Reverse Dependencies of bokeh
The following projects have a declared dependency on bokeh:
- knmt — Implementation of RNNSearch and other Neural MT models in Chainer
- knowage-python — Web service for Knowage python widget and python dataset
- kotori — Kotori is a data acquisition, processing and graphing toolkit for humans
- Kregistrar — Monitor of training progress of Deep Learning models built on TensorFlow & Theano
- l2hmc — L2HMC algorithm for sampling in Lattice QCD
- l5kit — Level-5 Autonomous Vehicle Research library
- lacerta — Interactive data viz for science and engineering
- lampa — no summary
- landerslabutils — Landers Lab utilities for ALS compute project
- latent-space-visualizer — A tool for visualizing latent spaces.
- lddl — Language Datasets and Data Loaders for NVIDIA Deep Learning Examples
- leabra-psyneulink — Python implementation of the Leabra algorithm. Forked to package and upload to PyPi.
- leafmap — A Python package for geospatial analysis and interactive mapping in a Jupyter environment.
- leafmap-lite — Leafmap for JupyterLite
- leet-topic — A new transformer-based topic modeling library.
- lightkurve — A friendly package for Kepler & TESS time series analysis in Python.
- lilio — python package for generating calendars for machine learning timeseries analysis.
- litenai — Python library for Liten AI Data platform
- livelossplot — Live training loss plot in Jupyter Notebook for Keras, PyTorch and others.
- llamabot — A Pythonic interface to LLMs.
- loadwright — This package makes it super simple to do exploratory data analysis and develop high-quality Panel data apps ...
- loggraph — no summary
- logloss-beraf — A tool for costructing a limited sized diagnostic panels based on methylation data
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- ltf-abcm — Longtail Financial Augmented Bonding Curve Model
- ltlcross-runner — Python wrapper around tool ltlcross from Spot library
- ltlcross-wrapper — Python wrapper around tool ltlcross from Spot library
- lucit-backtesting — Backtest trading strategies in Python
- luis1996 — my description
- luisito1996 — my description
- luisito19963 — my description
- lumen — A monitoring solution built on Panel.
- luntaiDs — Make Data Scientist life Easier Tool
- lyla — no summary
- magenta-gpu — Use machine learning to create art and music
- magic-cta-pipe — pipeline for the analysis of joint MAGIC+LST-1 data
- malariagen-data — A package for accessing and analysing MalariaGEN data.
- map-maker — no summary
- mapshader — Simple Python GIS Web Services
- masci_tools — masci-tools is a collection of tools for materials science.
- massdash — massdash
- MASSiveChem — MASSIVEChem is a pip-installable package for analytical chemistry. It simulates molecule mass spectra and graphically displays them. It includes tools like a functional group finder and unsaturation calculator to aid chemical analysis.
- MDSuite — A postprocessing tool for molecular dynamics simulations.
- medaprep — no summary
- mesmerize — Calcium imaging analysis platform
- MESSENGERuvvs — Routines for working with MESSENGER UVVS data
- metacast — A package for broadcasting epidemiological and ecological models over meta-populations.
- metadrive-simulator — An open-ended driving simulator with infinite scenes
- metallurgy — Calculates approximate properties of alloy compositions.
- metaVis — metaVis: An integrated data upload and interactive heatmap visualization tool built for exploratory data analysis and introspection.
- metrics-as-scores — Interactive web application, tool- and analysis suite for approximating, exploring, understanding, and sampling from conditional distributions.
- metriculous — Very unstable library containing utilities to measure and visualize statistical properties of machine learning models.
- metricx — A library for managing, exploring, and analyzing benchmark data.
- micro-cata — Package that will help us analyze microtuble catastrophe data.
- microarviz — Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models
- microtubule-meganwang08 — microtubule catastrophe Bebi103a package
- midi-point-set — Convert MIDI files to point set representation.
- milkfrog — Prototyping a Quality Assessment Tool with Parameterized Quality Models
- mineapy — mineapy, Minimum network enrichment analysis in Python
- minitrade — A personal automated trading system
- Mistic — Mistic: A package for rendering multiple multiplexed images simultaneously
- mitty — Simulator for genomic data
- ML-Navigator — ML-Navigator is a tutorial-based Machine Learning framework. The main component of ML-Navigator is the flow. A flow is a collection of compact methods/functions that can be stuck together with guidance texts.
- ml4h — Machine Learning for Health python package
- MLapp1 — "MLapp"
- mllam-data-prep — dataset preparation for data-driven weather models
- mlrun — Tracking and config of machine learning runs
- mmanalysis — MultiModalAnalysis is a package to easily postprocess GIWAXS data.
- mne-bids-pipeline — A full-flegded processing pipeline for your MEG and EEG data
- moana-golmschenk — no summary
- mobility-virtual-environment — The Mobility Virtual Environment (MoVE) tests multi-vehicle mobility scenarios.
- modelling2 — Tools used for hydraulic modelling
- mofdscribe — Ecosystem for digital reticular chemistry
- MolBokeh — Simple package to display molecules images in bokeh interactive charts.
- moraine — Modern Radar Interferometry Environment, A simple, stupid InSAR postprocessing tool in big data era
- morphomapping — Analyze ImageStream Data
- mosaiks — Use the MOSAIKS algorithm to create features from satellite imagery
- movingpandas — MovingPandas provides trajectory data structures and functions for handling movement data based on Pandas, GeoPandas, and more. Visit for details.
- mpes — Distributed data processing routines for multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy (MPES)
- mpet — Multiphase porous electrode theory
- mrspuff — A library for Deep Learning education.
- msticnb — MSTIC Notebooklets
- msticpy — MSTIC Security Tools
- msutils — Tools for playing with Measurement sets.
- multibacktesting — Backtest trading strategies in Python
- multibacktesting2 — Backtest trading strategies in Python
- multidimio — Cloud-native, scalable, and user-friendly multi dimensional energy data!
- multiel-spectra — Multi-Element Fluorescence Xray Spectra Generator
- multiple-backtesting — Backtest trading strategies in Python
- MyST-NB — A Jupyter Notebook Sphinx reader built on top of the MyST markdown parser.
- myst-nb-bokeh — MyST-NB-Bokeh includes functions for gluing and pasting Bokeh figures in MyST documents.
- mzn-bench — SLURM scheduling functionality and a collection of scripts to process the resulting data
- nabPy — Python Library for the Nab Experiment
- napari-hsi-analysis — Napari plugin to perform analysis on Hyperspectral Imaging datasets.
- ncplot — Interactive viewing of NetCDF data
- ndlib — Network Diffusion Library
- neogidashboard — Dashboard for visualizing data
- neptyne-kernel — The Neptyne kernel
- netcdfella — Netcdfella is providing multiple ways to convert netcdf filed into other data types such as ASCII, PNG and JPG, and even create graphs.
- netpyne — A Python package to develop, simulate and analyse biological neuronal networks in NEURON.