Reverse Dependencies of bokeh
The following projects have a declared dependency on bokeh:
- shinywidgets — Render ipywidgets in Shiny applications
- shot-detector — Python shot detector based on PyAV
- sid-dev — Simulate the spread of COVID-19 with different policies.
- simmate — Simmate is a toolbox for computational materials research.
- simphox — no summary
- simple-hosting-capacity — no summary
- simpledots — Analysis package for smFISH and puncta-like images, focused on simplicity and ease of use.
- sirius — Simulation of Radio Interferometry from Unique Sources
- sisicepy — Python librairy to process Sismic data
- sliderplot — Turn a function into an interactive plot with a single line of code
- smttask — Task wrapper for the Sumatra API
- sneks-sync — Launch a Dask cluster from a virtual environment
- snpio — Reads and writes VCF, PHYLIP, and STRUCTURE files and performs data filtering on the alignment.
- snsphd — Utility and styling functions for A. Mueller's phd thesis
- softpack-builder — SoftPack Builder provides services for building SoftPack environments.
- softpack-core — SoftPack Core backend service.
- software-package-RK-BE103-Caltech — Package created for extra-credit assignment be103a team 18 to analyze microtubule catastrophe.
- solarforecastarbiter — Core framework for Solar Forecast Arbiter
- spade_bokeh — Bokeh server for SPADE agents that integrates with agents web service.
- spadsim — This is a 2D Monte Carlo simulator written in Python to model the operation of single-photon avalanche detectors. It simulates the stochastic avalanche multiplication process of charge carriers following the absorption of an input photon; a successful detection event is defined as the avalanche current exceeding a pre-defined threshold. The simulator output can be used to analyse the photon detection efficiency and its timing characteristics. This program does not directly simulate dark noise.
- sparx-lib — Sparx Implementation
- spatialprofilingtoolbox — Toolbox for spatial analysis of single cell data.
- spectacoular — Library for SpectAcoular interactive applications with Acoular
- spectral-fit-viewer — Spectral Fit Viewer CLI
- spelltest — no summary
- spherical-harmonics — no summary
- splat — SpeX Prism Library Analysis Toolkit
- splot — Visual analytics for spatial analysis with PySAL.
- sprkBE103cit — Package created for extra-credit assignment be103a team 18 to analyze microtubule catastrophe.
- squiggle — DNA Sequence Visualization for Humans.
- ssscoring — ssscoring - Speed Skydiving scoring tools
- stac-generator — Framework providing a plugin architecture for metadata extraction and the generation of STACs.
- starlingrt — [I]nteractive [R]etention [T]ime vi[S]ualization for gas chromatography.
- stgrid2area — Extract and aggregate spatio-temporal data to a specified area.
- STHD — STHD: probabilistic cell typing of single Spots in whole Transcriptome spatial data with High Definition
- stlearn — A downstream analysis toolkit for Spatial Transcriptomic data
- stlmc — An SMT-based bounded model checker for signal temporal logic
- stocksdashboard — A package to build Stocks Dashboards in Bokeh
- stpyvista — Streamlit component to render PyVista 3D visualizations
- stratdev — Financial data aqcuisition and organization system for backtesting trading strategies
- straxen — Streaming analysis for XENON
- stream-graph — A library for Stream Graphs
- streamlit-bokeh — Streamlit component that allows you to render Bokeh charts
- streamlit-bokeh-events — A custom streamlit component to return js event values from bokeh plots to streamlit
- streamlit-bokeh3-events — A custom streamlit component to return js event values from bokeh plots to streamlit
- streamlit-notebook — A notebook interface for Streamlit.
- streamlit-plugins — Components and Frameworks to give new features to streamlit
- sugikey — Drawing Sankey diagrams in Python
- superagentx — The Ultimate Modular Autonomous Multi AI Agent Framework.
- survey_dashboard — A Dashboard displaying survey data in an interactive way and allow for interactive exploration.
- svo_filters — A Python wrapper for the SVO Filter Profile Service
- swedeb-explorer — Swedish parliamentary debate explorer
- SymEnergy — Lagrange multiplier based energy market toy modeling framework
- Sympathy — Sympathy for Data is a visual data analysis and processing platform based on Python.
- systole — Systole: A python package for cardiac signal synchrony and analysis
- taxbrain — Python library for advanced tax policy analysis
- tcapy — Tranasction cost analysis library
- tdms-reader — no summary
- tedana — TE-Dependent Analysis (tedana) of multi-echo functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data.
- teehr — Tools for Exploratory Evaluation in Hydrologic Research
- TelescopeML — An End-to-End Python Package for Interpreting Telescope Datasets through Training Machine Learning Models, Generating Statistical Reports, and Visualizing Results
- tensorflow-similarity — Metric Learning for Humans
- tensorflow-tracer — Runtime Tracing Library for TensorFlow
- testJvis-learn — A generalization of tSNE and UMAP to single cell multimodal data
- tethys-downscaling — Spatial and Temporal Downscaling of Global Water Demands
- TextDataVisualizationGV — This program offers 10 different types of data visualizations, specifically designed to work with textual data.
- tfdatamap — A implementation of the datamap shown in "Dataset Cartography: Mapping and Diagnosing Datasets with Training Dynamics"
- tfsim-nightly — Metric Learning for Humans
- Thalassa — A library for visualizing large scale results of hydrodynamic simulations
- thesaurus-lib — Implemented thesaurus library using SOM
- theto — Workflow automation for exploring location data
- thisnotthat — Tools for interactive visualization and exploration of _data maps_
- tiatoolbox — Computational pathology toolbox developed by TIA Centre.
- ticts — A Python library for unevenly-spaced time series analysis.
- tidyms — Tools for working with MS data in metabolomics
- tissue-tag — Tissue Tag: jupyter image annotator
- titantuner — A package for tuning quality control parameters in titanlib
- tnetwork — temporal network libary
- topik — A Topic Modeling toolkit
- torch-snippets — One line functions for common tasks
- tqpy — A compact, scalable, statistical analysis, and reporting package built on top of pandas, and bokeh.
- traceml — Engine for ML/Data tracking, visualization, dashboards, and model UI for Polyaxon.
- trade-learn — trade-learn Python Package
- traffic-crashes — PSYC 40650 Collaborative Project - Traffic Crashes in Chicago
- trafocalc — Python project with teaching and scientific projects for Transformer Design and Optimization.
- trajdata — A unified interface to many trajectory forecasting datasets.
- tramway — TRamWAy
- transcriptionary — transcript plots
- Traxer — Track and visualize your experiments
- treform — A text mining tool for Korean and English
- treform-new — A text mining tool for Korean and English
- TrenchRipper — no summary
- trendfilter — Useful trendfilter algorithm
- trialtracker — Methods to extract and transform clinical trial data
- triflow — Automatic finite difference discretization for 1D PDE with fast temporal solvers.
- tsa-kul — Macroscopic Static and Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Python
- tsacib — Macroscopic Static and Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Python
- tseuler — A library for Time-Series exploration, analysis & modelling.
- tshirt — A package to analyze time series data, especially for exoplanets
- tssim — .