Reverse Dependencies of bokeh
The following projects have a declared dependency on bokeh:
- dgbpy-dm — Useful dgb stuff.
- digripy — District Heating Grid Simulation in Python
- disiple — A lightweight package aimed at teaching DSP with Jupyter Notebooks
- — Distribution Feeder Conversion Tool
- diva — Analytics dashboards made simple
- divina — Package for causal, scalable forecasting
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- django-chart-compare — Compare matrices in a django app
- dlio-profiler-py — I/O profiler for deep learning python apps. Specifically for dlio_benchmark.
- DLTKDL — DLTKDL is a wrapper for TensorFlow and Keras that makes deep learning and AI more accessible and easier to apply
- docassemble.InterviewStats — A docassemble extension, to view stats from other interviews
- domaps — Python library for dynamic organellar maps
- dominance-analysis — Dominance Analysis
- doppyo — Diagnostics and verification package
- dphox — no summary
- dpi-sc — An end-to-end single-cell multimodal analysis model with deep parameter inference.
- drcell — GUI to generate, cluster and optimize dimensionality reduction output
- driven — driven - data-driven constraint-based analysis
- dsbundle — Streamline your data science setup with dsbundle in one effortless install.
- dsspy — A high-level python interface for OpenDSS
- dvh-analytics — Create a database of DVHs, views with Bokeh
- dvha — Create a database of DVHs, GUI with wxPython, plots with Bokeh
- dye-score — Utilities to build the dye-score metric from OpenWPM javascript call data.
- dyntapy — Macroscopic Static and Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Python
- earthshot — Earthshot Labs Central Python Package
- ebokeh — Enhanced Ebokeh, make charting much easier!
- echopop — A tool to generate biological estimates from acoustic data collected from echosounders
- ecubevis — Earth CUBE VISualization with Python
- eleanor — Source Extraction for TESS Full Frame Images
- embedding-lenses — no summary
- emd-falsify — Original implementation of the EMD (empirical model discrepancy) model comparison criterion
- emdcmp — Original implementation of the EMD (empirical model discrepancy) model comparison criterion
- emp-orderly — no summary
- emulsion — Epidemiological Multi-Level Simulation framework
- enerpi — AC Current Meter for Raspberry PI with GPIOZERO and MCP3008
- enigmx — enigmx package
- enstools — no summary
- entropylab — no summary
- eopf — Earth Observation Platform Core Python Modules
- equolver — Development Status :: 4 - Beta
- erect — Build system
- esi-syncopy — A toolkit for user-friendly large-scale electrophysiology data analysis. Syncopy is compatible with the Matlab toolbox FieldTrip.
- etabackend — Extensible Timetag Analyzer
- evcouplings — A Framework for evolutionary couplings analysis
- evomatic — Evolutionary algorithm for development of alloy materials
- excelbird — A front-end framework for Excel.
- exoctk — Observation reduction and planning tools for exoplanet science
- exprec — Exprec records your experiments so you can compare different runs and easily reproduce results.
- fairbench — A fairness assessment framework
- fastbt — A simple framework for fast and dirty backtesting
- fastlbp-baseline-imbg — A wrapper for Ben's LBP bio pipeline
- fathomdata — Python package to make interacting with life sciences manufacturing data quick and intuitive.
- fibad — no summary
- fibomat — fib-o-mat is a toolbox to generate patterns for focused ion beam instruments.
- finance-datareader-hsb — The FinanceDataReader is financial data reader(crawler) for finance.
- financial-canvas — Draw interactive candlesticks on browser canvas from Python.
- fiscalsim-us — FiscalSim federal and state individual tax and benefit system for the US
- fishsound-finder — Python software to automatically detect fish sounds in passive acoustic recordings
- Fittness — A test python package
- fl-henchman — A collection of utility functions for making demo notebooks.
- flasc — FLASC provides a rich suite of analysis tools for SCADA data filtering & analysis, wind farm model validation, field experiment design, and field experiment monitoring.
- flayout — Thin functional/declarative wrapper around the KLayout Python API
- fleettwo — Suraj Bherwani's helper function
- flocklab-tools — Python support for using the FlockLab 2 testbed (flocklab CLI, creating flocklab xml, visualization).
- flooss — A Python package to track personal expenses and build meaningful reports.
- flowchem — Flowchem is a python library to control a variety of instruments commonly found in chemistry labs.
- flowi — no summary
- FlowKit — Flow Cytometry Toolkit
- fluidml — FluidML is a lightweight framework for developing machine learning pipelines. Focus only on your tasks and not the boilerplate!
- fluxdataqaqc — Tools for QA/QC of eddy covariance station data
- fmcore — A specialized toolkit for scaling experimental research with Foundation Models.
- fmldk — Forecast ML library
- — Collection of high-level tools to simplify everyday development tasks, with a focus on AI/ML
- followthemoney-predict — no summary
- fours — Data post-processing for high-contrast imaging with the 4S Algorithm.
- fragile — Framework for developing FractalAI based algorithms.
- freeride — A package for undergraduate microeconomics.
- freqgen — Generate DNA sequences with specified amino acid, codon, and k-mer frequencies.
- FRET-board — Supervise FRET event detection algorithms
- fscan — Fscan tool for monitoring narrow spectral artifacts in LIGO data
- funwavetvdtools — Tools for preprocessing and postprocessing data for FUNWAVE-TVD"
- futon — Create automated bots that trade for you while you sleep
- futuraAiToolbox — Python based toolbox for futuraAi
- fuzzycmeans — Fuzzy c-means according to the research paper by James C. Bezdek et. al
- gaitmap_challenges — A set of benchmark challenges for IMU based human gait analysis
- gaitpy — Read and process raw vertical accelerometry data from a lumbar sensor during gait; calculate clinical gait characteristics.
- gators — Model building and model scoring library
- gazelib — Software tools to manage and analyze data from eye-trackers
- gc-bokeh-app-test — Testing a Bokeh app in conda
- gda-public — Several fundamental TDA tools by Geometric Data Analytics Inc.
- gdf2bokeh — An easy way to map geodataframes on bokeh
- gdsfactoryplus — GDSFactory+: adds powerful features such as foundry PDKs, simulations, and verification tools like DRC and LVS.
- genomenotebook — A genome browser in your Jupyter notebook
- genomeplot — A package for simplifying genome-wide plots
- geogrid-dask — Geogrid Dask
- geogst — geogst is a structural geology module
- geospatial — A Python package for installing commonly used packages for geospatial analysis and data visualization with only one command.
- geoviews — GeoViews is a Python library that makes it easy to explore and visualize geographical, meteorological, and oceanographic datasets, such as those used in weather, climate, and remote sensing research.
- gfpa — Gene function and cell surface protein association analysis based on single-cell multiomics data.
- GhostScan — three-dimensional imaging and projection