- acryl-PyHive — Python interface to Hive
- acryl-sqlglot — An easily customizable SQL parser and transpiler
- acrylic — A simple and intuitive library to work with colors in python
- AcrylicTK — Allows acrylic/transparent effect on tkinter
- acryo — An extensible cryo-EM/ET toolkit for Python.
- aCrypt — Ciphering made easy.
- acs — Azure Container Service command line tools
- acs-axiom — A prototype utility for validating/applying metadata templates for scientific data.
- acs-classifex — A Python package for training a custom NER model using spaCy
- acs-cli — A command line interface to the Alfresco Content Services REST API
- acs-download — Download American Community Survey (ACS) complete Public Use Micro Sample (PUMS) data files from census FTP server.
- acs_examine_student_assignment — Console app and Python API for automated assignment examination of our ACS students
- acs-explorer — A python package that helps user to search for and analyze ACS data.
- acs_extract_student_assignments — Console app and Python API for extracting assignments from exam archives of our ACS students
- acs_student_attendance — Console app and Python API for analyzing and reporting the lab attendance of our ACS students
- acs_student_mail_harvester — Console app and Python API for harvesting email addresses of our ACS students
- acs-wrapper — A wrapper for the American Community Survey Data
- acsaver — acfunsdk - AcSaver
- ACSCeND — A deep learning tool for bulk RNA-seq deconvolution and Stem Cells Sub-Class prediction.
- acsclient — Access Cisco ACS 5.6 API
- acse-9-irp-wafflescore — ML for Automatic Facies Classification
- AcSecurity — A security scanner for applications.
- acsefunctions — Computes acsefunctions
- acsets — Access to ACSets through python.
- acshell — the commandline shell for python and pypy AtCoder user
- acslib — A library for interacting with Access Control Systems like Genetec or Ccure9k
- ACSNI — automatic context-specific network inference
- acsoo — Acsone Odoo Dev Tools
- acsploit — A tool for generating worst-case inputs for algorithms
- ACSpy — Package for working with ACS motion controllers.
- acss-core — Pipeline for accelerators
- acstools — Python Tools for HST ACS
- ACStubeCode — data analysis code for tube data
- acsuite-orangechannel — Frame-based cutting/trimming/splicing of audio with VapourSynth and FFmpeg.
- acsylla — A high performance asynchronous Cassandra and ScyllaDB client
- ACT-100 — no summary
- act-appliance — An abstraction utility for actifio appliances and it is very useful
- act-atmos — no summary
- act-bin — no summary
- act_dr6_lenslike — Likelihood for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope DR6 CMB lensing data.
- act-neuron — Automatic Cell Tuner
- act-police-archiver — Archive ACT Policing Media Releases
- act-scio — ACT SCIO
- act-workflow — A library for executing workflow nodes based on Actfile configuration
- act365 — Python Client for ACT365
- ACT4E-exercises — no summary
- act4e-mcdp — no summary
- actable — Flexible activity stream supporting multiple associated objects and fast denormalized look-ups
- actag — AcTag: Opti-Acoustic Fiducial Markers for Underwater Localization and Mapping
- actagm — A utility for agm.
- actappliance — An abstraction utility for actifio appliances
- actarius — Opinionated wrappers for the mlflow tracking API.
- actchain — Asynchronous Crypt Trading Chain: A toolkit for building cryptocurrency trading bots with asynchrnous loosely-couplled modules.
- actchainkit — Asynchronous Crypt Trading Chain Kit: A trading kit for actchain
- actcrm-python — API wrapper for Act! CRM written in Python
- ActDeact — Activate and deactivate config files easily
- actdiag — actdiag generates activity-diagram image from text
- acte — A framework to build Tools for AI Agents, a GUI-like solution to enhance Function Calling.
- actelink-computation — Actelink helpers library for computation management
- actelink-variables — Actelink helpers library for variables management
- actfast — no summary
- Actflow — The Brain Activity Flow (Actflow) Toolbox. Tools to quantify the relationship between connectivity and task activity through network simulations and machine learning prediction. Helps determine how connections contribute to specific brain functions.
- actfw — *DEPRECATED* Actcast Application Framework
- actfw-core — Core components of actfw, independent of specific devices
- actfw-gstreamer — actfw's additional components using GStreamer
- actfw-jetson — actfw's additional components for Jetson series
- actfw-raspberrypi — actfw's additional components for RaspberryPi
- actiapi — A python package for accessing ActiGraph data through the official ActiGraph API
- Actifio — Actifio Restful API wrapper for Python.
- actigamma — The package for producing gamma spec from nuclide activities
- actigraph — A library to convert raw accelerometer data to ActiGraph-like "counts".
- actihealth — no summary
- actinet — Activity detection algorithm compatible with the UK Biobank Accelerometer Dataset
- actinfrictionpy — Python package for the dynamics analysis of the paper "Constriction of actin rings by passive crosslinker".
- actingweb — The official ActingWeb library
- actinia-api — API description for actinia-core and official plugins.
- actinia-core — Actinia Core is an open source REST API for scalable, distributed, high performance processing of geographical data that uses mainly GRASS GIS for computational tasks
- actinia-module-plugin — A (RESTFUL) Flask application which adds module self-description and process-chain-template management to actinia-core
- actinia-python-client — Python client library for actinia requests.
- actinis-django-storages — Same as django-storages, but with IBM COS support
- actinrings — Python package for the equilibrium analysis of the paper "Constriction of actin rings by passive crosslinker".
- action — A command-line parser you won't hate
- action-collective — A framework for dynamic action generation and reuse with LLMs
- action-graph — Autonomous agent for task/action planning and execution
- action-hero — Make powerful CLIs with argparse actions that pack a punch!
- action-items-local — PyPI Package for Circles action-items-local Python
- action-rules — The package for action rules mining using Action-Apriori (Apriori Modified for Action Rules Mining)..
- action-sdk-for-cache-mock — sdk used for honeyguide app
- action-set-lib — no summary
- action-trees — Action decomposition and execution framework
- action-updater — Update deprecated command, versions, and other for GitHub actions
- actionable-recourse — actionable-recourse is a python library for recourse verification and reporting.
- actionai — A small library to call local functions using openai function calling
- actioncable-client — ActionCable Client for Python 3
- Actioneer — no summary
- ACTIONet — ACTIONet single-cell analysis framework
- actionfreeze — Schedule a function to run repeatedly for a while.
- actionista-todoist — Actionista Action CLI for Todoist. Add, select, print, reschedule, modify, and complete tasks in a batch-wise fashion from the command line.
- actionlint-py — Python wrapper around invoking actionlint (
- ActionMan — no summary