-providers-isolation — Runtime Operator Isolation in Airflow
- apache-dolphinscheduler — pydolphinscheduler is Apache DolphinScheduler Python API.
- apache-libcloud — A standard Python library that abstracts away differences among multiple cloud provider APIs. For more information and documentation, please see
- apachetomcatscanner — no summary
- ape-huff — Huff compiler plugin for the eth-ape development framework
- aperturedb — ApertureDB Python SDK
- api-analytics — Monitoring and analytics for Python API frameworks.
- api-entreprise — no summary
- apify-shared — Tools and constants shared across Apify projects.
- apihelpers4py — Helpers for API development
- aplicacion-ejemplo-kc-cicd-martinvedani — A small example package
- apophenia — Extract and structure all the data from a Git repository to make them usable in RAG.
- appfl — An open-source package for privacy-preserving federated learning
- appose — Appose: multi-language interprocess cooperation with shared memory.
- approxbayescomp — Approximate Bayesian Computation for actuaries
- april-vision — An AprilTags wrapper with camera discovery and axis conversion.
- apropos-ai — Learning algorithms for production language model programs
- AProxyRelay — A Proxy Relay, forwarding requests through different IP.
- aprsd — APRSd is a APRS-IS server that can be used to connect to APRS-IS and send and receive APRS packets.
- apsbits — Model of a Bluesky Data Acquisition Instrument in console, notebook, & queueserver.
- apsbss — Get information from APS Beamline Scheduling System.
- aptos-verify — A small example package
- apx-fractal-task-collection — A collection of custom fractal tasks.
- aqora-cli — The aqora command line interface
- arbtt-chart — "Plot charts from arbtt-stats to terminal"
- Arcadia-SDK — arcadia is a platform for ml developers to host and get paid for their proprietary ml models.
- arcagent — An AI agent competing for the 2024 ARC Prize (Abstract Reasoning Challenge).
- are — Library for defining and working with abstract regular expressions that work with any symbol type.
- argosim — Radio interferometric simulations package for the ARGOS radio telescope.
- argparse-utilities — Actions and other utility functions for use with argparse
- argufy — Inspection based parser based on argparse.
- argus-api-client — A Python API client library for the Argus alert aggregator server
- argus-server — Argus is an alert aggregator for monitoring systems
- ariadne-roots — Ariadne root tracing GUI and trait calculator.
- arinrest-client — client to interact with the arinrest API
- ark-operator — K8s operator for managing ARK server clusters
- arkit — description
- arktika-icebreaker — Software Dev Kit
- arranges — Mergable range object for use in Pydantic classes
- arrangio — Arranges a set of songs in groups with similar total play time.
- artefacts-c2d — no summary
- artefacts-cli — no summary
- artefacts-copava — no summary
- artefacts-toolkit — no summary
- artefacts-toolkit-chart — no summary
- artefacts-toolkit-config — no summary
- artefacts-toolkit-gazebo — no summary
- artefacts-toolkit-rosbag — no summary
- artefacts-toolkit-rosbag-gpl — no summary
- artefacts-toolkit-utilities — no summary
- artefacts-utils — no summary
- artefacts-utils-rosbag-gpl — no summary
- artefactscomparison — Compare and report on two artefacts summaries.
- artemis-mcp — Artemis MCP Server to Connect with Artemis API and Create ART Formulas
- Artesian.SDK — Library provides read access to the Artesian API
- artless-core — The artless and minimalistic web library for creating small applications or APIs.
- artless-framework — Artless and minimalistic web framework without dependencies, working over WSGI.
- artless-template — Artless and small template library for server-side rendering.
- as-async — A simple library for unblocking asynchronous code
- asaman — A tool to create reproducible wheels
- asananas — Asananas helps you with your project management in Asana.
- ase-hdf5 — Reading and writing ASE trajectories to HDF5 files.
- asgardpy — Gammapy-based pipeline for easy joint analysis of different gamma-ray datasets
- ashapi — Python API library for SimTech simcomplex (autonomous ship handling emulating system)
- ashapipro — Python library for SimTech simcomplex (autonomous ship handling emulating system) - with tutorials and examples for ashapi usage
- ashx — Geometry and mesh tools
- ask-connect-cli — A CLI to interact with Google Gemini AI models
- Ask-FootBall — Ask me
- asmc — The Ascertained Sequentially Markovian Coalescent and related tools
- aspecd — Framework for handling spectroscopic data.
- assembled — Efficiently Benchmarking Ensembles in AutoML
- assert-llm-tools — Automated Summary Scoring & Evaluation of Retained Text
- AssetBundleFramework — Framework for managing Aptible Asset Bundles
- assetutilities — utilities for general use
- assuan — Python module and tools for communicating in the Assuan protocol.
- asterisk-mcp-server — A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides security scanning capabilities for code snippets, codebases, and verification of code changes
- asterisk-pypi-pack-uploader — A simple GUI for uploading packages to PyPi.
- asterisk-pypi-package-uploader — A simple GUI for uploading pypi packages.
- asteval — Safe, minimalistic evaluator of python expression using ast module
- astro-provider-ray — An Apache Airflow provider package built by Astronomer to integrate with Ray.
- astroCAST — Package to analyze calcium fluorescence events in astrocytes
- astronomer-orbiter — Astronomer Orbiter can take your legacy workloads and land them safely down in a new home on Apache Airflow!
- astronomer-starship — Migrations to Astro
- astronomer-telescope — A tool to observe distant (or local!) Airflow installations, and gather metadata or other required data.
- astronomical-matching — Astronomical Cross Matching: Collection of algorithms to solve the astronomical cross matching problem.
- asv — Airspeed Velocity: A simple Python history benchmarking tool