- acore-df — Azerothcore DataFrame.
- acore-paths — Azerothcore World of Warcraft Server File / Folder structure definition.
- acore-server — AzerothCore World of Warcraft Logic Server Data Model.
- acore-server-bootstrap — Package short description.
- acore-server-config — Azerothcore World of Warcraft fleet of Servers configuration management.
- acore-server-metadata — Azerothcore WOW server metadata for Fleet management.
- acore-server-monitoring-core — Azerothcore Server monitoring core Python library.
- acore-server-monitoring-measurement — Capture Azerothcore server monitoring measurement data.
- acore-soap — Azerothcore World of Warcraft Soap request and response Python library.
- acore-soap-agent — An agent deployed along with the azerothcore worldserver.
- acore-soap-app — Azerothcore World of Warcraft Soap Remote Access Python Library.
- acore-soap-remote — An SDK for running Azerothcore GM command remotely in batch securely.
- acore-spellscript-refactor — tool that finds the first SpellScript by searching for public SpellScriptLoader in a file and converts it to use registry macros
- acorn — Automated computational research notebook.
- acornwalk — ECMAScript AST walker for the ESTree format. Python translation of acorn-walk
- acos-client — A10 Networks ACOS API Client
- acoss — Audio Cover Song Suite (acoss): A benchmarking suite for cover song identification tasks
- acoular — Python library for acoustic beamforming
- acoupi — Classifier for bioacoustic devices
- acoupi_batdetect2 — An acoupi-compatible BatDetect2 model and program.
- acous — Acoustics computing package for Python
- acousondePy — no summary
- acoustic-analyser — An Open Source package to perform nodal analysis on simple 2D structures using wave based approach
- acoustic-emission-analysis-wfs-to-wav — A updated and adjusted forked project for importing acoustic emission analysis data from wfs files and converting them to wav files.
- acoustic-odometry — Acoustic Odometry library
- acoustic-toolbox — Acoustic Toolbox module for Python.
- AcousticExport — no summary
- acoustics-hardware — Controlling hardware used in acoustic measurement systems
- acoustics-toolbox — Tout pour l'acoustique
- acousticspy — Lots of simple acoustics calculations, all in one place.
- acoustipy — Tools for characterizing the acoustic performance of porous materials.
- acoutreams — A Python package for acoustic scattering based on the T-matrix method
- acp — anywhere copy'n paste
- acpi-backlight — no summary
- acpibacklight — Library and script for changing brightness on Linux via acpi. Allows for easing animations too!
- acpipe-acjson — acpipe_acjson is the python3 acjson base library. acjson - assay coordinate json - is a file format developed to log complicated biological wetlab experiment layouts.
- acppred — Screening anticancer peptide from amino acid sequence data
- acpype — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- acq4-autopatch — Automated cell patching extension for ACQ4
- acq400-hapi — A python package for connection ACQ400 series D-TACQ products.
- acqdp — Alibaba Cloud Quantum Development Platform
- acqpack — Library for instrument control and automated data acquisition
- Acqua — no summary
- acquantum-connector — no summary
- acquantum-qiskit — A qiskit provider for the Alibaba's quantum computer.
- acquifer — Utilitary functions when working with image datasets acquired with an ACQUIFER Imaging Machine microscope
- acquifer-napari — Loader plugin for napari, to load Acquifer Imaging Machine datasets in napari, using dask for efficient lazy data-loading.
- acquire — A tool to quickly gather forensic artifacts from disk images or a live system into a lightweight container
- acquire-imaging — no summary
- acquire_movie_data — no summary
- acquire-zarr — Python bindings for acquire-zarr
- acquirest — AcquiRest is a web service that turns PostgreSQL database into RESTful API.
- Acquisition — Acquisition is a mechanism that allows objects to obtain attributes from the containment hierarchy they're in.
- acquisition-case-transform — Fix typograpic errors / non-standard Supreme Court citations
- acquisition-decisions-legacy — Processes decisions before 1996. The Philippine Supreme Court's digital library starts in 1996.
- acquisition-decisions-sc — Processes decisions starting 1996 to present date. The Philippine Supreme Court's digital library starts in 1996.
- acquisition-extractor — Parse statute, decision data from a specified location
- acquisition-ruling-phrase — Pattern matching common phrases in Supreme Court decisions indicating the start of content with doctrinal value.
- acquisition-sanitizer — Clean scraped decisions for better pattern matching.
- acquisition-statute-parser — Parse statutes into fields after acquisition from scraping.
- acr-cloud — acrcloud music recognition wrapper
- acr122u-websocket — A webserver that connects to a acr122u and exposes it over websocket
- AcraNetwork — Classes and utilities to support Flight Test Instrumentation Ethernet networks
- acrcasppi-ml — A package for predicting protein-protein interaction between CRISPR-associated protein (Cas) and Anti-CRISPR protein (Acr).
- acrclient — API wrapper for the v2 ACRCloud API
- acrcloudclient — An AcrCloud Client for Python
- acres — Access resources on your terms
- acribis-scores — Implementation of several cardiovascular risk scores
- acrl — no summary
- acrm — An Arch Linux custom repository manager
- acro — ACRO: Tools for the Automatic Checking of Research Outputs
- acrocord — Python API for PostreSQL database
- acrod — Automatic Computation for Robot Design (ACRoD)
- acrome — Hardware abstraction library for Acrome Robotics products
- acrome-premium — Hardware abstraction library for Acrome Robotics products
- acrome-smd — Python library for interfacing with Acrome Smart Motion Devices (SMD) products.
- acron — Lightweight scheduler
- acronym — ACRONYM (Acronym CReatiON for You and Me)
- acronym-alias — A smart alias management system to shorten your shell commands.
- ACROPOLIS — A generiC fRamework fOr Photodisintegration Of LIght elementS
- acros — Vision/Audio/Text AI SDK from pibo robot
- acrosort-tex — no summary
- across — Run Python code across different machines
- across-burstcube — ACROSS API Python client for BurstCube
- across-py — across sdk in python
- acrosure-sdk — SDK for Acrosure api
- acrt — no summary
- acru-l — no summary
- acru-l-toolkit — no summary
- acrud — no summary
- acrv-datasets — Datasets manager for the Best of ACRV
- acryl-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- acryl-datahub-actions — An action framework to work with DataHub real time changes.
- acryl-datahub-airflow-plugin — Datahub Airflow plugin to capture executions and send to Datahub
- acryl-datahub-classify — Library to predict info types for DataHub
- acryl-datahub-cloud — no summary
- acryl-datahub-dagster-plugin — Datahub Dagster plugin to capture executions and send to Datahub
- acryl-datahub-gx-plugin — Datahub GX plugin to capture executions and send to Datahub
- acryl-executor — An library used within Acryl Agents to execute tasks
- acryl-iceberg-legacy — Acryl maintained copy of Iceberg Python bindings. Iceberg is a new table format for storing large, slow-moving tabular data