- actionpi — Action/Dash camera powered by Raspberry Pi Zero
- actionqueues — Framework for executing actions and rollbacks
- actionrules-lukassykora — Action rules mining package
- actions-in-fly — Test several CI/CD mechanic
- actions-includes — Tool for flattening include statements in GitHub actions workflow.yml files.
- actions-ips — A list of the GitHub Actions IP Addresses
- actions-lib — no summary
- actions-paket-test-vol1234 — Package Test
- actions-pipeline-example — Dummy project to test GitHub actions
- actions-python-core — Actions core lib
- actions-python-github — Actions github lib
- actions-security-analyzer — Analyze the security posture of one or more GitHub Actions
- actions-server — A very simple, multi-threaded HTTP server
- actions-set-lib — no summary
- actions-test — no summary
- actions-toolkit — 🛠The GitHub ToolKit for developing GitHub Actions in Python.
- actionsBy — This package contains the base file where we can perform the click, displayed, sendkeys using any locators like id, name, xpath by just pass the parameters to the function
- actionsheets — Provides a large collection of searchable quick-reference code-snippet sheets defined in terms of a desired action and corresponding code snippet.
- actionsMCP — This package provides the necessary parameters to perform actions on MCP
- actionspytoolkit — GitHub Actions Development Tools in Python.
- ActionsToolkit — A Python toolkit for building GitHub Actions
- ActionStreamer — A library for the ActionStreamer API.
- actiontest — actiontest PyPI (Python Package Index) Package
- actionweaver — An Application Framework for Building LLM Agents
- actipy — Python package to process wearable accelerometer data
- activate — Replace with an ACTiVATED one
- activate-aiida — a package to activate an aiida environment, from a yaml config file
- Activate-App — Activate is a free activity log and analysis tool.
- activate-virtualenv — Add your description here
- activated-notebook-importer — An Activated AI utility for importing Jupyter notebooks as Python modules
- activation-extractor — Extracting intermediate activations/embeddings from any Pytorch model
- activation-functions — Basic activation functions
- activationFunctionVisualizer — A package to visualize activation functions
- activations — activations: a package contains different kinds of activation functions
- activator — Advanced Firebase
- Active-Alchemy — A framework agnostic wrapper for SQLAlchemy with a simple active record like api
- active-erroring — This package can be used to raise custom errors and have fun.
- active-learn — A tool for Deep Active Learning
- active-learner — Active Learner for Phrase Extraction
- active-learning-img-augmentation-utils — no summary
- active-list-mc — Facade to simplify usage of Gtk.TreeView
- active-pr — an active report of PRs in the github
- active-pre-train-ppg — Unsupervised pre-training with PPG
- active-record-mc — Simple ORM for basic operations in SQLite databases
- active-sample — An active learning sampler
- active-semi-supervised-clustering — Active semi-supervised clustering algorithms for scikit-learn
- active-time-scheduling — A collection of methods for Active Time Problem
- active-transformers — Active Learning for Transformer with focus on Sequence Tagging tasks
- active-wrapper — Continuing the project from The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation.
- active911-python — Python bindings for active911 API
- activecampaign — ActiveCampaign API client
- activecampaign-python — API wrapper for ActiveCampaign written in Python
- ActiveCollab — A python library working with activeCollab
- activeconfigparser — A tool that extends configparser to enable enhanced processing of .ini files.
- activeconfigprogramoptions — Program options configuration file reader using ActiveConfigParser.
- Activeconnect — Python package to access Activeconnect API
- activedirectory — Easiest way to interact with ActiveDirectory / AD / LDAP Servers from Python, pure python approach.
- ActiveDirectoryEnum — Enumerate Active Directory with standard vectors
- activedirectorytoolsforpython — Set of tools for Active Directory using python.
- activeft — Efficiently fine-tune large neural networks by intelligent active data selection
- activegraf-python — ActiveGraf ultimate what-if analysis tool API package
- activejson — A convenient library to deal with large json data
- activelearner — This is a library to use Active Learning in Text Classification and Topic Modeling.
- activeledgerPythonSDK — activeledgersdk is a package to use full functions of activeledger for Python developers
- activeledgersdk — activeledgersdk is a package to use full functions of activeledger for Python developers
- activelog — no summary
- activeml — A streamlit app for visual data anlysis, processing and machine learning
- activemodel — Make SQLModel more like an a real ORM
- activemq-api-client — A Python client for ActiveMQ REST API
- activereader — Garmin TCX and GPX file readers for running activities.
- activerest — Python REST resource client, modeled on Ruby on Rails' ActiveResource.
- activesoup — A pure-python headless browser
- activeSVC — Active feature selection method with support vector classifier.
- activetick-http — Pandas wrapper for ActiveTick HTTP Proxy
- activetigger — ActiveTigger in Python
- activetune — Activetune Python SDK
- activewindow — Active window information
- activeworkflow-agent — Helper library for writing ActiveWorkflow agents
- actividadnumerosprimos — A tool to perform mathematical operations.
- activipy-pgsql — A PostgreSQL Environment for Activipy
- activity-4-entrega-Programacion-Ciencia-de-datos — A data analysis project for PEC4 UOC, Master Data Science
- activity-browser — Placeholder package for the Brightway2 GUI: Activity Browser
- activity-detection-evaluation — Library for evaluating activity detection
- activity-monitor — A sort of tumblelog-y thing heavily based on code I got somewhere.
- — null
- activity-tools — ActivityPub building blocks for Python
- activity-trace — A small example package
- activity-tracker — DAU/MAU tracker
- activity7-tmota — A small example package
- activitypub — A general Python ActivityPub library
- activitypub-py — Yet another ActivityPUB framework written in Python.
- activitypub-utils — Various classes and functions for ActivityPub servers
- activitypubdantic — Pydantic Models for ActivityPub with Classes for Enabling Interactions
- ActivityRelay — Generic LitePub relay (works with all LitePub consumers and Mastodon)
- activitysim — no summary
- ActivityStream — no summary
- activitystreampython — A convenience library to make retrieving data from the Activity Stream Data Service API easier
- activitystreams — ActivityStreams 2.0 JSON implementation
- activitystreams2 — An activity streams 2 library
- activityTasks-udacity-inventrohyder — A Activity and Tasks package