Reverse Dependencies of bokeh
The following projects have a declared dependency on bokeh:
- abate — A package to fit exoplanet atmosphere lightcurves, especially for JWST data
- abc-network — This package provides code linked to the paper "Multimorbidity analysis with low condition counts: a robust Bayesian approach for small but important subgroups" <>.
- aboleth — Bayesian supervised deep learning with TensorFlow
- abTEM — no summary
- acdc-hst — Software to perform an optimized FUV (Far Ultraviolet) dark correction to HST COS data (Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph).
- aces-apps — A collection of utilities developed out of the ACES working group to support the processing of ASKAP data.
- actk — Automated Cell Toolkit
- adaptive — Parallel active learning of mathematical functions
- adrubix — RubixHeatmap class for plotting complex, highly customizable heatmaps with metadata as HTML and PNG
- aeiou — audio engineering i/o utils
- aerosol-functions — Functions to analyze atmospheric aerosol data
- ai-talks — A ChatGPT API wrapper, providing a user-friendly Streamlit web interface
- aics-dask-utils — Utility functions and documentation related to Dask and AICS
- aiidalab-widgets-base — Reusable widgets for AiiDAlab applications.
- aimet-onnx — AIMET onnx package
- aimfast — An Astronomical Image Fidelity Assessment Tool.
- aind-data-transfer — Services for compression and transfer of aind-data to the cloud
- allvissone — All Data Science Visualization package in single line
- alphamap — Peptide level analysis of bottom-up proteomics data
- alphapy — AlphaPy: A Machine Learning Pipeline for Speculators
- alphaquant — An open-source Python package of the AlphaPept ecosystem
- alphaviz — A interactive Dashboard to explore mass spectrometry data.
- am2eda — no summary
- ambie — AMBIE: Assessment of Metagenome BInnErs
- amof — A python package to analyze Molecular Dynamics (MD) trajectories of amorphous Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs).
- analyzefit — Performs analysis of the fit of a model.
- angorapy — Build Goal-driven Models of the Sensorimotor Cortex with Ease.
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- anndict — Conveniently process a dictionary of anndatas (adata_dict)
- annofabcli — Utility Command Line Interface for AnnoFab
- annotated-dataset — Annotated dataset analysis
- anoexpress — A package to access insecticide resistance gene expression meta analyse in Anopheles mosquitoes
- anospp-analysis — ANOSPP data analysis
- applefy — applefy: A library to compute detection limits for high contrast imaging of exoplanets
- arakawa — Build interactive reports in seconds using Python
- arpes — Modular data analysis code for angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)
- arrakis-nd — Arrakis module for near detector data.
- arviz — Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models
- arviz-plots — ArviZ-plots provides ready to use and composable plots for Bayesian Workflow.
- assistant-improve-toolkit — Assistant Improve Toolkit
- astrohack — Holography Antenna Commissioning Kit
- astropixie-hr — LSST EPO Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) Diagram library.
- astropixie-widgets — LSST EPO
- astroramjet — no summary
- AstroToolkit — A package for the gathering, plotting and analysis of astronomical data.
- astroviper — Astro Visibility and Image Parallel Execution Reduction
- atap-widgets — Interactive widgets used by the Australian Text Analytics Platform
- atflagger — Simple method for flagging UWL data.
- atlas-actris — no summary
- atpplots — Set of plots.
- auto-pi-lot — Distributed behavioral experiments
- autotrader — A Python-based platform for developing, optimising and deploying automated trading systems.
- awesome-panel-extensions — A package of awesome Panel extensions. Provided by
- aws-healthomics-tools — Tools for working with the AWS HealthOmics Service
- ax-env — dependency manager for XENONnT package
- azureml-train-automl-runtime — Used for automatically finding the best machine learning model and its parameters.
- BacDiving — Bacdiving accesses the Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase BacDive and provides various visualization options.
- backtesting — Backtest trading strategies in Python
- backtrader-bokeh — Plotting package for Backtrader (Bokeh)
- backtrader-plotting — Plotting package for Backtrader (Bokeh)
- bahamut-ani-stat — Toolkit for Bahamut ani gamer data
- bayesian-priors — Bayesian-priors is a package for visualizing prior distributions in the context of bayesian inference.
- beanmachine — Probabilistic Programming Language for Bayesian Inference
- Beautifly-B — Beautifly_B team B packages
- bebi103 — Python utilities for the Caltech course BE/Bi 103: Data Analysis in the Biological Sciences.
- behalearn — Library for processing and visualizing behavioral biometric data
- benfordviz — A library providing interactive plotting to benford-py
- bfxtelegram — Control Bitfinex account with a Telegram bot
- bi1x — Python utilities for the Caltech course Bi 1x: The Great Ideas of Biology
- bigstream — Tools for distributed alignment of massive images
- biocircuits — Utilities to accompany *Biological Circuit Design* by Michael Elowitz and Justin Bois.
- biocrnpyler — A chemical reaction network compiler for generating large biological circuit models
- bioencoder — A metric learning toolkit
- bioimage_embed — no summary
- biosmoother — On-the-fly processing and visualization of interactome data
- bizkit — A package that streamlines business data analytics
- bkheatmap — A Bokeh heatmap for Python
- Blankly — Rapidly build, backtest & deploy trading bots
- bliss-deblender — Bayesian Light Source Separator
- bliss-toolkit — Bayesian Light Source Separator
- bloqade-analog — Analog neutral atom software development kit
- bmark-py — Benchmarking tool
- bokcolmaps — Colour map plots based on the Bokeh visualisation library
- bokeh-catplot — DEPRECATED. Utility to generate plots with categorical variables using Bokeh.
- bokeh-django — Utility to integrate Bokeh with Django Channels
- bokeh-fastapi — Compatibility layer between Bokeh and FastAPI
- bokeh-joystick-widget — A Bokeh on screen gesture/mouse drag based joystick widget for use in a dashboard with controls
- bokeh-plot — Matlab-inspired call syntax for bokeh plots
- bokeh-resources — Jupyter extension to serve bokeh resources (js and css files).
- bokehgraph — Interactive Graph visualization for networkX Graphs
- bokehheat — A python3 bokeh based boolean data, categorical data, numerical data, dendrogram, and heatmap plotting library.
- bokehlab — Interactive plotting with familiar syntax in Jupyter notebooks.
- bokehmol — Tools for plotting molecules in Bokeh
- bokger — A logging package that generates debugging information in html.
- bokodapviewer — A simple OpenDAP data viewer based on the Bokeh visualisation library
- boonlab — Boon AI Jupyter Environment
- bootcamp-utils — Utilities for use in the Introduction to Programming in the Biological Sciences Bootcamp.
- boreal — Bokeh Reactive Audio Library
- breizorro — Creates a binary mask given a FITS image
- Broad-GenePy — A useful module for any CompBio