- acenda — acenda python sdk
- acentoweb.addusergroup — Adds new users automatically to groups
- acentoweb.collectionactions — Behavior to move and copy items
- acenus — no summary
- aceofbases — ACEofBASEs, a careful evaluation of BaseEdits
- acepython — Python wrapper for the FORTRAN ACE code.
- aceql — Python 3 Client toolkit for easy access of remote SQL databases managed with AceQL HTTP.
- acequia — Python package for reading, writing and analyzinggroundwater head time series.
- acerlinnester — A small example package
- acertmgr — An automated certificate manager using ACME/letsencrypt
- aces-apps — A collection of utilities developed out of the ACES working group to support the processing of ASKAP data.
- aces-metric — ACES metric for evaluating automated audio captioning models based on the semantics of sounds
- aceso — Lightweight package to calculate 2SFCA and other measures of spatial accessibility
- acesql — Access to ACE Databases
- acestock — A gateway for jonpy on A stock market.
- acestream — Interact with the AceStream Engine and the HTTP API
- acestream-launcher — Open AceStream links with a Media Player of your choice
- acestream-search — Produces acestream m3u playlist, xml epg or json data.
- ACETH — no summary
- aceto — Accelerated Charge and Energy Transfer Objects
- acetolang — A programming language on a Hilbert curve
- acetone — Glue code removal.
- acetone-nnet — Predictable programming framework for ML applications in safety-critical systems.
- aceui — 基于Selenium的UI自动化测试框架
- aceye — Business ready documents from Cisco ACI
- acf — Lightweight recommender engine
- acfile — File format allowing math operations, variables, and sections.
- acfr — Angle Correction for Rotators
- acfun-get — acfun, A站视频下载工具
- acfun-upload — AcFun 命令行投稿工具。Upload video to AcFun with Python.
- acfunsdk — acfunsdk - UNOFFICEICAL
- acfunsdk-ws — acfunsdk - websocket
- acg — API client generator.
- acg-feature-extractor — General feature extractor
- acgaws — Library for reusable aws code
- acgc — A collection of data analysis programs used by the Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Change (ACGC) research group
- acgen-by-den — This is a project developed by Serem for development purposes
- acglib — Library for reusable cloud code
- ach-calc — ach_calc
- ach-file — Highly configurable and permissive library to generate ACH files
- achaekek — Python library for the Manifold markets API.
- achain — Library used for chaining together synchronous and asynchronous functions for data transformation
- achakra — A useful module
- achallonge — A python library to use the Challonge API
- achallonge-compat-fork — A python library to use the Challonge API
- achan-test — Proto IDL for Data Catalog Service
- achat — asynchronous wrapper over the chatsonic api for the python programming language
- achatbot — An open source chat bot for voice (and multimodal) assistants
- acheck — Causal Annotation Correction Tool
- acheeve — Package coodinating multiple chembees
- acheron — Plotting and recording program for Asphodel devices
- achievements — A lightweight achievements framework.
- achilles — Distributed/parallel computing in modern Python based on the multiprocessing.Pool API (map, imap, imap_unordered).
- Achilterm — A lightweight UTF-8 web based terminal
- achintya-toolkit — This is your one-stop-shop for all the cool and handy code snippets you'll ever need to make ML and DL as easy as pie!
- achironet-paynow — Paynow Python SDK
- achn — achn: package for attribute-like chained function calls
- acho-sdk — Acho Python SDK
- achoz — Search through all your documents like web
- achso — AtCoder Helper Suite
- AchtechCorrector — Exam-Corrector
- Achyut-calculator — This is a basic calculator
- aci-utils — Define una clase para interactuar con la API de Cisco ACI
- aci2apstra — A tool for converting an ACI APIC configuration to an Apstra configuration, outputted as a Terraform configuration.
- acia — The acia library provides utility functionality for analyzing 2D+t time-lapse image sequences in microfluidic live-cell imaging experiments.
- aciclean — ACIClean is a tool that helps you clean up your Cisco ACI infrastructure by detecting and reporting on unused objects.
- acid-box — acid-box
- acid-chess — The Chess Computer for nerds, by nerds.
- ACID-code — Returns line profiles from input spectra by fitting the stellar continuum and performing LSD
- acid.senza.templates — Senza template for the automatic PosgreSQL DB deployments
- acid-vault — Python Password Vault
- acid-xblock — Acid XBlock Test
- acidcli — ACID Command Line Interface.
- acidcli-altran — ACID Command Line Interface.
- acidcli-zebra — Run Gitlab pipelines locally
- acidfile-optelgroup — ACID transaction with common files
- acidfs — ACID semantics for the filesystem.
- acids-msprior — MSPRIOR: A multiscale prior model for realtime temporal learning
- acids-rave — RAVE: a Realtime Audio Variatione autoEncoder
- acie — This project is an implementation of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to extract relevant information from an Aadhaar card.
- Aciembler — A CAIE 9618 assembler
- acinf — AC Infinity Controller 69 Pro command-line and API
- acinonyx — Asinoyx is a package which can simplify your multiprocessing implementation
- acintellisense — Assetto Corsa intellisense stubs helper
- Acisoaie-first-hello — no summary
- acit1515 — Tests and utilities for ACIT 1515
- acit4040-config-helper — no summary
- ackack — no summary
- Ackbar — A Python program to assess Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) delimitation.
- ackermann — A project cli command and config library
- ackit — simple and pure python package and like pyahocorasick.
- ackl — A Python library for kernels used in analytical chemistry
- ackley — A Python package to generate Ackley Function values.
- acky — A consistent API to AWS
- acl-anthology-py — A library for accessing the ACL Anthology
- acl-iitbbs — Fetch attendance from ERP and Pretty Print it on Terminal.
- acl-log — auto logger for uptime, RAM and NVIDEA GPUs
- acl-mngt — Parse acl config as string, generate vendor specific config.
- acl2-bridge — Connect to an ACL2 Server from Python
- acl2-kernel — Jupyter Kernel for ACL2