Reverse Dependencies of bokeh
The following projects have a declared dependency on bokeh:
- giskard — The testing framework dedicated to ML models, from tabular to LLMs
- github-stats-pages — "Retrieve statistics for a user's repositories and populate the information onto a GitHub static page"
- giverny — library to query the Johns Hopkins Turbulence Database (JHTDB) datasets
- glmdisc — Feature quantization for parsimonious and interpretable models
- gnnfairviz — Official implementation of GNNFairViz
- gnss-models — Tool to generate and evaluate mathematical models from GNSS satellites u-center csv files
- gnss-visualizer — Visualize GNSS data in a web browser
- gobo — no summary
- gollum — An intuitive programmatic and visual interface for precomputed synthetic spectral model grids
- goodfaith — hack with 'goodfaith'
- gplugins — gdsfactory plugins
- gpr-complex — A GPR library that can work with complex numbers
- GRADitude — A tool for the analysis of GRAD-seq data
- graph-et — library for efficient loading of particle-in-cell simulation data produced by a variety of different codes
- graphviper — Visibility and Image Parallel Execution Reduction for Radio Astronomy
- GridPath — A versatile simulation and optimization platform for power-system planning and operations.
- gridwxcomp — Compare meterological station data to gridded data
- GroundingMeasurementApplication — Jupyter Notebook zur Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Auswertung von Erdungsmessungen.
- GSForge — Feature (gene) selection package for gene expression data.
- GTMX — A Python package for Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM)
- h2o-nitro-bokeh — Bokeh plugin for H2O Nitro
- h3mlcore — no summary
- h5analysis — Library to analyse, plot, and export data stored in HDF5 files.
- haplo — no summary
- harpy-analysis — single-cell spatial proteomics analysis that makes you happy
- hciplot — High-contrast Imaging Plotting library
- hgct — Hanzi Glyph Corpus Toolkit
- hgdl — HGDL Optimization
- Hikyuu — Hikyuu Quant Framework for System Trading Analysis and backtester
- hindsight-storedot — jupyter utilities
- hits-x — Updated and modified from Jeff's version.
- hiveplotlib — Visualize Network Data with Hive Plots
- holoext — Holoviews Extension
- holoviews — A high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews.
- holtz-tools — Python utility tools
- hotsoss — Helpful Organizational Tools for SOSS
- hover — Label data at scale. Fun and precision included.
- hovercal — hovercal is a package for visualizing data on a calendar heatmap
- hpb-mumc-dashboard — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- hufflescuff — A widget tool to calculate the Hough Transform of some data, and let you explore the data with a bokeh widget.
- human-learn — natural intelligence benchmarks for scikit-learn
- humlab-disutrano — Media discourses of a sustainable Norrland: journalism, places, and practices in transformation.
- humlab-inidun — INIDUN research project text analysis tools and utilities
- humlab-penelope — Utilities that simplify enelpeing in Jupyter Lab
- humlab-westac — Welfare State Analytics
- hummuspy — HuMMuS is a novel method for the inference of regulatory mechanisms from multi-omics data with any type and number of omics, through a heterogeneous multilayer network framework.
- hvneuro — Neuroscience visualization with HoloViz
- hvplot — A high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews.
- HydroDataset — A Python package for downloading and reading hydrological datasets
- hydropandas — Module by Artesia for loading observation data into custom DataFrames.
- hypycube — HyPyCube framework
- icevision-dashboards — Provides dashboard components and dashboards to get insight into data.
- icpmsflow — Package to work with icpms data
- ida-lib — Image Data Augmentation library
- idact — A library that takes care of several tedious aspects of working with big data on an HPC cluster.
- idaes-pse — IDAES Process Systems Engineering Framework
- ilv — Interactive log visualizer for neural networks using Bokeh
- impactchart — A package for generating impact charts.
- impresso-commons — Python module highly reusable within impresso.
- iMSminer — iMSminer provides user-friendly, partially GPU- or compiler-accelerated multi-condition, multi-ROI, and multi-dataset preprocessing and mining of larger-than-memory imaging mass spectrometry datasets in Python.
- innate-stable — Interpolator and Neural Network Architecture for TEnsors
- intelligraphs — A Python package for using IntelliGraphs benchmarking datasets.
- interactive-classification-metrics — Interactive classification metrics
- ioos-qc — IOOS QARTOD and Quality Control tests implemented in Python
- iop4 — A rewrite of IOP3, a pipeline to work with photometry and polarimetry of optical data from CAHA and OSN.
- iotile-analytics-interactive — A data science bridge for
- iprPy — Interatomic Potential Repository Python Property Calculations and Tools
- IPTKL — IPTK is a library specialized in the analysis of HLA-peptidomes identified through an immunopeptidomics pipeline.
- ipyradiant — Jupyter Widgets for working with RDF graphs
- ipywidgets-bokeh — Allows embedding of Jupyter widgets in Bokeh layouts.
- IQDM — Scans a directory for IMRT QA results
- iqdma — Analyze IMRT QA Report data mined with IQDM-PDF
- iqplot — Generate Bokeh plots for data sets with one quantitative variable.
- irsviz23 — A demonstration project for packaging a Bokeh application.
- isatools — Metadata tracking tools help to manage an increasingly diverse set of life science, environmental and biomedical experiments
- iSeaborn — no summary
- isocompy — An open source library for environmental isotopic modelling
- isoplot — Generate figures from Isocor output
- ivfit — Interactive, visual, fitting toolkit
- iwpc — An implementation of the divergence framework as described here
- jb-caliban — Calcium Imaging and Behavior Analysis
- jcl-datalist — A JupyterLab extension for Dask.
- jgtml — JGT Ml - Machine Learning Tools
- jhub-apps — JupyterHub Apps
- jive — A data analysis package for high-dimensional, multi-block (multi-view) data.
- JKBio — A useful module for any CompBio
- journal-targeter — Journal matching, using title, abstract & references.
- jsmol-bokeh-extension — bokeh extension for jsmol
- julearn — Juelich Machine Learning Library
- jupyter-bokeh — A Jupyter extension for rendering Bokeh content.
- jupyter_book — no summary
- jupyterlabutils — no summary
- justpy — no summary
- Jvis-learn — A generalization of t-SNE and UMAP to single-cell multimodal omics
- jwql — The James Webb Space Telescope Quicklook Project
- katsdpimager — GPU-accelerated radio-astronomy spectral line imager
- kcwidrp — KCWI Data Reduction Pipeline
- kerasvis — Visualize Keras optimizations live in your browser
- — Storage, Retrieval, and Versioning of Infrastructure Networks
- kisters.water.hydraulic-network.visualization — Visualization library for the Kisters Hydraulic Network Storage service